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Saturday, July 30, 2016

A New Look at the End Times


Researching and studying Biblical end-times prophecy is sometime I have done, off and on, for many years.  A few years ago, I stumbled upon an author named Chris White and studied two of his books entitled:  Mystery Babylon – When Jerusalem Embraces the Antichrist and False Christ: Will The Antichrist Claim to Be the Jewish Messiah.  These two particular books totally fascinated me because they appeared to almost completely explain the Revelation in understandable and Biblical terms that seemed to make sense to me at the time.  The information in these books, along with writings of Dr. Charles Cooper, inspired me to write a series of articles explaining the end-times scenario presented in the Revelation and Matthew 24. 

If you have read a few of my articles, including the series on Revelation and Matthew 24, on the Freedom from Delusion blog site, you may be aware of my past end-times doctrinal thoughts which are very similar to those of the Chris White books.  Much of this posted material has been removed because I can no longer classify it as accurate. During the past year or so I have withdrawn most direct support for my views of the recent past.  Not that I have totally abandoned all of them, but have placed them on a “wait and see what happens” scenario. 

The Revelation Beasts
The popular and much employed word “antichrist” only appears in the books of 1 John and 2 John.  The word never appears in the book of Revelation, yet it is used by many people and writers as the name of an end-times dictator who will conquer and subdue the majority of the world, kill Christians, instigate the mark of the beast, and declare himself to be “god”.  The exploits of an end-times “antichrist” which is used as an acronym for the Revelation 13 “beast”, has essentially been invented and hijacked by many people through the years by employing Biblical hints, innuendo, and a misunderstanding of a few scriptures.  Actually the concept of an “antichrist” has taken a life of its own.  Many politicians, among other well-known people, have been labeled as the antichrist for many odd and bizarre reasons.  For example, I can remember Ronald Reagan referred to as a candidate because there are six letters in each of the three parts of his name.

Daniel chapter 7 introduces 4 beasts.  Avoiding a commentary concerning Daniel 7, it will be said the four beasts are empires.  Although empires or kingdoms have a king or leader, the beasts themselves do not refer to a king but a vast empire.  These empires are only the ones involved with Israel/Judah and later various parts of the Church.  It is my opinion the two beasts introduced in Revelation 13 are not people but instead are empires, countries, or possibly a corporation or organization and they involve certain aspects of the Church.

The beasts listed in Daniel are symbolic.  They will not literally rise from the sea with multiple horns, heads, and wings.  Yet, many people and commentators insist the two beasts of Revelation 13 are literal men, or Satan incarnate, or someone or thing rising from the abyss (bottomless pit).  They believe these two men will unleash chaos, destruction, and death all across the planet.  Now, the dragon with ten heads is considered symbolic but the two beasts are believed to be real live entities, or so they say.  Do they believe a horde of demonic locusts will arise from the bottomless pit and sting people having the so-called mark of the beast?  Perhaps.  Actually very few of the so-called supernatural events depicted in the book are ever referred to except the identity of the two beasts.

As a side note, the locusts could be the Muslim immigrants unleashed upon what formerly was Christian Europe, Australia, and the USA which are only vaguely Christian today.

Dr. Stephen Jones
Dr. Stephen Jones is a bible teacher, not a pastor or preacher.  http://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.net/

He has an excellent command of the scriptures and his Gospel teachings are superb. I recommend his writings and they are free to read on the above listed website.  Other than Daniel 2 and 7, he interprets all the remainder of the book as historical generally concerning Greece and two of the four empires which emerged after the death of Alexander.  Dr. Jones also interprets the majority of the Revelation as historical and he does a first rate job.  However, this historical interpretation did not agree with me at the beginning and I approached it with a “wait and see” attitude as done with my original doctrine.

The Beasts Identified
With the details of Dr. Jones Revelation teaching, he identifies the first beast as being the Holy Roman empire which began when the western Roman empire expired.  During his time, Napoleon placed the pope in prison where he died.  Later, Napoleon thought he needed a pope to crown him as the Emperor so he resurrected the office with a new pope.

Revelation 13:3 KJV  And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

The Vatican, along with the Roman Catholic Church, is considered the first beast which rises from the sea.  Not all Catholic members are considered the beast, just the leadership, the rituals, the financing, and the propaganda.  This beast, at the total collapse of the Roman Empire, also became the “little horn” of Daniel 7:8 and continues even now.

