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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

News Events and Comments


By Dr. Stephen Jones:  4-14-2020

Blog Post Date: 

Today is 4-14-20. It is the end of our second 76-day cleansing cycle for this coming Prophetic Year. It appears that these cleansing cycles had much to do with (1) the coronavirus and (2) the economic system (shutdown).

The midpoint of the two cycles fell on January 29, 2020, when President Trump signed the final USMC Trade Agreement and also banned travel to and from China as the first step toward preventing the coronavirus from coming here. Unfortunately, on January 15 the first (known) coronavirus carrier had already arrived in America from China. If I recall, he landed in Seattle, and shortly afterward there were cases of coronavirus and deaths in a nearby nursing home.

As usual, these dates (start, midpoint, end) are pattern setters for what should culminate at the end of the Prophetic Year (8th day of Tabernacles).

It also may be significant that today is 4-14, because that seems to suggest that Cursed Time has something to do with it. It is likely that we should look at this from a chronological standpoint, in that 4-14 we reached the END of a Cursed Time cycle. Normally, a 76-day cycle is tacked on to a 414-day cycle to reach Blessed Time (490), and since 4-14 is indeed the end of a 76-day cycle this year, we should view this as the end of Cursed Time, not its start.

Of course, when God blesses us by great changes at the end of an era, the changes may be perceived as “curses,” when in fact God is answering prayer to set us free. It will be interesting to see what transpires during the rest of April, especially April 19 and 21.

Empty Hospitals
Last month the hospitals across the country were shut down and “non-essential” surgeries were cancelled. My wife was one of the last to get hip surgery (March 16) in Minneapolis. The hospital shut down the next day. The rationale was to make room for millions of coronavirus patients that were expected in the weeks and months to come.

However, the millions of patients never materialized, leaving hospitals nearly empty. Doctors and nurses found themselves out of work. Even all the makeshift hospitals being built by the Army Corps of Engineers have been nearly empty. One of the first to be built (Washington State) was finally shut down, not having housed a single coronavirus patient.

In order to justify all this fearmongering, and in order to get more financial aid from the federal government, those in high management positions have been instructing doctors and nurses to falsify their records. Every death is recorded as having been caused by coronavirus unless proven to be otherwise.

Worse yet, doctors and nurses are prohibited BY LAW from telling anyone that they are doing this. Listen to what this nurse has to say.

So while the coronavirus is real, it is not as widespread as we are led to believe. The statistics are being inflated deliberately for some unknown agenda. The question is, “who benefits” from this deception? Secondly, there is a “silent war” going on within our own government, each with a different agenda. Both sides are using the coronavirus to further its own cause, for better or for worse. The origin of the virus hardly matters anymore; the immediate problem is how to cope with life during this silent war.

What to Expect
The coronavirus itself is less of a problem than the economic impact of the “cure” and the possible vaccine tyranny coming from Bill Gates of Hell. I do not think that side of the war has even the smallest chance of winning, but the threat is real, nonetheless.

Those who think the book of Revelation has yet to be fulfilled are the ones who are filled with fear. Those of us who see that the book of Revelation has been fulfilled over the past 2,000 years and that we are now seeing the collapse of Mystery Babylon have reason to rejoice, knowing that Babylon is falling, not rising.

But meanwhile, with the lockdowns in California and Florida, a lot of fruit, nuts, and vegetables are unable to be harvested. With restaurants closed, farms are not sending food to them. The result is that there could be some food shortages in the near future. I do not know if farmers are going to be able to plant crops this Spring, but even if all goes well, the crops will take months to ripen. America still has a lot of food to feed its own population, so I think the biggest problem will be that less will be exported to countries that need food.

Meanwhile, the Mideast and parts of Africa are experiencing new rounds of locust swarms, which are likely to cause huge food shortages in those areas. Where will they buy food (if they have money to pay for it)? The world food supply is sure to become a problem this year. It would be wise for everyone to have some food stored in case of shortages later this year.

With all of the government’s “helicopter money” being thrown to everyone they can think of, I do not think that we will have a shortage of money overall. Individually speaking, of course, many will run short, especially if they are out of work. With 17 million new people now collecting unemployment insurance, the unemployment rate could hit 20 percent very quickly. But the government is spending trillions of dollars to try to make up for the economic collapse.

It will be interesting to see if they can keep up with the need that was brought about by shutting down the economy. Hopefully, the Democrat’s plan to keep us locked down until November will fail. If they were able to keep us all prisoners in our homes throughout the summer, the damage would be irreparable. They have a vested interest in inflating the coronavirus statistics in order to prolong the shutdown, hoping to then blame Trump for the economic disaster. But the Democrats, even with the fakestream media on their side, do not hold the reins of power, so I believe they will fail.

What we will need to monitor is the amount of new money being created in relation to the shortage of good being produced on account of the shutdown. When everyone has money to spend but the shelves are bare, that is a recipe for hyper-inflation. Desperate people are willing to pay more for the things they need, resulting in rising prices.

It is quite possible that the shutdown will conclude by the end of April. Trump has to be careful about ending it, however, because no matter when he ends it, he will be blamed for every coronavirus death (real or imagined) that occurs after he ends the shutdown. For political reasons, the Democrats will look for ways to blame him, just as they have already been doing.

When Trump shut down international travel with China in late January, the Democrats chastised him for being “racist.” Later, they blamed him for not acting sooner, knowing that most of the people would not remember that Trump had been criticized for acting too soon just a few weeks ago. That is the nature of politics. It relies heavily on the short memories of the people.

Silver and Gold
From a prophetic standpoint, I have believed for more than a decade that when the price of silver passed $50/oz, it will mark the moment when the arms of silver overthrow the head of gold (Daniel 2). That is why I began to study and monitor gold and silver prices. These are signs of the times. The number 50 is a sign of the Jubilee.

The COMEX defaulted on its gold contracts in late March, but they were able to hide it by changing the rules. Now in late April it is likely that they will default on their silver contracts as well. With Mexico and Peru shutting down their silver mines, 45 percent of world silver production is gone, at least temporarily. No one can buy large quantities of silver right now, even if they have the money.

Of course, if the price were to rise, someone might be willing to sell what they have. But the government continues to manipulate and suppress the price of both gold and silver. So the result is that there is simply no gold or silver to buy, because no one is willing to sell their physical supply. Not at these suppressed prices. Perhaps the government is hoping that with the shutdown, many will run short of cash and be forced to sell at these low prices. It’s hard to say.

Meanwhile, the price of physical silver is being decoupled from the speculative “spot price” of paper contracts. When the spot price goes down, the premiums on physical silver go up to make up for those ridiculously low prices. Right now, most silver dealers are asking for a 60 percent premium over and above the spot price. If the spot price went down to zero, it would hardly affect the real price of physical silver.

So chemical companies that need silver for industry will still find it hard to buy physical silver and certainly won’t be able to get it at the spot price. The spot price is becoming irrelevant, all because the government (and big banks) have manipulated the prices to unrealistic lows—even driving the price down below the cost of mining and production.

In March the government ran out of silver for its 1-ounce silver eagles. By law they are supposed to mint an adequate supply to meet demand, regardless of what it costs them to purchase the silver. But they do not care about the law when it gets in the way of their agenda. Even so, public pressure may soon force them to change their policy and allow a dramatic rise in price, much like what happened in 2011, when silver reached $49.84/oz. At the time, it looked like the fall of Babylon was near, but the silver price remained just under $50/oz.

I suspect we are now approaching a new release, where it will go over $50/oz.

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