
Monday, July 23, 2018

Trump vs. Unhinged Madness w/Fulford Comments


Coming Coup Against Trump

July 18, 2018
by Finian Cunningham/ Sputnik News

The President is winning, assassination is still on the table, but the Deep State appears to be acutely aware that an assassination of the President would bring out the pitchforks and every mansion of every billionaire will be burned to the ground while every private jet is shot out of the sky by veterans.

The American political class is sick. It is suffering from a psychosis that prevents any understanding of reality. It is living in abject denial of reality, convinced of its delusions about Russia being a hostile enemy, and Trump being a “Kremlin stooge”.

The Washington Post accused Trump of “openly colluding with the criminal leader of a hostile power”. Let those extreme words sink in for a moment. The implication is as serious as it can get.

As with other politicians and media outlets, the Post said the president had “betrayed” American intelligence services by siding with President Putin in denying that Russia had interfered in US elections.

Former CIA chief John Brennan denounced Trump as a “traitor” who had “committed high crimes” in holding a friendly summit with Putin.

The US political class have cast their verdict that Trump is a state enemy, and are openly calling for a mutiny against the White House.

The American political class are agog to get rid of Trump, but they are apprehensive to make a decisive move just yet, because such a gambit to depose the president may engender a wider social revolt against the elites. There is a strong sense that US society is seething from numerous grievances. Poverty and abysmal social inequality as well as popular alienation from the Washington establishment are all too rife for a potential civil war or revolution if stoked too much.

The Deep State is panicking. Their worst nightmare is Trump and Putin sharing information. Trump knows that the Bush-Cheney crime family ran a Gold War against Russia with the full collaboration of the Clinton-Clinton crime family. The media hysteria over the private meeting is all about the fear of their masters that Trump and Putin are joining forces against the Deep State.  The Deep State is acutely aware that if Trump unpacks both 9/11 and pedophilia, they will be lucky to avoid hanging by mobs.  We are in a very delicate situation, and the Deep State is making it difficult to offer them the Truth & Reconciliation exit strategy that has been planned for years.

Trump Knew Exactly What He Was Doing with Putin - Keeping the Deep State Off-Balance with Shock and Awe

"Doubling down on his populist domestic and foreign policy must be part of the counter-coup, Russia included. Most self-described Republicans support Trump’s declared desire for constructive relations with Russia."
Five days after the Helsinki summit I am inclined to believe that President Donald Trump either knows exactly what he is doing—that there is uncanny finesse and foresight behind his bluster—or else that he is guided by an almost unfailing intuition, with similar results.

Why the Left Is Freaking Out Over the Helsinki Summit

"It’s not a shift in American policy they care about, because they don’t really care about America at all. For all their talk about patriotic defense of America, what they really care about is protecting the globalist system."

Four days later and the liberal establishment is still freaking out about Monday’s Trump/Putin summit in Helsinki. The press went absolutely insane over Trump’s diplomacy, calling him a Russia agent and many saying that he committed treason by meeting with the Russian president.

Four days later and the liberal establishment is still freaking out about Monday’s Trump/Putin summit in Helsinki. The press went absolutely insane over Trump’s diplomacy, calling him a Russia agent and many saying that he committed treason by meeting with the Russian president.

Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???
— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan)   July 16, 2018

Ironically, they have also resorted to the rhetoric of patriotism. Typically open haters of America, the left has decided that it can score political points by appealing to patriotism in order to whip up sentiment against Trump. This rootless, liberal patriotic appeal comes from people with absolutely no national pride for America.

Everywhere, liberals who usually reference American national pride only as a remnant of the country’s dark, racist past were suddenly wrapping themselves in the American flag. James Comey, the self-proclaimed most ethical man in America, couldn’t help but let everyone know that he is also a great American patriot for standing up to the president over his meeting with Putin:

This was the day an American president stood on foreign soil next to a murderous lying thug and refused to back his own country. Patriots need to stand up and reject the behavior of this president.
— James Comey (@Comey)    July 16, 2018

On the show, (Don Lemon - CNN) Fareed Zakaria expressed outrage on behalf of patriotic Americans. How could anyone take seriously a Muslim immigrant telling them what American patriotism is?

Trump’s cooperation with Putin threatens to break the isolation of Russia the globalists have worked so hard to achieve. Worse yet, it broaches the possibility that the United States itself will leave the globalist system.

Benjamin Fulford

These days, reading The New York Times and other Khazarian mafia corporate propaganda is like reading Pravda just before the fall of the Soviet Union.  Nobody believes their lies.  Yet even they are being forced to report that the Soviet Socialist European Union is in deep trouble.  That’s because U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed their common enemy is the Khazarian mafia. 

The fact that the U.S. State Department removed a statement blaming Russia for the downing of Malaysian Air Flight 17 over the Ukraine one day after Trump met Putin may be a sign this is the issue that will bring down former U.S. President Barack (Manchurian Candidate) Obama. 

Clapper’s testimony “may send Hillary Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan and other traitors to the gallows, and indeed Clapper may have acted in concert with National Security Agency Director Admiral Mike Rogers and the Joint Chiefs of Staff all along,” the Pentagon sources say.

The fact that Trump told CBS News that the Rothschild-owned EU was a “foe” and also hinted that he would not risk World War III to protect European countries shows that these countries have no real military to back them anymore.  So it is just a question of how and when Russia and the U.S. will remove their Rothschild controllers.

In a sign that the old rulers know the handwriting is on the wall, Henry Kissinger, who just presided over a Bilderberg meeting in Italy, said Trump “may be one of those figures in history who appears from time to time to mark the end of an era and to force it to give up its old pretenses.”

That sounds like a surrender statement.

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