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Thursday, April 2, 2020

Why Coronavirus Fake News?


By Dr. Steven Jones:  4-2-2020

Blog Post Date: 4-2-2020

By now you may have seen or heard a lot of news reports about the long lines of people at hospitals and clinics scrambling to be tested for the coronavirus. It is likely that all, or nearly all, of these are fake, at least here in America. No one wants to go stand in a crowded line of people who think they might have the coronavirus.

I have no doubt that there is a coronavirus out there. I know some who have gotten it, complete with burning pressure on the lungs and a dry cough. However, the death rate is below 1 percent, perhaps partly because so many are starting to learn how to enhance their immune system and general health.

New York Governor Cuomo stated on television that he was dissatisfied with four hundred ventilators being sent to New York when he needed 30,000 of them right away.

Then Trump issued an Executive Order against hoarding medical supplies, and immediately Cuomo found 30,000 ventilators that were being “stored” until needed! Did he apologize for his lies? Of course not. Instead, he defended his storage policy.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo defended his recent request for 30,000 more ventilators from the federal government, saying it's based on projections from health officials who are anticipating a spike in patients with the coronavirus.

"Yes they’re in a stockpile because that’s where they’re supposed to be because we don’t need them yet," the Democrat said Friday during a press conference. "We need them for the apex. The apex isn’t here so we’re gathering them in the stockpile so when we need them they will be there."

In other words, Cuomo knew that he already had 30,000 ventilators, but he chastised President Trump for not providing him with 30,000 more of them! It took an Executive Order to flush them out into the open, and then Cuomo justified his hidden storage policy without addressing his bald-faced lie and accusation against Trump.

Such things make me quite suspicious that there is more to this than meets the eye.

Here is an interesting video from New Zealand showing the contrast between the news reports and the actual scene at the hospitals and clinics where coronavirus testing is supposed to be taking place.

The doctors and nurses at one hospital put out a sign, “Disaster Drill in Progress,” showing that they consider this to be just a massive drill.

I know of one report where a NYC doctor said his kidney patient died of kidney failure, but his supervisor changed the medical report to say that he died of coronavirus. A Stanford article claims that the casualties are being exaggerated.

Why they are doing so is a matter of opinion. It would appear that the exaggeration is being used as an excuse to shut down and reset the economy. Hopefully, it is also to arrest certain bad guys or to give some powerful pedophiles a way die without being exposed for their crimes. Time will tell, of course.

I think that most people with coronavirus are quarantined at home, not in hospitals, along with millions who do not have the virus. I expect this “pandemic” to subside very quickly by the middle or end of April. After its usefulness has ended.

Other Headlines 

The Pentagon is looking to obtain as many as 100,000 military-style body bags to potentially be used to hold civilian bodies, as the US death toll from the COVID-19 coronavirus is expected to rise in the next few weeks.

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