Daniel 7:8 KJV  I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

The second beast from the earth is purported to be the Rothschild banking system.  The Rothschild family, at some point in the past after the pope was reinstated, supposedly-bank managed the wealth of the Roman Church until sometime in the recent past when the Roman Church created their own banking system.  If this new Roman bank is affiliated with the Rothschild’s is unknown to me.

The Kings of the East
The historical narrative only continues to a certain historical point and then sections become real time.  For example, the “kings of the east” is a current prophecy associated with Russia and China.  These nations are supposedly being used by God to assist in the fall of the banking, financial, mystery, Babylon.  As mentioned above, God has used certain empires and countries to do His will.  Russia and China would be comparable to Babylon, the Persians, and the Medes of the past.

Revelation 16:12 KJV  And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

From:  http://freedomfromdelusion.blogspot.com/2016/07/the-kings-of-east-russia-china.html   It is entirely possible the majority of the banking cartel may destroy itself through massive debt caused by greediness.  China and Russia are now setting up a system of trade payment that bypasses the Bretton Woods petroleum dollar.  Having recently purchased a huge amount of gold, China is attempting to establish a gold backed currency system.  Many countries have supposedly bought into this plan, although not the USA.

According to Benjamin Fulford, and a few others (probably parroting Fulford), a group of Chinese billionaires known by the name of “the White Dragon Society” is attempting to peacefully change the world for the good side.  This society is currently offering to give (or perhaps loan) large amounts of gold to various countries if they will transition to a gold backed currency, protect the environment, and beat their swords into plowshares.  This plan sounds somewhat similar to the Millennium Kingdom of God. 

Russia and China are also responsible for the creation of BRICS, the AIIB, and the SCO. The SCO is the new Shanghai Cooperation Agreement with China, Russia, and now Pakistan and India, previous long term enemies brought together at the time of the Brexit vote by a common rejection of the Cabal’s private central FIAT Banking system which they expect to fail.

The general premise of Dr. Jones historical system and his group’s interpretation of the end-times prophecies is that God will heal the earth through human agents.  The human agent agenda has been used throughout the Old Testament history.  God used several kingdoms and empires to accomplish His will including Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Media, Greece, and the Romans with some perceived supernatural elements added.

Benjamin Fulford
Mr. Fulford publishes a weekly newsletter describing so-called “behind the scenes” highly sensitive information that rarely ever appears in other news sources.  His information is extraordinary and would be great news if it actually came to pass.  However, it should be said, past reports have uncovered various scenarios that did not happen.

The latest Fulford report in outline form can be found at the following link:   http://freedomfromdelusion.blogspot.com/2016/07/fulford-report-outline.html

Fulford Report: Outline

An Outline Summary of the Benjamin Fulford Report: 7-25-2016

As their final plan, the Rothschilds desire to reinstate various European monarchies such as the German, Austro-Hungarian, and Russian.  This reinstatement apparently requires a civil war against a Muslim enemy.

It is said that Muslim terrorists are being financed with money that was supposed to be used to combat carbon induced global warming.

It appears that Muslim terrorist attacks are done by individuals (lone wolves) who are eliminated at the end to avoid trials and possible leaked information.

It is possible that European bank ATMs will be shut down around August or September.  The above mentioned monarchy families will present themselves as saviors by offering large amounts of fiat money in exchange for the reinstatement  of their monarchies.

The possible future monarchy leaders could be:
The head of the European monarchies would be a German Kaiser with four underling kings.  Possible candidates could be the Habsburg or Hohenzollern families such as Karl Habsburg, the Hohenzollern Georg Friedrich Prince of Prussia, or Ferdinand Zvonimir Habsburg-Lothringen

The Tsar of Russia could be Prince Michael of Kent.  Russian sources claim that Putin was put in power by a faction in the KGB that was loyal to the Russian royal family.

Turkey’s Recep Erdogan is attempting to restore the Ottoman Turkish Empire.

These moves, if accomplished, would restore Europe back to its existence prior to World War I.

The answer to these moves could be known by late summer or fall.
Merkel and Hollande could lose their power later this year.

Aka CIA sources, China is considering loaning gold to the USA to protect the dollar but only if Hillary Clinton is indicted.

The Pentagon and other agencies have supposedly forced both Democratic and Republican parties to promise to restore the Glass-Steagall act which would end the Bush/Clinton Khazarian mafia US financial system.

