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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Global Kingdom of God: by S. Jones - Important Article - A Must Read


By Dr. Stephen Jones:  Jul 03, 2018

Information From Benjamin Fulford
I want to comment on something Benjamin Fulford wrote yesterday:

This will become visible to the Western public during and after the NATO meeting scheduled for July 11th and 12th, where the biggest changes in European governance since World War 2 will be set into motion.  The Russian and Chinese governments as well as the Pentagon have decided to replace the 28-nation EU with the 47-member Council of Europe that includes Russia and other former Soviet republics, according to Russian and Pentagon sources.

In such a scenario, NATO, which has no real reason to continue existing, will be dismantled and replaced by a Russian- and U.S.-centered Western alliance, the sources say.  Furthermore, North Korea, China, and others will also join this alliance to create a planetary protection force to replace the outdated Western Hegelian model of competing blocs of nation states, the sources say.

Fulford is forecasting a major change in the way national alliances have been structured for a long time. Most people know little or nothing about the so-called Hegelian Dialectic, which is a three-step process: Thesis—Antithesis—Synthesis. It has become the foundational philosophy of modern, western political science.

Applications of Hegelian Dialectic
The beast system adopted this philosophy as a good way to maintain control over the world. For this reason, they divide the world into opposing sides (controlling both, of course), and then they use each side against the other in order to maintain a “balance of power.” If one side rebels against the control of their beast masters, they are able to increase the strength (finance) of the other side and suppress the rebellion through war or intimidation.

EDITOR’S NOTE:  The beast system – Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, The Little Horn of Daniel 7 which is the Holy Roman Church (i.e. the 1st or beast from the sea partnered with the 2nd beast or the beast from the earth which morphed into the International Rothschild controlled banking system.

So we have seen East vs. West during the Cold War in the past century, primarily pitting the US and Russia against each other. Internally, the US has been divided politically into a “two-party system” of Democrats and Republicans. These serve to divide the people into enemy camps with opposing philosophies in order to channel their energies into fighting each other rather than their common masters who finance and control both sides.

It also applies in actual policy making. One side proposes an extreme view to the right or left, which is called the Thesis. The other side issues a counter-proposal to the other extreme, which is called the Antithesis. They compromise and meet in the middle—the Synthesis—which is where the masters want to move in the first place.

This is also why political virtue is to be “middle of the road,” and everyone else is called an extremist, either “far left” or “far right.” The two “extremes” are necessary to define the balance in the middle, which the unsuspecting public sees as “safe” even if that position used to be an extreme position just a few years ago. This creates acceptance and prevents rebellion.

So if they want to move either right or left, they create two extreme political positions on opposite sides of their goal, knowing that they will meet in the middle--right where they want to go.

One of the subdivisions of Hegelian philosophy has been the divide between Europe and Russia. Another is between Europe and the US. Still another is the divide/conflict between competing money systems (the dollar and the euro). These are the divisions that Fulford was referencing in his weblog for July 2, 2018. He says that there has been a shift in thinking away from Hegelian divisive politics to a philosophy of world unity and cooperation.

The Beginning of the End
When the Soviet Union began to implode on their 70th anniversary in November 1987, completing that downward spiral in the early 1990’s with the breakup of the Soviet Union, NATO became largely irrelevant. NATO had been the western military side of the Hegelian Dialectic. When the Soviet Union broke up into many states, Russia was reestablished. Germany was reunited. The West rejoiced.

Russia then wanted to join with Europe, but the masters in the west still held to its Dialectic philosophy of division. Wolfowitz and Brzezinski took the lead in continuing the Cold War, treating Russia like an enemy. NATO was expanded to the Russian border, contrary to the agreement made with President Clinton, who had promised not to move NATO a single inch toward Russia.

But times are changing, because the Kingdom of God is drawing near. The implosion of the Soviet Union began with President Gorbachev’s speech on the 70th anniversary of the so-called “Russian” Revolution in 1917. That part of the world experienced an iron yoke for 70 years from 1917-1987, similar to Judah’s 70-year captivity to Babylon (Jeremiah 28:13). It later came to be known as “The Iron Curtain.”

The old masters of the beast systems are losing control. A new philosophy is coming in from the East which seeks unity and peace, rather than division and conflict. It is “an alliance to create a planetary protection force,” as Fulford calls it.

This is true “globalism,” without the Hegelian philosophy. The beast systems have used globalism in a destructive way through wars and conflicts that have oppressed and enslaved mankind for a long time. The new globalist view is discarding Hegel and working to replace the European Union with a “Council of Europe” that includes Russia and other countries.

