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Saturday, May 30, 2020

What is Behind the Riots?


By Dr. Stephen Jones:  5-30-2020

Blog Post Date:  5-30-2020

As the smoke rises from the riots across the country, contributing to “global warming,” so also is the political heat being turned up.

Amy Klobuchar was hoping that Biden would choose her as a vice-presidential running mate. The Minneapolis riots have now scuttled her hopes and dreams.

In fact, the senator’s chances of being chosen decreased so sharply that Dr. Jill Biden, the former vice president’s wife, canceled a digital event with Klobuchar and coronavirus first-responders. A source on Biden’s team said that this decision was made “partly because we need to avoid her.”

As we saw in previous cases, Antifa was called in to instigate riots and looting. Antifa is the antifascist Fascist organization, the paramilitary wing of the Democratic Party. They pay their thugs $20 an hour to riot and offer them fringe benefits through looting.

So also Minnesota’s Democrat governor told the police and national guard to withdraw, leaving the city helpless in the face of the rioters. What a brilliant idea! When will Minnesotans realize that their politicians are working against them? When will the black community realize that destroying black-owned businesses is not helping the black community? Neither does such looting gain any respect for the black community. In fact, the initial widespread sympathy for George Floyd and for the black community as a whole has since been destroyed by images of fires and looting.

For that, you can thank Governor Waltz for his inaction and cowardice, George Soros for his financial support of Antifa, and CNN reporters for calling rioters “protesters,” even while buildings were burning in the background. No doubt those who are pushing for a repeat of the summer of 1967 think that somehow they can blame Donald Trump for their actions and thereby defeat him in the November election. But anyone can see that most “police brutality” today is coming in Democrat-controlled cities. And Antifa is a Democrat-controlled Fascist organization pretending to fight Fascism, while protected by the Democrat-controlled press.

It is hard to see how these huge problems in Democrat cities can be blamed on Donald Trump. But then, intelligence and reason are not priority items in politics. People need to understand that politics is the art of deceiving people into supporting the policies of ambitious men whose goals are hidden behind a veil of euphemisms and mislabeled legislation.

In recent years, politics has evolved and the parties have polarized more and more. There are still good and bad in both of the major parties, of course, but overall, the Democratic Party has become the champion of Babylon and every anti-Christian principle, even threatening to destroy Christian churches in Chicago.

The Republican Party has been moving in the other direction. The result is that the nation is becoming very polarized between a Babylonian Party and Christian Party. Yet not many are aware of this political shift, because they do not understand the news that they hear or read.

Traditionally, the Church has largely been united with Babylon. The Church has been in bed with Jezebel. The Church was fed a large dose of Babylonian Socialism, which presented the Christians with a policy of legalized theft that did not respect men’s labor or property. This sounded good to all who might stand to gain by such a policy. The problem was that eventually the government runs out of other people’s money. That is when problems arise.

America was founded on the principle that owning the fruits of one’s labor was a sacred right under God that governments were bound to defend (not grant). This encouraged everyone to work, because government was set up to defend them from thieves. The Protestant work ethic prevailed wherever the church was strong. Men were ashamed to receive “charity,” preferring to be given work to earn a living.

Loving one’s neighbor meant that you would help to defend him against thieves and share if he suffered disaster. It did not mean that the government would take property and wealth from one man and give it to another who was less fortunate or one who did not have the skills to achieve the same level of wealth.

The rioters seen today are those who do not respect the property rights of others, regardless of color. So the retired black firefighter who saved all of his life to build and own a bar suddenly found his labor go up in flames in the name of social justice. Other business owners were looted in the name of justice for George Floyd, dishonoring his name in the name of honoring him.

This is the result of Babylonian thinking, which is based on old-fashioned carnal greed that says, “What’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is mine.” These are the new “American values” that have been perpetrated upon us by our Babylonian rulers, who, because they are losing ground among Republicans, now work primarily through the Democratic Party. If you don’t believe me, just read the party platforms. It is not a secret.

Decades ago, shortly after taking a course on Political Science at the University of Minnesota, I began to see that politics was not what most people thought it was. I came to despise all politics and saw that both parties were just different arms of the same corrupt rulers. It was George Wallace (in 1968) who said, “There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican parties.” At the time, he was right.

Things have evolved today as the differences have become sharper in many ways. I still don’t like politics, because neither party fully supports Kingdom government. But I look not at where they are but what direction they are moving. The Democratic Party platform is moving toward Babylon; the Republican Party platform is moving toward the Kingdom of God. Therein lies the conflict, because these represent two very different forms of government with very different definitions of freedom.

It appears to me that divine judgment is coming to the big cities, most of which are Democrat controlled. God is beating them with their own stick, or, as Jeremiah 2:19 says, “Your own wickedness will correct you.” As I see it, the ways of Babylon are now coming back to bite us.


Last Monday, May 25, police in Minneapolis were called in to investigate a man paying with a suspected counterfeit bill. After the arrest, one of the officers put his knee on the man’s neck, probably blocking the carotid artery. As a trained officer, it seems strange that he wouldn’t have known what he was doing. The man, George Floyd, died at the scene.

George Floyd has been identified as the Minnesota man who died in police custody after a harrowing video showed a Minneapolis police officer kneeling on the back of his head and neck for several minutes. Floyd, who was 46, was identified as the victim by his sister on Facebook. Floyd was a beloved security guard at a Minneapolis bar…

The incident occurred on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, in the 3700 block of Chicago Avenue South, Minneapolis Police say. The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and the FBI are investigating Floyd’s death.

The officer in the video seen kneeling on Floyd has been identified by the Minneapolis Star Tribune as Officer Derek Chauvin. Chauvin’s partner, Tou Thao, can be seen in the video ignoring bystanders who were begging Chauvin to get off of Floyd. A photo shows two other unidentified officers, who are blocked by the SUV in the video, were also holding Floyd down.
Four officers involved in the incident have been fired, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey announced Tuesday.

Officer Derek Chauvin was often an off-duty guard at the restaurant/bar where George Floyd was also employed as a security guard. So it is certain that the two knew each other, which no doubt will cause the investigators to ask about their relationship. Did they get along? Did they dislike each other? Was there a motive?

When the news of Floyd’s needless death began to circulate, riots erupted in downtown Minneapolis. After all, an innocent victim should be avenged with more innocent victims, or so it seems.

Meanwhile, the four police officers involved were fired. Jesse Jackson was called in to try to calm the rioters—with little or no success. The FBI is now taking the lead in the investigation. George’s girlfriend said that he would have condemned the rioting, saying, “He would give grace.”

Courteney Ross, the fiancée of the late George Floyd who died in Minneapolis police custody earlier this week, said he would not like the chaos that is coming out of his death and that “he would give grace.”

“You know, if he was here, he would say that he’s a man of God. He would stand on that firmly,” Ross told WCCO. “He stood up for people, he was there for people when they were down, he loved people that were thrown away.”

Ross said that Floyd came to Minnesota to get a “fresh start,” stating that Floyd saw the state as a place where people were “kind and open to him.”
“You can’t fight fire with fire, you know,” Ross said. “Everything just burns.”

“I’ve seen it all day today. People hate. They’re hating, they’re hating, they’re hating, they’re mad, and he would not want that. He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t. He would give grace. He would. I stand on that today he would still give grace to those people,” Ross asserted.

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