
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Suppressed Russian Holocaust



Number of Russians reportedly killed by Bolshevik Jews  66,000,000
Number of Jews reportedly killed by German Nazis                               6,000,000
               Something is totally unbalanced with these numbers

The Khazarian Jews attempted to destroy Russia during the Bolshevik era.  Is has been reported that Ashkenazi Jews came from New York to Russia to participate in the Bolshevik-Jew Russia killing spree.  The Bolshevik murder of millions of Russians (66 million is estimated) would make the Jews so-called Holocaust a non-event.  The Jews instituted communism in Russia and Israel is currently operated with a communist-socialist government which is the reason they cannot support themselves and rely on large handouts of Federal Reserve money.  The Khazarian Jews continue to desire the destruction of Russia presumably from a revengeful past history of the Russian overthrow of Khazaria which was their original homeland.  The following links give the historical origin of Khazarian Jews and Edomite Jews:  Khazarian Migration

It is well known by some that the Soviet Union was setup and run by the same New York City Jewish Bolshevik bankers who continue to dominate Russia and the United States through their drug money laundering, human trafficking proxy Chabad Lubavitch which surrounds both Putin and Trump. This is the New York, Moscow, Tel Aviv Axis that is leading humanity to its demise, while fooling many that they are humanity's saviors.

In 1917 the Jewish Chazarians (or Khazarians) overthrew the Russians in a political coup known as the Russian Revolution. It was accomplished by the Communist/Socialist theories of Karl Marx, the son of a rabbi. His full name was Karl Heinrich Mordecai Levy. Most of the revolutionary leaders were Jewish. In fact, the first 258 commissars after the 1917 revolution came from the Lower East Side of New York City. Almost all of them were New York Jews. This was fully investigated in The Overman Report of 1919, headed by US Senator Overman.

A more detailed outline of the Jewish rulers under Communism is found in the 1952 book by Frank L. Britton, Behind Communism.

The year 1917 saw the so-called “Russian” Revolution. It was not a revolution by Russians but was actually a Khazarian Revolution in Russia that created the Soviet Union.

Your Schoolbooks Lied to You:  What Happened After the Bolshevik Revolution

Published on Russia Insider:  By Ron Unz

The year 1917 saw the so-called “Russian” Revolution. It was not a revolution by Russians but was actually a Khazarian Revolution in Russia that created the Soviet Union. I was not so totally naive that I did not recognize some of the powerful taboos surrounding discussion of the Bolsheviks, particularly regarding their ethnic composition. Although most of the books hardly emphasized the point, anyone with a careful eye for the occasional sentence or paragraph would surely know that Jews were enormously over-represented among the top revolutionaries, with three of Lenin’s five potential successors— Trotsky, Zinoviev, and Kamenev—all coming from that background, along with many, many others within the top Communist leadership.

Obviously, this was wildly disproportionate in a country having a Jewish population of perhaps 4%, and surely helped explain the large spike in worldwide hostility towards Jews soon afterward.

In the early years of the Bolshevik Revolution, almost no one questioned the overwhelming role of Jews in that event, nor their similar preponderance in the ultimately unsuccessful Bolshevik takeovers in Hungary and parts of Germany. For example, former British Minister Winston Churchill in 1920 denounced the “terrorist Jews” who had seized control of Russia and other parts of Europe, noting that “the majority of the leading figures are Jews” and stating that “In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing,” while lamenting the horrors these Jews had inflicted upon the suffering Germans and Hungarians.

By Texe Marrs:

Accurate in every detail, painstakingly documented, the author (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn) showed how, over the centuries, a small band of revolutionary Jews had conspired and plotted to overthrow the Russian Czars. Their aim: seize control of Czarist Russia and establish a beachhead for a Jewish utopia on planet earth—the long sought after Kingdom of the Jews.

With staggering implications, Together For Two Hundred Years showed how Lenin, Trotsky and other Jewish conspirators had overthrown the Romanov dynasty in 1917 and set up their own Bolshevik totalitarian system. The result: The nightly assassination and roundup of thousands of innocent men, women, and children, most of whom were herded by black-hearted Big Brother secret police into thousands of monstrously evil Gulag concentration camps.

The largest number of victims, Solzhenitsyn reports, were Christian believers, understandable since the revolutionary Jews despised and hated Jesus and His Chosen People, the Christians. All-in-all, about 66 million innocent people were kidnapped and eventually died a hideous death at the hands of the Jewish "Ivan the Terrible" corps.

66 million murdered by mostly Jewish Gulag overlords! That's over ten times the number of Jews claimed to have been slain in Nazi concentration camps.

The great Khazar Empire that spanned more than a million square miles, separated East from West (located east of Ukraine between the Black and Caspian Seas). They controlled a very important trade route, charging a 10 percent tax on all goods passing through their land.

