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Saturday, May 9, 2020

"Bind the Nobles" Campaign Reslts


By Dr. Stephen Jones:  5-9-2020

Blog Post Date:  5-9-2020

On May 4, when I first announced the prayer campaign called Bind the Nobles, my thought was to hold the campaign on the Second Passover, May 8. However, God said to hold it a day earlier on May 7, so we did so without really understanding why. As it turns out, this is the day that General Flynn was exonerated, as the DOJ dropped its case against him.

It seems clear that this prayer campaign will affect government officials, since that is the main news item that took place on the day of the prayer campaign.

General Flynn Freed
It is interesting that if Flynn was one of the “nobles” in government, the opposite was done to him. He was not bound but released. On the other hand, in the wake of the newly released documents, it is clear that others conspired against him, hoping to use him as a steppingstone to take down President Trump. This is now being exposed, and so my expectation is to see those conspirators “bound” soon.

This case goes back to 2016, when the Deep State, led by the CIA under Brennan, began its coup against the president even before he was inaugurated. In fact, the coup began months before Trump won the election. This shows that they themselves did not believe the rigged polls showing that Hillary Clinton was far ahead and was sure to win the election. If they had been so sure of her election, they would not have been planning the coup prior to the election.

After every election (and before the presidential inauguration), it is customary for incoming officials to contact their counterparts in foreign countries in order to transition into the new administration. Hence, when Trump picked General Flynn as his National Security Advisor, Flynn made contact with the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kisliak.

The Obama administration claimed that they were afraid he might be making a secret deal with Russia, but investigators found no evidence of that. In fact, they were ready to drop the case altogether, when Andrew McCabe stepped in and told them to keep the case open. Then FBI director, James Comey, sent two agents to the White House to try to trap Flynn into making statements that they could take as being false.

Other agents said repeatedly that Flynn did not lie to the FBI. Obviously, there were agents who disagreed with Comey’s course of action. This plot was largely exposed when the documents were released on May 7, 2020.

Meanwhile, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff had done his own investigation, which was completed in 2018, in order to help the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, who was investigating the so-called “Russian collusion” claims being made by the heads of the CIA, FBI, etc.

When completed, the Committee voted overwhelmingly to release all of the transcripts from their witnesses. However, Schiff only released those that he thought would help his case. He hid more than 50 of the most important transcripts which, now that they have been released, showed that none of these witnesses had any knowledge or proof of a Russian collusion.

Schiff knew this, of course, and yet maintained that he had “overwhelming evidence” of a Russian collusion. The problem is that when Robert Mueller’s report finally was finished, he could produce no solid evidence of such collusion.

Apparently, Adam Schiff failed to give Mueller his “overwhelming evidence,” or perhaps Mueller simply refused to include it in his report. If so, Schiff should have objected to this omission when Mueller was questioned later by Congress.

Earlier this week, Director of National Intelligence, Richard Grenell, said that if Adam Schiff continued to hide the documents, he would release them himself. This forced Schiff to release them yesterday, May 8, the day of the Second Passover.

At that point, Schiff’s lies became apparent to all, and his motive keeping them hidden was also fully exposed. None of the documents proved Russian collusion, and in fact, all of those witnesses claimed to know nothing of any illegal activity done by the president—including then National Intelligence Director Clapper, who had claimed publicly that there WAS collusion! This too was an obvious lie, covered up by his successor Dan Coats but exposed finally by Coats’ successor, Richard Grenell.

In spite of the document release, Adam Schiff refuses to repent.

General Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI after the FBI threatened to go after his son. Everyone knows that when a government agency wants to get someone, they will pursue that person until they find some way to convict him. Government agencies have unlimited funds to do this, and they know that their targets will eventually run out of money to defend themselves.

So Flynn bowed to that pressure and pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, even though other FBI agents had stated publicly that Flynn did NOT lie. But Schiff continues to hold on to that false confession as if it were true, knowing that the only lie that Flynn told was by confessing to something he did not do in order to protect his son.

Schiff contends that dropping the case against Flynn does not transform a lie into truth. No, of course not, but just because Flynn pleaded guilty does not mean that he was actually guilty. And exposing the FBI’s lies, corruption, and blackmail certainly should carry weight in explaining the situation. But Schiff is much like Pharaoh, whose heart God hardened in order to bring disaster on Egypt. Schiff’s own lies are now being exposed, so this is clearly a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Q’s Viewpoint
Q has told us from the beginning not to worry about General Flynn. As early as December 15, 2017, in Post 260, Q said, “FLYNN is safe. We protect our patriots.” On March 17, 2018, in Post 953 Q wrote again:

Who knows where the bodies are buried?

