
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Prophetic News Headlines: by S. Jones


The Duck Boat tragedy in Branson

 Last Thursday, July 19, a storm having near hurricane winds hit Table Rock Lake in Branson, Missouri, capsizing a “Duck Boat” and killing 17 people. There were 31 on board, including 2 crewmembers and 29 passengers.

The Gospel book of John, conveys eight miracles performed by Jesus which were “signs” (semeion) to manifest His glory (John 2:11).  John records 7 signs before Jesus’ death and resurrection, and 1 final sign afterward.  These signs represent the 8 days of Tabernacles (7 plus 1).
Each sign represents one of the days of Tabernacles. The fifth sign expresses the storm that came upon the 12 disciples as they were fishing.  Jesus walked on the water toward the boat of fishermen and calmed the storm. The story is recorded in John 6:16-21 and also in Matthew 14:22-34 and Mark 6:45-53.
The present viewpoint is that July 19 is the fifth day of Tabernacles, linking the storm on the lake in Branson to the storm in Jesus’ and the disciples’ day. The difference is that Jesus did not come and save the people on the duck boat in Branson. In spite of the deaths 14 people were delivered out of that situation. The number 14 is the biblical number for deliverance or release.

Tornado in Pella
On the same day that the storm struck the lake in Branson, a tornado struck Pella, Iowa.

Pella is also the name of the city where the early Christians went just before Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D. The war began in 66 A.D., and the Roman army was about to capture the city late in the year 66, but they mysteriously retreated. That was a “mistake” on their part, because they did not get back to Jerusalem for a few years. Meanwhile, the Christians remembered Jesus’ warning in Matthew 24:16-20, so they left the city, settling in Pella.

Hudson Taylor's prophecy from 1889
Text of the Prophecy:
I saw in this vision a great war that encompasses the world. I saw this war recess and then start again, actually being two wars [WWI & WWII]. After this I saw much unrest and revolts that will affect many nations. I saw in some places spiritual awakenings. In Russia I saw there will come a general all-encompassing, national spiritual awakening, so great that there could never be another like it. From Russia, I saw the awakening spread to many European countries. Then I saw an all-out awakening, followed by the second coming of Christ. 


The Wailing Wall

 A large boulder from the Western Wall was dislodged from the ancient structure on Monday morning, tumbling down onto an open prayer platform.

The Wailing Wall is not really part of the temple itself, so it may be exempt from the prophecy in Matthew 24:2. Jesus said about the temple that “not one stone here shall be left upon another.” Will the Wailing Wall be coming down soon? Must it be torn down in order to fulfill the intent of Jesus’ prophecy?

Three hours of darkness in Siberia

Day suddenly turned to night around noon on Friday, and for almost three hours locals needed torches to see where they were going.
The area hit by the bizarre darkness now appears more extensive than first reported when it was said to have covered Eveno-Bytantaisky and Zhigansky districts of Russia’s coldest region - Yakutia….
‘People who live here for many years said they had never witnessed anything like this.’ 
‘The darkness was pitch black. 
‘It didn’t come at once, but grew gradually. 
‘The Sun was gone from 11.30 until 14.00 on Friday 20 July.'

When Jesus was crucified, there was three hours of darkness.  July 20 was the sixth day of Tabernacles.  The sixth sign (miracle) of Jesus in the Gospel of John is the story of the man born blind that was healed (John 9).  It is about the removal of the Old Covenant veil and the removal of spiritual blindness that God placed upon the people of all nations which could involve the coming fullness of the Holy Spirit.

Blood moon eclipse with Mars coming on July 27, 2018 

A 'blood moon' is coming, accompanied by Mars, the God of War, shining more fiercely than it has for years.
The longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century is expected to occur on Friday July 27.

An eclipse generally depicts the end of something and the start of something new. Throughout history, eclipses have been seen as evil portents. Supposedly no one likes to see the end of an era, because the transition into a new era is usually disruptive.

The fact that Mars (war) is being associated with this eclipse may indicate the danger of war ahead.

This eclipse will not be visible in North America. Most of the rest of the world will see it, including Jerusalem.

Clare Bronfman arrested in NXIVM pedophile case

Jul 25, 2018

The link above makes a rather pathetic attempt to protect Clare Bronfman simply by focusing the headline on NXIVM’s co-founder, Nancy Salzman. They know that many people will only read the headline without reading the article itself. That is a common tactic in the MSM.

