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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Closing of the World Trade Organization


By Dr. Stephen Jones:  Dec 11, 2019

Blog Post Date:  12-18-2019

We moved to Seattle in early November of 1993 to conduct a prayer campaign from there before moving to Minneapolis three years later (1996).

On November 21-29, 1993, we launched our Jubilee Prayer Campaign in our case before the Divine Court. Our case stated, in part, that because Babylon had failed to bring righteousness into the earth to fulfill its dominion mandate, the overcomers were asking God to give us the dominion mandate.

We understood at the time that we would have to wait a full year (12 months), according to the pattern in Daniel 4:29. This was the chapter where King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream where he saw the big tree stripped of its leaves and cut down. The tree, Daniel said, was the king himself, representing Babylon as a nation. It took 12 months for that dream to begin to be fulfilled.

We waited 12 months until November 29, 1994, at which time we saw God’s answer as well. Speaker of the House, Tom Foley, lost the election to George Nethercutt, and Washington was thus “de-foley-ated” by Nethercutt (“a lower cut”). Congress passed the GATT Treaty, a precursor to the World Trade Organization on November 29, and then Foley made a speech similar to the way that Nebuchadnezzar had bragged. Then Foley resigned from the House.

We knew from this that God’s answer ruled in our favor, and that Washington was going to be stripped of its branches and cut down by its “free trade” policy. We understood that this was the start of a huge transfer of money from West to East, mostly to China, until America was impoverished, indebted, and bankrupted.

The liberals in Seattle, WA (which spiritually represents Washington DC) organized protests. One such protest occurred on November 30, 1999.

Seattle is controlled by the liberal Democrats, so it must have been disconcerting for the political leaders there to call out the cops to suppress the protesters with “non-lethal” torture tactics. The protesters did not bring the WTO to an end, of course, but they did draw attention to the fact that it was a policy designed to build China’s economy at America’s expense.

Of course, this was just the final step in a decades-long plan to shift world economic and political power from America to China. China was already shifting its economic policies toward a hybrid of Communism and Capitalism to accommodate the big corporations and banks. Hence, the corporations were already moving to China to prepare for the next century of China’s dominion.

Of course, plans do not always work out the way they think. First of all, they did not plan on any prayer campaigns where the overcomers would take them to the Divine Court. Their plans continued smoothly through the Clinton-Bush-Obama administrations.

Hillary Clinton was supposed to be the final president to bring us into the new Chinese Century, and they never thought she would lose. But they did not plan for the election of Donald Trump in 2016.

Trump saw this overall plan, as did nearly everyone who understood Big Business during those years. His MAGA platform was essentially a revolt against the plan to shift power to China and make the Chinese version of Communism the standard model for the whole world.

Trump’s introduction of tariffs went directly against the idea of “free trade.” America was built on tariffs and excise taxes for more than a hundred years. From an economic standpoint, you can say that this is what made America “great” and what funded the government. There was no “income tax” until 1916, and even then, by subterfuge, they made it appear that the “Income Tax Amendment” applied to individual wages instead of just corporate income.

The US Constitution guaranteed us the right to “the pursuit of happiness,” which the Supreme Courts defined essentially as our God-given right to work (or labor). You cannot tax a right, so the US government simply redefined rights under God to mean privileges granted by government. Privileges can be taxed, because the government wants a return on its labor in granting those privileges.

Trump’s MAGA platform has revived the old system of funding the government, and this is eroding the perceived need for taxes on individual wages and salaries. I believe in the end the IRS will be abolished, and the government will obtain revenue from other sources.

In conjunction with this new plan disrupting the flow of trade favoring China, Trump has decided to shut down the WTO altogether. He has not tried to get Congress to do this by legislation. He has simply refused to replace the retiring judges of the WTO. There were supposed to be seven Appellate judges on the court. As of yesterday, when two judges retired, there was just one remaining judge. The rules said that a single judge could not rule on any appealed cases.

The WTO may continue to function, as long as the disputing parties don’t appeal their cases beyond the lower court. But if they do, the cases go into limbo and cannot be enforced. Hence, it would be in the interests of every party that loses a case in the lower court to appeal it to the Appellate Court, as this would, in effect, render the lower court decision void.

GENEVA (AP) — Global commerce will lose its ultimate umpire Tuesday, leaving countries unable to reach a final resolution of disputes at the World Trade Organization and instead facing what critics call “the law of the jungle.’’

The United States, under a president who favors a go-it-alone approach to economics and diplomacy, appears to prefer it that way.

The terms of two of the last three judges on the WTO’s appellate body neared their end at midnight Tuesday. Their departure will deprive the de facto Supreme Court of world trade of its ability to issue rulings.

Among the disputes left in limbo are seven cases that have been brought against Trump’s decision last year to declare foreign steel and aluminum a threat to U.S. national security and to hit them with import taxes.

The WTO’s lower court — its dispute settlement body — can hear cases. But its decisions will go nowhere if the loser appeals to a higher court that is no longer functioning.

Sometimes God answers prayer in unusual ways. If we ask God to give us a greater capacity to love, God gives us a lot of practice. If we ask for patience, He puts us in situations where we can exercise patience. In the case of our 1993 prayer campaign, He answered our appeal against Babylon by accelerating its leaders’ plan to drive the West into bankruptcy.

We are indeed near bankruptcy, but Hillary is not there to hand over power to our Chinese creditors. Another plan has been put in its place. We will have a new financial system that has yet to be unveiled. And it will not put Americans under the dominion of China. We know this because we have reached the end of the four beast systems prophesied in Daniel 7. We have concluded all of the extensions of Rome, the “little horn,” and the two beasts in Revelation 13.

Prophecy says nothing of any more beasts. Instead, it just tells us that the final little horn will oppress the saints until the time comes for the saints to possess the Kingdom (Daniel 7:21, 22). We reached the full end of that system on October 12, 2017, as I have explained many times.

Now we see the WTO being shut down. That is a major development in this financial war. It is tied directly to our prayer campaign in 1993, and so I believe it marks the beginning of the end of the old bankrupt system. I do not know how long it may take to implement the new system, but at some point there will be a quick change-over, perhaps over a long week end.

This may wait until Trump’s second term in office, or it might happen sooner. But either way, we ought to be watchful and know that whatever happens, it is an answer to prayer. Judgment is coming upon Babylon, and this will affect us all. If we remain close to Jesus, it will affect us in a positive way. Insofar as we are tied to Babylon and its system, we will be affected negatively to some extent, but in the end, it will be positive for everyone.

But look up, "for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28 KJV).

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