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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Watch Date and Corrupted Tests


By Dr. Stephen Jones:  4-20-2020

Blog Post Date:  4-21-2020

April 21, 2020 has been a watch date for us, because it marks 1,260 days since President Trump’s election in 2016.

When I first posted this watch date, I did not realize that it was also the date for oil futures contracts to be resolved.

Today oil futures contracts dropped to minus $37 before closing for the day at just minus $13. That doesn’t mean that the price of oil was a minus $13. It means that all who had invested in oil futures contracts for April 21 delivery, betting that the price would remain high, will have to pay someone else $13/barrel to take the contract off their hands.

They lost a very expensive bet. And prices are continuing to drop after the US stock market closed.

The oil futures market is the largest in the world by far. Watch tomorrow. This has the potential to bankrupt a lot of oil companies, hedge funds, and banks.
It will be interesting to see what Trump will do about it.

Something happened today that will never happen again in your lifetime. Crude oil just plunged from over $20 / barrel down to -$37 / barrel in a matter of a couple of hours. This means oil companies must now pay others to haul away their oil.

The economic ramifications of this truly cannot be overstated. This could be a “global extinction” scale event when it comes to western finance and the debt-based banking infrastructure which has enormous exposure to oil derivatives and commodities leverage.

The first wave of impacts from this will be mass bankruptcies and unemployment across the energy sector, strongly affecting states like Texas, which derives a very large portion of its revenues from the energy sector.

While most analysts are seeing this as a disaster and an economic warfare directed at the USA, I believe it will mark the start of something entirely new. I suspect that Trump will throw a lot of money at the problem to show that he is doing all he can—but in the end, it will be too big even for the Federal Reserve with its unlimited money creation ability. In the end, the patents that the CIA have stolen will be released, showing how to deliver nearly free energy (electricity) without using oil or natural gas.

This technology has been known for nearly a century, but it was hidden by the coalition of banks and oil companies in order to control the economy and the people. I believe that time is now ending and a new era is coming. It will take years to make this shift, but I suspect that April 21, 2020 will be seen as a key date in this shift from one era to another.

But the only way to make this shift is to destroy the old paradigm. That is what is now happening. So there is both bad news and good news. Remember that God is answering the prayers of His people, though it may not look like it.


No wonder the early test kits were showing so many people testing positive for coronavirus. The kits themselves were spreading the disease!

As the new coronavirus took root across America, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sent states tainted test kits in early February that were themselves seeded with the virus, federal officials have confirmed.

The contamination made the tests uninterpretable, and—because testing is crucial for containment efforts—it lost the country invaluable time to get ahead of the advancing pandemic.

The CDC had been vague about what went wrong with the tests, initially only saying that “a problem in the manufacturing of one of the reagents” had led to the failure. Subsequent reporting suggested that the problem was with a negative control—that is, a part of the test meant to be free of any trace of the coronavirus as a critical reference for confirming that the test was working properly overall.

Now, according to investigation results reported by The New York Times, federal officials confirm that sloppy laboratory practices at two of three CDC labs involved in the tests’ creation led to contamination of the tests and their uninterpretable results.

I recall some years ago a big pharmaceutical company got caught lacing vaccines with disease. Considering all the attempts to inflate the statistics, I seriously doubt that this was an accident or just “sloppy laboratory practices at two of three CDC labs.” They don’t do sloppy work. Everything they do is deliberate and produces the results that they intend. Someone needs to investigate and get to the bottom of this. They need to find out who had an interest in spreading coronavirus and why and then hold those people accountable for every corona death in America.

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