Nonetheless, the article has little choice but to name Clare Bronfman as well. She is the heiress of the Seagram fortune, and she is the one who bankrolled NXIVM, a violent pedophile ring that presented itself as a “powerful women’s movement.” More accurately, it was a powerful slave-woman’s movement.
A few months ago Allison Mack and Keith Raniere were arrested, and reports indicate that they made a deal with prosecutors, which resulted in the recent arrest of Bronfman and Salzman.

According to the article:
Federal agents on Tuesday arrested NXIVM co-founder Nancy Salzman, her daughter Lauren Salzman and longtime bookkeeper Kathy Russell.
Clare Bronfman, the longtime operations director for NXIVM, a secretive self-help group, and an heiress to the Seagram's liquor empire, was also arrested and will appear in federal court in Brooklyn Federal Court.

I suspect that this is the beginning to the arrest of high-profile pedophiles. The natural order is to arrest low-level people first, get them to implicate those higher up, and then move up the ladder. This is because the higher one goes up the ladder, the wealthier they tend to be, and these people can afford high powered lawyers, thus the evidence has to be relatively solid in order to make the charges stick.

Trump poised to take over Federal Reserve

Jul 25, 2018

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve is required to have seven members. It has three. Two of the current governors were put into their position by President Trump. Two more have been nominated by the president and are awaiting confirmation by the Senate. After these two are put on the Fed’s board, the president will then nominate two more to follow them. In essence, it is possible that six of the seven Board members will be put in place by Trump.

The Federal Reserve bank, like most other central banks, is actually privately owned. In the 1970’s, when Congress questioned Fed Chairman Arthur Burns about the ownership of the bank, he refused to answer. But it is known that there are 12 banking families that own the Fed. Some say that these banking families are just agents of the Vatican or some other hidden owner. It’s hard to know, because of the secrecy of Mystery Babylon.

The Federal Reserve Act that was passed on December 23, 1913, while most of the Senate was on Christmas vacation (all but 5), it marked the start of the most recent phase of the beast system, which is Mystery Babylon. It established an economic empire that put America and the world under bondage by controlling money and the money supply.

That system must end soon, now that the transfer of authority has concluded. So the fact that President Trump is appointing the Board of Governors suggests that big changes could be coming shortly. Hopefully, Trump will nationalize the Federal Reserve and make it truly "federal." Right now it is no more "federal" than Federal Express.

The creation of money should revert back to Congress, not private bankers, as this was stated explicitly in the Constitution and was the intent of our founding fathers.

FISA documents released to Congress

Jul 25, 2018

The Department of Justice has released documents used by the government to justify the FISA surveillance warrant against Carter Page, a former campaign adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump….
Though heavily redacted, the documents show that the infamous and unverified Steele Dossier was a major component of the 2016 surveillance warrant. The dossier, which was opposition research funded by the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, contains salacious allegations against Trump. It was also a major component used to justify subsequent renewals….

Based on what is visible, the dossier is not described to the FISA court as a political document, as the Democrats have asserted; in fact, the FBI speculates to the FISA court that it was commissioned to damage Candidate 1, who is Donald Trump….

One of the documents reads: “The FBI speculates to the FISA court that the U.S. person was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit candidate 1’s campaign."

Congress has been trying to get these released for more than year, but the DOJ has stonewalled them. The release of these documents, even though heavily redacted, are causing panic among the Democrats, since they prove that the FISA warrants were obtained under false pretense and were designed to spy on the Trump campaign.

The documents themselves could no longer be hidden, after President Trump declassified them.

Watch for sparks to fly in the coming weeks, as Congress demands more transparency. Redactions are often used to hide embarrassing facts under the assumption that the reputation of the DOJ and FBI is a national security issue that must be hidden from the public. That, of course, is disputed by those who believe that their real motive is to keep corrupt officials from being fired.

Recently, the Democratic Party has been put in the position of defending non-transparency, claiming that the FBI and DOJ need to be protected. I don't think that position will win in the end, since few people in America trust the government agencies any more.

The timing of this release may also be significant. The documents were released to Congress on Saturday night, which is the night of 7/21. From our prophetic perspective, this is the beginning of the 8th day of Tabernacles (7/22). Is there a connection?

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