Original Posting Date:
2-12-2005 by Henry Makow
Let's begin by defining the "New World Order."
The mainspring of the New World Order is the desire on the
part of the world's central bankers to translate their vast economic power into
permanent global institutions of political and social control.
Their power is based on their monopoly over credit. They use
the government's credit to print money, and require the taxpayer to fork over
billions in interest to them.
Central banks like the Federal Reserve pretend to be
government institutions. They are not. They are privately owned by perhaps 300
families. It is significant that the majority of these families are Jewish, how significant I am
not yet sure. If they were Lutherans or Zulus, certainly our objections would
be the same.
I am a non-observant Jew who believes this situation is
lethal for humanity and Jews alike. We have already seen the tragic
consequences of it in World War II.
The American inventor Thomas
Edison described this colossal scam, which the New World Order is
designed to perpetuate, as follows:
"It is absurd to say our country can issue bonds and
cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and
the other helps the people."
Central banks also control the supply of credit to businesses
and individuals. Robert Hemphill, Credit Manager of the Federal
Reserve Bank in Atlanta describes this untenable situation.
"This is a staggering thought.
We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow
every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the banks create ample
synthetic money, we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely
without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the
picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible,
but there it is... It is so important that our present civilization may
collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very
soon." "
When the Federal Reserve was inaugurated in 1913, a London
banker acknowledged that it is a scam.
"The few who understand the
system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its
favours, that there will be no opposition from that class... The great body of
the people, mentally incapable of comprehending, will bear its burden without
complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical
(contrary) to their interests."
Obviously printing money should be in the public sphere as
prescribed by the U.S. Constitution. This anomalous situation is the source
of humanity's woes. It pits the people who control the economy
against society as a whole. It is in their interest to destabilize society,
foster immorality, internal division (like gay marriage) and war in order to
increase debt and distract and control the masses.
The bankers are responsible for social engineering programs
such as the (homo) sexual revolution, feminism and multiculturalism, which
undermine family and social cohesion. This fundamental antagonism also supports
a vast criminal underworld actually run by the elites.
The bankers are responsible for the assassinations of
presidents like Lincoln and JFK, and for the attack on the World Trade Center.
They own or control the mass media, which legitimizes G.W. Bush, the war in
Iraq and the impending attack on Iran. War provides an excuse to introduce the
draft and a repressive police state.
Success today is based on a person's willingness to become an
accomplice, witting or unwitting, to the banker fraud. Even rich entrepreneurs
are dependent on credit and are unwilling to support genuine change.
As a result of the bankers' scam, Western society and culture
are based on a fraud. We do not have genuine democracy or equal access to the
mass media or open and truthful education. Western society is a fraud, run by
cowards who know they're frauds.
The New World Order is a hydra-headed monster. The bankers work through many fronts such as Communism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, Zionism, neo conservatism and Freemasonry. Unknown to most members, these "progressive" movements are all secretly devoted to "world revolution" which is a euphemism for banker hegemony. (See my "Rothschild Conducts Red Symphony")
The bankers control the world's major corporations, media,
intelligence agencies, think tanks, foundations and universities. They are
responsible for suppressing the truth. Jews figure prominently in all of this,
a cause of anti Semitism. Of course many other people are pursuing
"success" as well.
The bankers also work through countries. They are largely
responsible for British and American imperialism, whose aim is to monopolize
the world's wealth. In his book "The Jews" (1922) British social
critic Hilaire Belloc writes that the British Empire represented a partnership
between Jewish finance and the British aristocracy.
"After Waterloo [1815] London
became the money market and the clearing house of the world. The interests of
the Jew as a financial dealer and the interests of this great commercial polity
approximated more and more. One may say that by the last third of the
nineteenth century, they had become virtually identical."
The confluence of Jewish and British interest extended to
"Marriages began to take
place, wholesale, between what had once been the aristocratic territorial
families of this country and the Jewish commercial fortunes. After two
generations of this, with the opening of the twentieth century, those of the
great territorial English families in which there was no Jewish blood was the
In nearly all of them was the
strain more or less marked, in some of them so strong that though the name was
still an English name and the traditions those of a purely English lineage of
the long past, the physique and character had become wholly Jewish..."
If the marriage of Al Gore's daughter with Jacob Schiff's
grandson is any indication, this mingling of Jewish and Gentile elites extends
to America as well. John Forbes Kerry is another example.
Belloc continues to say that the British and Jewish goal of
world domination was synonymous and used Freemasonry as an instrument.
