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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Possible Overlooked News


By Dr. Stephen Jones:  5-17-2020

Blog Post Date:  5-20-2020

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has finally admitted — tacitly and partially, anyway — the mistake that was state health chief Howard Zucker’s order that nursing homes must admit coronavirus-positive patients.

I wonder how many elderly people in NYC died because of this mistake. Is this one reason why the mortality rate for covid-19 in NYC was so high? Even Democrats are calling for an investigation.

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo finds himself engulfed in scandal as a growing number of Democrats join state Republicans in demanding an independent investigation into his controversial policies and how questionable actions may might have contributed to the catastrophic outbreak of coronavirus in New York nursing homes.

More details have emerged in recent days raising major questions about potentially fatal decisions made under Cuomo’s watch as the death toll in New York’s nursing homes swells to over 5300 and continues to climb.

Two months ago, Nancy Pelosi made a similar “mistake” on February 24, 2020 when she encouraged people to come to Chinatown and do their shopping as usual. She did it partially to protest against Trump’s travel ban from China issued in late January.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was out in San Francisco's Chinatown in late February encouraging people to go out in public and spend money at local businesses despite concerns regarding the spread of the coronavirus.

“It’s exciting to be here, especially at this time, to be able to be unified with our community,” Pelosi said on Feb. 24. “We want to be vigilant about what is out there in other places. We want to be careful about how we deal with it, but we do want to say to people ‘Come to Chinatown, here we are — we're, again, careful, safe — and come join us.'”

Two days later, the San Francisco Chronicle ran a story titled "Get ready now for probable coronavirus pandemic in U.S., federal officials warn."
So how many people contracted covid-19 by following her advice? How many people died?

With stadiums packed out at Trump rallies, and with Biden scarcely able to pull together more than a dozen onlookers at a time, the desperate pollsters hide any polls that seem to favor Trump. They usually take polls based on the popular vote, rather than how the Electoral College would affect the actual elections. Here’s a poll that CNN buried:

Some good news for those who are afraid of covid-19. Success rates are very high using HCQ treatment. This doctor has a 100 percent success rate.

Meanwhile, the County Supervisor in San Diego, CA, says that of the 194 confirmed covid-19 deaths, only 6 of the people died from covid-19 alone. Everyone else had pre-existing conditions and may have survived if covid-19 alone was the problem.

The supervisor of San Diego County, California, is pushing back against Gov. Gavin Newsom’s stay-at-home order, arguing that only six of the county’s 194 recorded coronavirus deaths are “pure, solely coronavirus deaths.”

“We’ve unfortunately had six pure, solely coronavirus deaths — six out of 3.3 million people,” San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond said in an interview this week, according to the San Diego Tribune. “I mean, what number are we trying to get to with those odds? I mean, it’s incredible. We want to be safe, and we can do it, but unfortunately, it’s more about control than getting the economy going again and keeping people safe.”

If you test positive for covid-19, don’t panic. First of all, 98 percent need no hospitalization. Of the remaining 2 percent, most recover. The death rate is less than a half percent, which is comparable to any flu that hits every winter when people don’t get enough sun to make Vitamin D in their skin.

Here is a study that shows “the false-positive rate of positive results was 80.33 percent.” It appears that this study has been “withdrawn” now, probably suppressed for political reasons.

Results: When the infection rate of the close contacts and the sensitivity and specificity of reported results were taken as the point estimates, the positive predictive value of the active screening was only 19.67%, in contrast, the false-positive rate of positive results was 80.33%.

Between the false positive tests and the politicians ordering doctors to attribute all pneumonia and flu cases to covid-19, it is quite clear that someone wants to make this worse than it is. Why? Someone apparently wants to continue the lockdown until the November election. This seems to be straying from a health issue to a political issue.

Many are awakening to this, and the unrest is growing, especially in those states that have threatened to stay on lockdown for months longer than other states. Civil disobedience is on the rise. The case in Texas, where a hairdresser was jailed for reopening a few days early, quickly spiraled out of control, and she was released after just 2 days in jail. The governor changed the law and apologized, and others paid her fine.

After all, why release murderers and drug dealers from prison so they don’t catch covid-19, and then replace them with hairdressers and beach-goers? The whole thing is crazy, and many people are now starting to think that this is not really about health safety but is about the loss of freedom. As Q has told us, “Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.”


From the election of Donald Trump on November 8, 2016 to the great crash of oil price futures on April 21, 2020 was precisely 1260 days.

April 21 was a watch date, based on this cycle from Daniel 12:7, where it is coded as “a time, times, and a half” (i.e., 360 plus 720 plus 180). Revelation 12:6 interprets it as 1260 days, and Revelation 13:5 refers to 42 months, because a prophetic “month” is 30 days.

In this particular application that we are seeing today, April 21 was 1260 days since Trump was elected president. April 21 was the day that the world was put on notice that the petrodollar was dead or dying.

However, Daniel 12:11 and 12 give us two more watch dates connected to the 1260-day cycle. It is 1290 and 1335 days. If April 21 was the end of 1260 days, then 30 days later brings us to May 21, and another 45 days after this brings us to the final date (1335), which is July 4, 2020.

It will be interesting to see what may happen on those dates. Because April 21 turned out to be a financial date, perhaps May 21 and July 4 will be as well. It was about oil in April. It might be silver this time.

Then, too, Pentecost is coming up on May 31 (by the most popular calendar). There is much to watch in the next six weeks. If we see anything significant, I will report on it.

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