John Kerry is now stating that air conditioners are as big a threat to life as terrorism.  Supposedly 17 years ago the patent on fluorine gas was expiring for Dupont so they got it banned.  Dupont’s new patent for CFC (hydroflourocarbons) is now expiring so they are using Kerry to get CFC’s banned as well.  They will now come up with another product to patent and continue their money supply.

The White Dragon Family has supposedly placed a bounty of a ton of gold on certain individuals:  Jacob de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, Jay Rockefeller, George Soros, Dick Cheney, Paul Kagan, Henry Kissinger, Angela Merkel, Neil Bush, Jeb Bush, Marvin Bush, Michael Mukasey, Scooter Libby, 911 judge Alvin Hellerstein, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, Frank Lowy, Larry Silverstein, Rudolf Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg, Paul Singer, Mark Zuckerberg, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Tony Blair, Haim Saban, Sheldon Adelson, Arnon Milchan, Hank Paulson, Bob Rubin, Sandy Weill (Citigroup) Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs), Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan), and Stanley Fischer.

The bounties will be issued by the Planetary Liberation Army general command in conjunction with the WDS.

The Rothschild bandits may think the South China Sea controversy could start a war and relieve them of the gold bounty problem as stated above.

Pentagon sources claim the Bush family is “reeling from the loss of CIA drug flights to and from Incirlik.” (drug running)

The drone threat over Israel was supposedly sent by Russia.  The drone is said to have disabled 3 Israeli missiles.

Israel is now expected to become a Jewish autonomous zone within the restored Caliphate initiated by Turkey.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Dire Problem with Christian Zionish

The Dire Problem with Christian Zionism

There appears to be Biblical prophecies calling for the return of the Jews to Palestine.  However, the majority of Zionists and Zionist Christians do not understand the teaching of these particular prophets.  To begin, the Zionist Christians are apparently ignorant of the distinction between the nations and the peoples of Old Testament Israel and those of the nation of OT Judah.

At the death of King Solomon, with the ascension of Rehoboam, the original 12 tribes of the original kingdom of Israel became divided due to the promised tax increase of Rehoboam.  The ten northern tribes retained the name of Israel through entitlement because that was the name inherited by Ephraim from Jacob.  The southern tribes of Judah, Benjamin, some Levites and other tribal strays took the name of Judah from the dominant tribe with the scepter kingship promise.

As a supplemental addition to this article, it should be noted that the vast majority of Israeli Jews are not descendants of Abraham.  They are primarily Khazarian converted Jews (most originally came from Russia) with others consisting of an Edomite-Judean mixture created by the Maccabean conquest of the Edomites between the periods of Greek and Roman subjugation prior to the birth of Christ.  The Edomites (descendants of Abraham through Esau), under the Maccabees, were given a choice of either becoming practicing Jews or being killed or expelled.  They chose to become Jews since their goal was to inhabit the land of Palestine.  There may actually be some authentic Judahites among todays so-called Jews.  Regardless of their ethnicity, all the practicing Jews share a common conviction:  their complete hatred for Jesus, Christians, and the Christian Church.  The Palestinians and most Arabs are more Semitic (descendants of Abraham through the linage of Shem) while the Khazarian Ashkenazi Jews are not Semitic at all.

For more information concerning the ethnic origin of current Jews, go to the following links:  True Origins of Professing Jews  /  Who Is a Jew?

In Genesis 48 Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph, aka Ephraim and Manasseh, proclaiming that Ephraim would be the founder of “many nations” and a great nation would arise from Manasseh.  Many consider these nations to be England, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, and the USA.  The Old Testament nation of northern Israel was conquered and deported (exiled) by Assyria starting around 740 BC.  Other than a few individuals, the ten tribes never returned but instead migrated to western and northern Europe, basically becoming the Caucasians of northern and eastern Europe.

The Nobleman
Beginning at Luke 19:12 Jesus tells a story or a parable concerning the Kingdom of God.  Since this parable also relates to real functions of the Church and the Kingdom it is definitely a prophecy.  It deals with a nobleman who went to a distant country to receive for himself a kingdom and then return as king and ruler.  Of course this is about Jesus, the King of the Kingdom, who was resurrected into the presence of God in heaven where He receives His kingdom.  He will later return from His distant country (heaven) as King of the world (or Kingdom) and pronounce His judgments onto the subjects of the kingdom.  Some of the citizens did well with their given gifts and others did not do so well.  There was also a group of citizens who hated the nobleman and sent a proclamation stating they “did not want this man (aka Jesus) to be king over them”. 

