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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Biblical Perspective on Current Events


By Dr. Stephen Jones:  5-16-2020

Blog Post Date:  5-17-2020

Thirty-two years ago, in May of 1988, God told me that Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton was going to be president and that he would have a vice president from the south, one who opposed him during the primaries but later joined with him. That VP turned out to be Al Gore of Tennessee.

Revelation from God always has a purpose. I have never known Him to do “small talk” or to engage in mere gossip. The revelation of 1988, I suppose, was partly because I lived in Arkansas at the time and knew many things about Clinton long before the general public knew. At any rate, God referred to him as a “beast man,” one having the heart of a beast.

I understood that terminology better as time passed. I now see it in terms of Daniel 4:16, the prophecy that King Nebuchadnezzar fulfilled in Daniel 4:31, 32. It refers to the rulers of Babylon who see and treat people as other animals (very “evolutionary”) and who rule according to self-interest. They eat “grass,” and we know that “all flesh is grass” (Isaiah 40:6; 1 Peter 1:24).

My ministry in Arkansas ended after Bill Clinton moved out of state. He moved to Washington DC in January 1993 to be the 42nd president, and I moved to Washington state—the 42nd state—in November 1993.

By this time, we also knew that Bill and Hillary Clinton were playing the role of Ahab and Jezebel in the biblical story. A few years later, many church prophets were saying the same, yet I know of none of them who expected Bill Clinton to humble himself as Ahab did in 1 Kings 21:29, nor did they have any revelation that his humbling would postpone divine judgment on America for precisely three years (1 Kings 22:1).

Clinton’s humbling came on September 11, 1998 in the wake of the Monica Lewinsky affair. On that day, Bill Clinton confessed his sin at the White House prayer breakfast and read Psalm 51, David’s prayer of repentance after his affair with Bathsheba. But like Ahab before him, his repentance was incomplete. Ahab did not give back the stolen field to Naboth; neither did Clinton end his evil practices. Hence, in both cases, while God gave both of them partial credit by postponing the judgment to the next generation (or presidency), the judgment itself was not cancelled.

Three years after Ahab’s humbling, war broke out between Israel and Syria. Three years after Clinton’s humbling was September 11, 2001, and America’s wars in the Middle East began. The precise timing, of course, should teach men about the sovereignty of God. The world is not run by men—good or evil. The world is run by the Creator Himself, who has every right to interact with the nations and to judge them according to His own laws.

Likewise, God gives men good or evil rulers according to His judgments. Such rulers do not merely bring about divine judgment; they are the judgment. Hence, God gave Judah to be under the authority of King Nebuchadnezzar as a matter of judgment against Judah for its lawlessness (Jeremiah 27:6). Nebuchadnezzar would never have become king if the kings of Judah had been righteous.

Nebuchadnezzar’s heart was changed after acting as a beast for a period of “seven times,” and he then gave glory to God and publicly recognized the God of Daniel as the true God (Daniel 4:34). In fact, the fourth chapter of Daniel was written by Nebuchadnezzar himself. He was not the only king in the succession of beast empires to do so. King Darius did so in Daniel 6:26, decreeing that everyone in his realm should recognize the God of Daniel as the true God.

In later history, we see that the Grecian king, Alexander the Great, came to Jerusalem and paid homage to the God of heaven. I shared this history here:

Still later, Rome finally bowed to the God of heaven as well. So Bill Clinton’s humbling was not without precedent. God has done this with every beast empire throughout history just to show us that He remains sovereign and that these “beast-hearted” kings did not gain power by their own strength or wisdom.

That is perhaps the most important lesson we must know, if we are to have a right perspective of current events. Some love Donald Trump; others hate him. There is no neutrality or indifference among the people. But most people, including Christians, have difficulty recognizing that no president or king is really the one in charge. I have learned over the years to focus not on the works or policies of men, but on the purposes of the sovereign God as he uses men to accomplish His purposes and plans.

Hence, God raised up Donald Trump as a Jehu to destroy the house of Ahab (2 Kings 9:6-10). Whether people like it or not, Trump is doing this, because the purpose of God is to “avenge the blood of all the servants of the Lord at the hand of Jezebel.” Most of those sins have yet to be uncovered to the public, and so Jezebel still has much public support. But the judgment has already been set, and enough prophecy has already come to pass that confirms His word.

I am not on one side or the other; I am on God’s side and am in agreement with His word as revealed to me long ago. In my view, no one can truly understand the current political conflict without understanding its connection to the biblical pattern being replayed since 1993.


By Dr. Stephen Jones:  5-12-2020

Hydroxychloroquine Has about 90 Percent Chance of Helping COVID-19 Patients

In a letter to Gov. Doug Ducey of Arizona, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) presents a frequently updated table of studies that report results of treating COVID-19 with the anti-malaria drugs chloroquine (CQ) and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ, Plaquenil®).