"Specifically Jewish institutions,
such as Freemasonry (which the Jews had inaugurated as a sort of bridge between
themselves and their hosts in the seventeenth century) were particularly strong
in Britain, and there arose a political tradition, active, and ultimately to
prove of great importance, whereby the British state was tacitly accepted by
foreign governments as the official protector of the Jews in other countries.
It was Britain which was expected
to intervene [wherever Jewish persecution took place and] to support the Jewish
financial energies throughout the world, and to receive in return the benefit
of that connection."
If Belloc is right, you could say the New World Order is an
extension of the British Empire, in which elite British, American and Jewish
interests are indistinguishable. See also my "The
Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism."
The majority of Jews would want no part of the New World
Order a.k.a. "globalization" if they understood its undemocratic
character and how they are being used.
The true Jewish spirit holds that truth and morality are
absolute and cannot be trimmed to fit one's perceived self interest. G.J.
Nueberger expresses this spirit in his essay "The Great Gulf Between Zionism and Judaism."
"The Jewish people are chosen
not for domination over others, not for conquest or warfare, but to serve G-d
and thus to serve mankind...Thus physical violence is not a tradition or a
value of the Jews. The task for which the Jewish people were chosen is not to
set an example of military superiority or technical achievements, but to seek
perfection in moral behaviour and spiritual purity.
Of all the crimes of political
Zionism, the worst and most basic, and which explains all its other misdeeds,
is that from its beginning Zionism has sought to separate the Jewish people
from their G-d, to render the divine covenant null and void, and to substitute
a "modern" statehood and fraudulent sovereignty for the lofty ideals
of the Jewish people."
The bankers obviously aren't concerned about true Judaism or
racial purity and were quite willing to sacrifice millions of Jews to achieve
their design by backing Hitler. They are sacrificing thousands
more Jewish, American and Muslim lives in the Middle East in their Orwellian
"perpetual war for perpetual peace."
Does the New World Order serve a "Jewish" agenda or
a banker elite agenda?
I would venture that it serves the latter, and the Jewish
people are an instrument of this agenda like so many other people.
By giving private individuals the ability to create money out
of nothing, we have created a monster which threatens to devour the planet and
with it the human race.
New World Order is Here
What does it mean when Fortune
500 companies attack our gender, race and national identity with one
Gillette tells white men that their masculinity is toxic.
Nike rewards Collin Kaepernick for dissing the national anthem. Banks promote
racial and sexual minorities in their hiring and their commercials.
Suddenly dozens of commercials normalize miscegenation and
mixed-race families.
Blue-chip corporations boycotted North Carolina because the governor
would not let trannies in women's bathrooms.
What does it mean when companies put
social engineering ahead of profits?
It means one thing. Corporations are
all controlled by the Masonic Jewish central banking cartel. Before
they just had to finance the two political parties to provide the appearance of
democracy. Now they must promote the Communist (Illuminati) social agenda
themselves. This agenda requires that the white goyim be stripped of their
human identity and re-engineered.
On so many fronts, society is undergoing this induction into
Communism. I'll just mention a few examples.
Banning criticism of Israel and Jews.
("Antisemitism" which is really resistance to Communism.) It was
illegal in the USSR too.
The persecution of Christians and the promotion of everything
else, including Satanism.
The way Russia and the US neatly traded places in terms of
the protection of traditional values like race, religion, family, patriotism
The abandonment of normal immigration procedures and border
defences. The use of migrants from the third world to fragment society.
The loss of free AND CRITICAL cultural expression. If it's
not "politically correct," a Communist Party term, it doesn't get
promoted and seen.
The blatant Satanism and sexual depravity in music, TV and
The total abdication of journalistic principles, common sense
and dignity by the liberal news media.
The fact that the Yellow Vest protests aren't being covered
means the world media is controlled by the Rothschilds.
Did I mention the abandonment of honesty, common decency and
democratic principles by the Left?
Rituals of denunciation, banishment and contrition for people
who offended PC, sometimes decades ago.
The promotion of gender dysphoria to pre-puberty children in
public schools.
And of course the behavior of the corporations mentioned
As I have said, the root of the problem is that a small group
of private bankers create the medium of exchange ("currency" really
fairy dust)
in the form of a government debt to themselves,
something governments could do themselves debt-and-interest-free. Communism is the extension of this Masonic Jewish credit
monopoly to a monopoly over everything: wealth, power, information,
culture, belief.
Since these bankers are Satanists (Cabalists) this involves
the induction of humanity into their cult. But don't celebrate. Satanic cults
are based on exploiting their members by corrupting, perverting and making them
physically sick.
This is the state of Western society today. What is happening
with the Yellow Vests in France is a harbinger of the future everywhere in the
West. They created the surveillance state because they foresee having to
impose their Communist tyranny by force.