
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Why Are The Nations Perturbed?



The title of this article was taken from verse 1 of the Concordant Literal Version.  For some odd reason, this is one of my favorite verses.  It currently has much impact describing the state of the world, particularly the USA, Europe, and the Middle East.  There is also considerable consternation in various South American, African, Far East, and other areas and countries as well.

Psalms 2:1-3 Concordant Literal Version Why are the nations perturbed? And why do the national groups mumble empty phrases? (2) The kings of the earth are standing by, And the chancellors are gathered together Against Yahweh and against His Anointed, saying, (3) Let us pull away their bonds, And let us fling off their ropes from us.

The translations offered from other versions can give considerable insight into the meaning of the verse:  Why do the nations conspire? (NIV); Why have nations tumultuously assembled? (Young’s LV); Why have the nations raged? (Green’s LV).

King David supposedly wrote this Psalm, however, it is most likely a prophecy for today.  Later verses state:  The King; You are My Son; I will give You the nations; You will break them with an iron scepter.  Yes, this is definitely a prophecy of the soon coming Jesus Christ to herald the long awaited Millennial reign of Christ also known as the Kingdom of God.

This prophetic Psalm explicitly describes the attitudes and thought processes of the rulers and leaders of the world:  Why are the countries devising plots while the rulers collaborate against the Lord.

Verse 3 claims that the leaders and the general people say, “Let's tear off the shackles they've put on us! Let's free ourselves from their ropes!"  The people of the Western world, with the assistance of the news media, Hollywood, and Universities have almost created another Sodom and Gomorrah. 

The fear of the Lord is rapidly vanishing in the once predominately Christian areas of the world such as the USA, Canada, Australia, and Europe.  The laws of God and the moral teachings (laws) of Jesus are too restrictive and cumbersome for the majority of the people’s desired lawless lifestyle.  The LGBT people have no use for the Bible, the laws of God, and the teachings of Jesus Christ, because it denounces their preferred immoral lifestyle and existence.

The MSM talking heads and the deep state government insiders are completely and totally enraged at anything President Trump does or says.  They turned their heads and ignored the actions of Bill Clinton, then Hillary Clinton, Obama, and even George Bush II.  But with Trump, he is accused of being a hidden Russian agent, Putin’s lap dog, nothing short of treasonous, imbecilic, and much more.

Psalms 2:1-12 NET Why do the nations rebel? Why are the countries devising plots that will fail? (2) The kings of the earth form a united front; the rulers collaborate against the LORD and his anointed king. (3) They say, "Let's tear off the shackles they've put on us! Let's free ourselves from their ropes!" (4) The one enthroned in heaven laughs in disgust; the Lord taunts them. (5) Then he angrily speaks to them and terrifies them in his rage, saying, (6) "I myself have installed my king on Zion, my holy hill." (7) The king says, "I will announce the LORD's decree. He said to me: 'You are my son! This very day I have become your father! (8) Ask me, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your personal property. (9) You will break them with an iron scepter; you will smash them like a potter's jar!' " (10) So now, you kings, do what is wise; you rulers of the earth, submit to correction! (11) Serve the LORD in fear! Repent in terror! (12) Give sincere homage! Otherwise he will be angry, and you will die because of your behavior, when his anger quickly ignites. How blessed are all who take shelter in him!

God is totally in control.  I have made that statement several times in various posts because it is extremely important.  There is no need to be perturbed or go into a rage.  We are currently living in an exciting point in history.  It is my strong belief that Jesus will soon return in whatever manner that should happen to be.  We all have our different scenarios and expectations but the actual occurrence and appearance of the event is really unknown to us.
The God of heaven laughs at them and taunts them in a similar manner as Isaiah 14 as written in a previous article.  Then God informs them, “I have set My king on My holy mount on Zion”.  Although the vast majority of the populations are spiritually blinded by God, it appears that God will inform the world of His King at some point at the beginning of the Kingdom or possibly before. 

