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Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Federal Reserve and Babylon



Leaving the Matrix 11-5-2019 by MS Smallback – Some of the following article is based on information found in the afore mentioned Ms. Smallback commentary.

The Federal Reserve System (a series of central banks) was made into a law in 1913.  In 1933 the USA went bankrupt with its assets being sold or traded to the FR banks.  These assets also included the citizens or residents of the United States.  It was at this point that USA citizens became slaves to the Federal Reserve.  In its simplest form, slavery is “involuntary servitude as the property of someone (or something) else.  A system of tax collection was installed, first only on the upper ranks, and then it was, of course, applied to all people as intended.  Then the Social Security Act was initiated by FDR giving the government and the bankers a method to track all Americans and extract taxes from their wages.

The legal structure of the USA changed when it became OWNED?? by the investors of the Federal Reserve.  It changed from “common law” to policy or “contract” law.  This contract law comes under the domain or jurisdiction of “Admiralty Law”.  This “Admiralty Law” is designated by a gold-fringed American flag which is under the jurisdiction of maritime/admiralty legal system.  For some reason the Constitution is no longer relevant under this brand of judicial system.  Admiralty law adopted the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which can be traced back to the Vatican and its Papal Bulls.  The bankrupt USA enslaved all citizens as chattel to our present or current system by birth certificates and social security numbers as fund generators to pay the debts to the bankers.  This system was implemented to be worldwide thus installing a one world government which is basically true if only behind the scenes.

Jesus Christ appeared to reconcile us with His Father.   Prior to Christ, God attempted to teach people through His legal system of the Mosaic Laws.  Some individuals entered into a covenant with Him before, and after, his Laws were written if they were desiring to walk with Him.  God’s only requirement is to love Him completely.

The USA’s now legal system is corrupt and has enslaved everyone.  The system was constructed to subjugate and manipulate the people to its leadership.  We are no longer able to serve God with the parameters of a common law (Matthew 7:12 NET In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you, for this fulfills the law and the prophets.)  Citizens are taught and lectured to put their confidence in the elector’s leadership.  At this point in the timeline it should be evident to the majority of people the truncating of President Trump is not a confidential act but rather a means to avoid criminality.

The union of states has gradually been engrained in the majority that they are able to provide benefits for us than the people can do for themselves (or even God).  Many, particularly immigrants, believe they are entitled to various expanded social programs such as disability, Medicare, and the so-called “food stamp” program.  The issue is - these social programs come with a cost of no freedom or liberty for the ones involved.  Although many are unaware, we have lost our ability to trust in God for our benevolence.  We have traded it for the supposed ability of the State to take care of us and the State has only one goal – to turn this country into a third word banana republic, which they currently attempt to assemble.

The Slaves in Egypt
As an example of the slavery concept, Ms. Smallback gives the story of the Hebrew slaves leaving Egypt.  Regardless of their miraculous exit from Egypt and their astonishing escape through the Red Sea, there came a time when the fear of no food became a prime example of their recovery.  The people forgot the mighty power of God and cried out saying, “let us go back to Egypt became there was plenty of food to eat.”  In other words, they desired to return to their slavery because, “life was good for us in Egypt.”

Numbers 11:18 NET ….. for you have wept in the hearing of the LORD, saying, "Who will give us meat to eat, for life was good for us in Egypt?" …..

All the complainers eventually died in the desert.  There is always a cost obtaining freedom and liberty.  The free-loaders and deadbeats will not pay the necessary price for obtaining liberty.  It appears much easier, for them, to merely remain in a stupor and allow the government to care for them, even if the payment ends up to be abject slavery with no freedom or liberty at all.  Perhaps, many of them are unaware of personal freedom.

Various people and groups, in the know, have indicated that elites or the powers of the one-world government have dedicated their lives to the worship of Lucifer (who is actually Satan).  There is also evidence to acknowledge that Lucifer/Satan is a form of Baal (or Baalzebub).  Many of the Children, and young adults, have been captured and used for centuries as victims for these Luciferic rituals and sacrifices.

Mystery Babylon
This Lucifer/Satan worship is a product of the Mystery, Babylon epidemic that has been occurring for many centuries.  It has been reported by Dr. Stephen Jones that the Revelation revealed Babylonian incident has been overcome.  However it will still take a while for it to be completely eradicated.  It has been reported that the Babylonian system extends back to the Babylon of Nimrod but it definitely can be traced to the Kingdom of Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar.

The Babylon system has been carried down through the Babylon Empire, to the Medo-Persian Empire, to the Greek, then the Romans, and then to the little horn of the Roman Empire which is the Papal kingdom.  It is a mammon based system which makes certain merchants quite wealthy.  The papal “little horn” version was temporarily usurped by the Rothschild banking system.  The Vatican and the Rothschild clan are most likely independent but remain as partners or conspirators as of today.

It is believed, by some, that now President Donald Trump has been employed by God to begin bringing the Babylonian system to an annullment.  The merchants will soon be unable to trade their products which includes slaves and human lives under the human trafficking systems that are slowly, at the current time, being taken out of commission.

Revelation 18:11-13 NET (11) Then the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn for her because no one buys their cargo any longer -- (12) cargo such as gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple cloth, silk, scarlet cloth, all sorts of things made of citron wood, all sorts of objects made of ivory, all sorts of things made of expensive wood, bronze, iron and marble, (13) cinnamon, spice, incense, perfumed ointment, frankincense, wine, olive oil and costly flour, wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and four-wheeled carriages, slaves and human lives.

The book of the Revelation states that the nations were deceived by Babylon’s sorcery.  The Greek word for “sorcery” is the basis for the English word “pharmakei” or pharmacy.  This means all drugs, both legal and illegal.  Legal drugs are now highly corrupted, particularly vaccines.  The illegal drugs are taking a tremendous number of lives, both in this country and others.  It is said the CIA is the largest dealer with drugs obtained from Afghanistan, South America, and Mexico.

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