To date, the total number of reported patients treated with HCQ, with or without zinc and the widely used antibiotic azithromycin, is 2,333, writes AAPS, in observational data from China, France, South Korea, Algeria, and the U.S. Of these, 2,137 or 91.6 percent improved clinically. There were 63 deaths, all but 11 in a single retrospective report from the Veterans Administration where the patients were severely ill.

The antiviral properties of these drugs have been studied since 2003. Particularly when combined with zinc, they hinder viral entry into cells and inhibit replication. They may also prevent overreaction by the immune system, which causes the cytokine storm responsible for much of the damage in severe cases, explains AAPS. HCQ is often very helpful in treating autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Additional benefits shown in some studies, AAPS states, is to decrease the number of days when a patient is contagious, reduce the need for ventilators, and shorten the time to clinical recovery.

Peer-reviewed studies published from January through April 20, 2020, provide clear and convincing evidence that HCQ may be beneficial in COVID-19, especially when used early, states AAPS. Unfortunately, although it is perfectly legal to prescribe drugs for new indications not on the label, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended that CQ and HCQ should be used for COVID-19 only in hospitalized patients in the setting of a clinical study if available. Most states are making it difficult for physicians to prescribe or pharmacists to dispense these medications.

Headline: Hydroxychloroquine rated ‘most effective’ coronavirus treatment, poll of doctors finds

An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.

Nonetheless, Dr. Fauci wants to push Gilead’s new drug, costing $1000 per tablet. Gilead is partnered with George Soros.

By the way, now that HCQ’s patent has long expired, and the pill costs just 10 cents, no one has any incentive to do a hundred million dollar double blind study to see if it works against covid-19. There is simply no money in that. For the same reason, no one wants to test any vitamins or minerals to see how they would work. Only new drugs that can be patented are worth testing. The system was set up so that drug companies could claim that their competition’s products are “scientifically untested.”

But a growing number of doctors are starting to have their eyes opened to the political agenda of the FDA and Big Pharma. Follow the money!


In the wake of the declassified documents showing how the government agencies had violated the law and FISA abuse, the DOJ finally dropped its prosecution of General Flynn. Barack Obama then complained that the Rule of Law was been trampled, claiming that Flynn was guilty of perjury and that he was let off “scot-free.” Actually, the Rule of Law was already being trampled, and William Barr’s decision partially restored the Rule of Law.

Flynn’s lawyer responded to Obama’s public complaint in a memorandum reminding the former president of a number of items.

First, General Flynn was not charged with perjury—which requires a material false statement made under oath with intent to deceive.1 A perjury prosecution would have been appropriate and the Rule of Law applied if the Justice Department prosecuted your former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for his multiple lies under oath in an investigation of a leak only he knew he caused.

McCabe lied under oath in fully recorded and transcribed interviews with the Inspector General for the DOJ. He was informed of the purpose of the interview, and he had had the benefit of counsel. He knew he was the leaker. McCabe even lied about lying. He lied to his own agents—which sent them on a “wild-goose-chase”—thereby making his lies “material” and an obstruction of justice. Yet, remarkably, Attorney General Barr declined to prosecute McCabe for these offenses.

Applying the Rule of Law, after declining McCabe’s perjury prosecution, required the Justice Department to dismiss the prosecution of General Flynn who was not warned, not under oath, had no counsel, and whose statements were not only not recorded, but were created as false by FBI agents who falsified the 302.

Secondly, Powell wrote, shortly after Eric Holder became Obama’s DOJ, he moved to dismiss charges against Senator Ted Stevens after a jury had convicted him on multiple counts, because of “egregious misconduct by prosecutors who hid exculpatory evidence and concocted purported crimes.” This was the same reason William Barr dropped the case against Flynn.

Fifth, there is precedent for guilty pleas being vacated. Your alumni Weissmann and Ruemmler are no strangers to such reversals. At least two guilty pleas they coerced by threats against defendants in Houston had to be thrown out—again for reasons like those here. The defendants “got off scot-free” because—like General Flynn—your alumni had concocted the charges and terrorized the defendants into pleading guilty to “offenses” that were not crimes

Sixth, should further edification be necessary, see Why Innocent People Plead Guilty, written in 2014 by federal Judge Jed Rakoff (a Clinton appointee). Abusive prosecutors force innocent people to plead guilty with painful frequency. The Mueller special counsel operation led by Andrew Weissmann and Weissmann “wannabes” specializes in prosecutorial terrorist tactics repulsive to everything “justice” is supposed to mean. These tactics are designed to intimidate their targets into pleading guilty—while punishing them and their families with the process itself and financial ruin.

Seventh… General Flynn did not even know he was the subject of an investigation—and in truth, he was not. The only crimes here were by your alumni in the FBI, White House, intelligence community, and Justice Department.

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