Luke 19:14 NET  But his citizens hated him and sent a delegation after him, saying, ‘We do not want this man to be king over us!’

The group of citizens who did not want this (or that) man (Jesus) to be their king were slated to be destroyed in the presence of the king.

Luke 19:27 NET  But as for these enemies of mine who did not want me to be their king, bring them here and slaughter them in front of me!’ “

Tim LaHaye
Tim LaHaye, a noted evangelist and co-author of the Left Behind series recently died.  I am certain he was a good man and loved the Lord but I essentially disagree with the majority of his thoughts and writings.  He was an ardent dispensational, pre-tribulation rapturist, and a Christian Zionist.  His doctrine, along with other like-minded individuals, consists of two plans of redemption of God:  one for so-called Judahites (Israeli Jews) and another for the Church, and some consider the church to be an afterthought.  When the historical interlude of the Church’s existence is taken out of the world with a pretribulation rapture, then God can return to the business of dealing with the Israelites, or Judahites, or Jews, or imposters, or whatever name you may use to identify them.

Dispensational Pipedreams
Dispensational pre-tribulation rapturists claim the church age was created or installed because the bulk of the Judahites, during the life of Jesus, refused to accept Him as the Messiah.  Although the Church was initiated by a band of Judahites, it quickly spread to the Greeks and gentiles (nations).  At the pre-tribulation rapture, there will supposedly occur a time of great tribulation for the Jews and the world at large.  At the return of Jesus, they claim, all the Jews will accept Him as the rightful Messiah, inhabit Israel and Jerusalem as the capitol of the world and will rule the Kingdom or the world with Jesus.  Most Christian Zionists (and most other so-called church people) believe all Christians will be in heaven for evermore playing on harps and singing songs in their great mansions.

However, Luke 19:27 tells us God’s real purpose for the return of the Jews. He brought them back, not for their good, but to judge them at the scene of the crime when they rejected and crucified the Messiah.

Isaiah chapter 29 speaks of the city of Ariel and its destruction.  Ariel is another name for Jerusalem.  According to Easton’s Bible Dictionary: 

A symbolic name for Jerusalem ( Isaiah 29:1 Isaiah 29:2 Isaiah 29:7 ) as “victorious under God,” and in Ezekiel 43:15 Ezekiel 43:16 , for the altar (marg., Heb. ‘ariel) of burnt offerings, the secret of Israel’s lion-like strength.

Isaiah 29:1 KJV  Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt!

What happens to Ariel or Jerusalem?  God lays a siege against it.  The inhabitants will become as dust or chaff.  They will endure an earthquake, a great noise, a fierce storm, and a flame of devouring fire. 

Isaiah 29:3-6 KJV  And I will camp against thee round about, and will lay siege against thee with a mount, and I will raise forts against thee.  (4)  And thou shalt be brought down, and shalt speak out of the ground, and thy speech shall be low out of the dust, and thy voice shall be, as of one that hath a familiar spirit, out of the ground, and thy speech shall whisper out of the dust.  (5)  Moreover the multitude of thy strangers shall be like small dust, and the multitude of the terrible ones shall be as chaff that passeth away: yea, it shall be at an instant suddenly.  (6)  Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.

One commentator has suggested that “the flame of a devouring fire which reduces the residents to dust” sounds much like the aftereffects of a nuclear detonation.

It is my opinion that God has not and will not operate in a dispensational manner.  The Church (as a faith – not a building) is the New Covenant and not an afterthought.  The Old Covenant has been replaced by the New.  The entire world including the Jews are responsible to the New Covenant and the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  There are not two covenants, Old and New, operating simultaneously.  Christian Zionists may have good intentions but they are wrong.

Dr. Stephen Jones:  http://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.net/daily-weblogs/2016/07-2016/the-eighth-beast/
Christian Zionists, who think they are blessing the Jews by paying their way to move to “Israel,” are actually sending them to almost certain destruction. Over and beyond this, they are supporting those who usurped the throne of David and who now usurp the birthright of Joseph. This is the Judas factor that afflicts upon those who do not understand the scriptures.