The Khazars were a Turkish tribe who converted to Judaism, more than a thousand years ago. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, “the conversion took place in 620 AD; according to others in 740 AD.”

So the lead-in statement of the Jewish Encyclopedia says under the heading, Chazars: “A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews of Russia.” The fact is that Eastern European Jews are largely Khazarian converts to Judaism about 1200-1400 years ago. Their ancestors did not come from Judah or Israel.

The Chazars, or Khazars, were gradually conquered and absorbed by the Rus, or Russians, who came down from the north (many Khazars also migrated to Eastern Europe). Hence, the Khazars came to be known as the Ashkenazim—the main branch of world Jewry. About 80% of Israeli Jews are Ashkenazi (according to the author of the report).  Arab countries are said to be well aware of this history, and so they object to the Jewish claim on the land of Palestine.

Most prophecy teachers point to Ezekiel 38 and 39 to claim these prophecies speak of a future Russian invasion of Israel, which includes Iran (Persians) and possibly Turkey (a misnamed Gomer) but it is really a Khazar invasion that has already occurred.  Persian Jews, converted during the time of Esther, constitute the Persians who came to Palestine during the time of the Jewish gangs militarily killing people and grabbing land.

Ezekiel’s Gog and Magog
Those Zionist Christians of the Scofield inspired, dispensational, pre-tribulation mindset propagated by the Dallas Theological Seminary believe, teach, and write that Jews and the modern state of Israel constitute a prophesied mighty miracle of God in these last days.  However the Old Testament prophecies they rely on generally concern the reclamation of the northern 10 tribes of Israel who currently constitute the Caucasian people of Europe, Canada, Australia, the USA, and possibly Russia. 

They might be appalled to know the majority of people calling themselves Jews are Khazarian descendants of Japheth through Ashkenaz and are not related to Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or Joseph. 

It would be safe to state that most professing-to-be Christians are either not aware of this Khazarian fact and if they are aware, merely reject it as untrue propaganda.  As mentioned previously, the vast majority of humans have been blinded by God and cannot see or understand spiritual truths or physical facts that are related to spiritual truths.

While the Khazar conversion during the 600-700’s AD may be well known in Jewish circles, it is certainly not well known in Christian circles. Such knowledge would discredit Christian Zionism’s main premise that the Jewish “return” to the old land of Israel is the fulfillment of God’s promise to Israel. If Zionism is more of a Khazar invasion-by-immigration event, coming largely from Russia and Ukraine in the north, then Zionism is more likely the fulfillment of the great invasion prophesied in Ezekiel 38 and 39. In other words, Zionism is actually the invasion of Gog and Magog, not the return of Israel to a former homeland.

Ezekiel states, “And you have said:  I go up against a land of unwalled villages, I go in to those at rest, dwelling confidently, All of them are dwelling without walls, And bar and doors they have not." (38:11). Does that describe the current state of Israel?  They have bomb shelters, iron bars on doors and window, gas masks in their homes, a huge wall built between Israel proper and the Palestinian area, and each family has several weapons.

The current plan of the Khazarian mafia Jews was to take down Syria, since Iraq was already destroyed, then move on to Iran, again due to past revengeful hatred.  This desired conquest is referred to as the Greater Israel project, i.e. to enlarge Israel to the size of Solomon’s ancient kingdom.  The USA, England, France, and Germany are militarily supporting this endeavor supposedly for the oil and natural resources particularly the corporate Zionist bought-off and deep state operated USA government.  There are additional circumstances such as a projected pipeline from the Persian Gulf to Europe that was proposed to travel through Syria which Assad rejected.

The Israeli Jews are behind this scheme do to their purposely misinterpreted Biblical right to rule the world.  As stated before, most are not of Abraham’s seed but are Khazarian or Edomite converted Jews and it has been reported they (the Jews) are aware of their descendant linage.

 “The fourth kingdom of Daniel was the Roman Empire”.  Immediately after the description of the fourth beast, Daniel 7:9 introduces the White Throne judgment.  The fourth beast is then judged by God which of course did not occur with the Roman Empire that is still active through the “little horn” or the Roman Church, or an extension of the Roman Empire.  The final beast system, along with Mystery Babylon, have yet to be eliminated, but the process is presently occurring.

There is no final seven year tribulation era because Daniel’s seventy weeks prophecy has been consistently calculated with the wrong starting date. In the past, this error of dating and recognizing the correct starting decree could be caused by unknown historical events that have recently been discovered and corrected by archeologists.

Most of Daniel, the Revelation, and Matthew 24 are historical, as I have come to learn, but it is not all past history.  it continues until the end of the age,  The majority of the world’s population do not even know the historical aspects of the Revelation, and if they did, few would even care.

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