Trump’s sanctions of Russia and Iran are forcing Europe to move in this direction as they reject US sanctions in favor of doing business in Russia and Iran. While this is causing a temporary rift in US-European relations, it has been necessary to do this, in order to end the Cold War. By forcing Europe into establishing stronger trade ties with Russia and Iran, the power of US sanctions will end, and the hegemony of the US dollar will also fall apart.

In the end, the US will cease its policy of sanctioning other nations. Sanctions have worked in the past, but such policies have also forced other countries to defend themselves. So the CIPS system of international payments has been set up in China as an alternative to the SWIFT system that is controlled by the Federal Reserve Bank. More and more countries are now agreeing to use their own currencies for trade payments (especially oil and gas), instead of being forced to use the US dollar.

The bottom line is that the US Empire is crumbling, largely because it misused its sanctioning power to maintain hegemony over the other nations and to pressure the nations to submit to the masters of the beast system of modern Babylon.
Whether or not this was intentional is a matter of debate. The fact is that this is what is actually happening today.

The Kingdom of God
The Bible says that God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). It says further that because He created all of it, He also OWNS all of it. For that reason, Jesus came to die for the sin of the world and to redeem the whole earth. He intends to take over the whole earth and make it His Kingdom. (That, of course, is my own bias.)

In other words, it is a global Kingdom. It is not limited to the little strip of land in the Mideast that men fight over today. The whole earth will be filled with the glory of God (Numbers 14:21). The way of world peace comes through Jesus Christ, who is called the Prince of Peace.

When He is the recognized King of the earth, swords will be hammered into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks. “Nation will not lift up sword against nation, and never again will they learn war” (Isaiah 2:4).

In other words, Sun Tzu’s The Art of War will no longer be used as a textbook, and the War College itself will be rendered unnecessary.

Globalism itself is a biblical principle. The problem of globalism is the globalists. They want to rule the world under their own rules and for the benefit of the top few wealthy families. But the Bible makes it clear that they will fail in the end, and now we are approaching that “end.”

When we understand timing, and when we know the divine plan, we see how the transfer of authority is taking place and how God is working to undermine the globalist system of Mystery Babylon. The Dominion Mandate, which so few understand, was given to the king of Babylon in 607 B.C., and he then took Jerusalem three years later in 604 B.C. That was the beginning of the tribulation that has gone through many political stages described in Daniel 7 as various “beasts.”

The law prophesied that the rule of these “beasts” would last “seven times” (7 x 360 years). That time has now ended, as I have shown many times in past writings. The time would have come to an end in 1917, except that the third beast had been deprived of a century of its allotted time from 163-63 B.C. Hence, that time had to be added to the end from 1971-2017 in order to satisfy God’s “seven times” contract. (God had contracted with the beasts to bring judgment upon Jerusalem on account of their sin and rebellion.)

Editor’s Note:  The 3rd beast or Greece was temporarily ended due to the atrocities of Antiochus Epiphanes which Judah gained exactly a 100 year reprieve with a Maccabean ruler ship until the Romans set up control.
For this reason, 1917 saw the creation of the Soviet Union for 70 years, and a month later General Allenby took Jerusalem from the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War 1. That year was momentous, but another century of rule was still due, and this did not end until October of 2017. Only then could the authority of the Dominion Mandate be given to the saints of the Most High, as prophesied in Daniel 7:22 and 27.

Even so, the preparations for this transfer of authority came 30 years earlier, when the Soviet Union began to collapse in 1987. This happened at the end of the 120th Jubilee from Adam (1986-1987). It has taken a generation to bring us to the point where we are today, but God has been preparing the way since 1987, insofar as the situation with Russia is concerned.

It happens that Donald Trump is the US president at this crucial time in history. He knows many things about the political dealings behind the scenes, but it is doubtful if he knows much about Bible prophecy or the divine plan. That does not matter. He will play his role nonetheless. His main role is to be the bull in the china shop that overturns the beast system and the tables of the money changers (bankers). God is using him to destroy the old system.

Those whom God is using to destroy Mystery Babylon have their own ideas about what to do to replace it, but their plans will change as time passes. The change from the European Union to the Council of Europe is really just God’s way of breaking apart the old system that was founded by one of the later “beasts.” That plan will broaden and change as time goes on.

World leaders do not know how to establish the Kingdom of God. All they can do is to establish another form of beast system within the parameters of Mystery Babylon. But there is a God-Factor that not many of them see or understand, because it is hidden from them. We see it, but they do not. We have the text book for the Kingdom of God; they do not. Even if they try to study the text book, their eyes are blinded and their church counselors do not understand the laws of God or even prophecy itself. Such understanding is reserved for the few.

The Kingdom of God is coming unexpectedly. I believe things will take a major turn when the Spirit of God is poured out. That is the real key to the whole change that is coming, because that alone will move the nations in the direction of Christ’s rule and Kingdom laws.

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