In other words, Q says, Flynn was targeted by “traitors” in order to discredit him, because he had been in a position as the Defense Intelligence Agency to know all of the illegal activities done by the Deep State. The Deep State knew that they could not trust him to keep their secrets, so they purposefully targeted him.

However, Q was confident from the beginning that Flynn would be exonerated. On April 25, 2018, Post 1265 says,

We knew this day would come.
We knew people would need a guide.
We all have a part to play.
We knew FLYNN would be challenged.
Part of the plan?
Flynn JR recent “did not lie to VP.”
SIG sent [WH position]?
(WH is the White House)
Moves & countermoves.
Role outside of WH?
(i.e., Does Flynn have a role to play outside of the White House?)
“Lost house.” (Flynn was being bankrupted and lost his house)
“Funds for legal.” (Flynn had enormous legal expenses.)
“Beat up.”
You are watching a …..
(a show)
What is right?
What is wrong?
(The public is confused)
Up is down.
Left is right. (Nothing is as it seems)
Left is LEFT. (Leftists will always act like Leftists)
WH position [rapid] changes.
Why? (Rapid changes are to keep the Deep State off guard)​​​​​​​
Planned? (Yes, Q suggests)
Visibility in one helps another?

Q suggests that the attack on Flynn was expected and that there was a plan to exonerate him. Flynn was accused of lying to VP Pence, which, if true, was not a crime itself. It is only a crime if he had lied under oath. But Q tells us that this “lie” was part of the plan, giving Trump the excuse to fire Flynn, so that Flynn could be freed up to do something “outside of WH.”

On May 15, 2018 Q says in Post 1370,

Define “On the Record.”
You have more than you know.

Q was referring to the legal manner in which testimony becomes usable in a court of law. It must first be put “on the record.” All of the illicit government activities that Flynn knew about had to be put “on the record.” The way to do this was to make him plead guilty to lying to the FBI, so that he could become a cooperating witness. A cooperating witness is bound to tell investigators everything he knows! That way, what Flynn knows is now usable in a court of law. Q suggests that this body of evidence will be used against the Deep State soon.

On December 16, 2019, in Post 3693, Q said,

Same evidence to FREE FLYNN currently being used to INDICT others [GJ]? (GJ is Grand Jury)

In other words, Flynn’s cooperating testimony will be used to indict others, not Flynn himself. What the Deep State was trying to do to Flynn will backfire on them. Grand Jury indictments are coming.

It appears that our Bind the Nobles prayer campaign was our marker establishing the turnaround. The release of previously classified documents is the key, because this is the actual legal evidence that will determine the outcomes in court. Schiff, Comey, Brennan, and others have all had ample time in which to put their lies into the public eye through the media. They will have no credible defense as the actual evidence is declassified. This is why there has been such a battle to keep this evidence secret. Classification has been the main way in which the Deep State has been able to hide its crimes.

That, I believe, is the real significance of our prayer campaign. It is the start of an avalanche that will take place over the coming months and perhaps even years. Who knows where this will end? Most people think it depends on which party and which administration is in control. I believe that it depends on the divine plan. Is Babylon yet coming, as most Christians think? Or is Babylon now falling, as I believe?


By Dr. Stephen Jones:  5-9-2020

This was back in the days when most journalism still had integrity.

The situation has only worsened since then as the power of the Deep State has increased. And now Mr. Gates of Hell wants to mandate vaccines for everyone?

Will he pay for all the damages done? Of course not. Vaccine companies are now immune from prosecution. Even in the 1970’s the government dragged its feet for as long as possible in order to discourage people from filing claims.

My guess is that this is the real underlying reason why covid-19 figures are being inflated, especially in New York City. The figures are being used as a sales gimmick to force Americans to get flu shots.

Meanwhile, liars like Adam Schiff are still claiming that covid-19 has killed 70,000 Americans, when the CDC itself reduced the figure down below 40,000. His agenda is to make it look worse than it is, so he totally ignores the CDC’s revised figures.

This is no longer a health crisis. This is now a political crisis.

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