The prophecy of Psalms 2 clearly states that the Son of God, the King of all, will inherit every nation or the entire world.  He will rule with a “rod of iron”.  Does the rod of iron imply that He will beat people into submission?  The explanation if that the world or Kingdom will be ruled by the Law of God and like an iron rod there will be no bending or twisting of the law which happens in the governments of the world.

Revelation 2:27 NET he will rule them with an iron rod and like clay jars he will break them to pieces,

Revelation 12:5 NET So the woman gave birth to a son, a male child, who is going to rule over all the nations with an iron rod……

Revelation 19:15 NET From his mouth extends a sharp sword, so that with it he can strike the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod……..

Psalm 2 is not the only place in scripture speaking of an iron rod.  There are three occurrences within the Revelation.  19:15 speaks of a sharp sword with which He will strike the nations.  The, of course, is a metaphoric illustration of the Bible, or the Word of God, which is often described as a sword of the sword of God.  The Lord and his resurrected representative (i.e. saints/elect) and the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit will reeducate/instruct/edify the nations of the world and the love for God and the desire for a lawful lifestyle will dramatically increase.

Do I know the day or the hour?  NO, and neither does anyone else.  However, it should be obvious to most of my readers that Mystery, Babylon is currently being taken apart and destroyed.  Events are predicted to pick up speed during the month of September.  Dr. Jones believes the harpazo (rapture) of the elect will occur around the time of some (but unknown) feast of Trumpets.

Numbers 10:2-4 NET "Make two trumpets of silver; you are to make them from a single hammered piece. You will use them for assembling the community and for directing the traveling of the camps. (3) When they blow them both, all the community must come to you to the entrance of the tent of meeting. (4) "But if they blow with one trumpet, then the leaders, the heads of the thousands of Israel, must come to you.

Moses was instructed by God to make two silver trumpets.  The playing of both trumpets would assemble the entire community, but one trumpet would only summon the leaders.  In this case as Paul points out in 1 Corinthians 15:52 there will only be one trumpet sounded.  This will summon only the leaders (i.e. the saints/the elect/the overcomers) both alive and the dead to be resurrected and meet the Lord in the air (above ground not in the stratosphere – there is no air up there anyway). 

1 Corinthians 15:52 NET (52) in a moment, in the blinking of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

1 Thessalonians 4:16 NET (16) For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.

The Feast of Trumpets prophesies of the resurrection of the dead. It has been called in Jewish circles, "the Day of the Awakening Blast." Because this festival fell on the first day of the seventh month, it fell on a new moon--that is, when the first sliver of the new moon appeared in the evening sky at the beginning of each lunar month. There was always some uncertainty as to when the new moon would appear or could be seen (if cloudy). For this reason, Jesus spoke of His coming in Matthew 25:13, saying,"Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour." This phrase about not knowing the day nor the hour is a peculiar Hebrew saying, which they specifically applied to the Feast of Trumpets, whose beginning was unknown until the new moon was sighted.

Yes, the nations are raging and the leaders of the nations are raging.  They are absolutely and totally perturbed.  God has anointed Donald Trump to take down their area of Mystery Babylon and they are blinded to the devastation of their system.  They are fighting for survival, their payoffs, their kickbacks, and their hush money.  Their deep state world is being annihilated, they can’t think correctly, they can’t sleep at night, and they fear a possible prison sentence or a severe punishment.

Psalm 2 is an accurate prophetic description of the current world and its leaders.  It is a description of the fallen human spirit, Godless and immoral.  Nationalism was God’s way of protecting humans from the one-world government.  However, soon (and possibly sooner than most think) the world will be united within the Kingdom of God.  Fallen humans (individuals and corporate groups) desire independence from the Creator.  In reality, God’s laws are designed to keep us safe, happy, and productive in a fallen world. The laws are the loving guidelines of a parent, providing guidance and wisdom! 

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