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Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Current Short History


By Dr. Stephen Jones:  Dec 07, 2019

Blog Post Date: 12-8-2018

When President Roosevelt declared the American Republic to be bankrupt in 1933, he began to implement the change-over from a Christian Republic to a Socialist and Atheistic Democracy. At first this was limited to financial and political power. The power of government grew immensely, using the Great Depression as the main excuse.

Recall: the Federal Reserve banking system was established in 1913.

Bankruptcy meant that power shifted to the big banks who had foreclosed on all of the buildings and departments of government, as well as the people themselves. “The debtor is the servant of the lender,” and so power shifted from the government of the people, by the people, and for the people, to the Class-A stockholders who owned the Federal Reserve Bank.

Few people knew what had happened at the time, but soon God began to be eliminated from government under an ingenious plan to reinterpret the idea of the separation of church and state. This concept had originally been based on the biblical distinction between Moses and Aaron and between the kings of Israel and the high priests. God was still the Sovereign over both of them, but each had its own domain, and they were meant to work together to ensure the liberty of the nation.

However, the new interpretation eliminated God from government and turned it into an atheistic form of government. In the 1960’s God was removed from the schools, setting up the great shift in American culture. At the same time they stopped teaching Civics in order to set the stage for a reinterpretation and ultimately the elimination of the US Constitution itself.

Likewise, History began to be replaced by current events, which in turn turned into studies of Hollywood movie stars and other culture-changers. Morality was scoffed at in the great 1960’s cultural revolution. To promote this, the drug culture was promoted, as the CIA needed customers for its drug-running operations from Southeast Asia. Taking over the drug trade from Vietnam and Southeast Asia in general was one of the main purposes of the Vietnam War, although the war was sold to the public as an anticommunist war.

A secondary purpose was to drain the Treasury and debauch the currency, which “forced” President Nixon in 1971 to remove the dollar’s gold backing in world trade. The currency then found a new backing—oil, particularly Saudi oil, with whom the bankers made an agreement. Part of that agreement was to double the price of oil, which was accomplished through a fake “oil embargo” in 1973.

I was living near Philadelphia at the time, where dozens of oil tankers, full of imported oil, remained in the harbor without unloading, as they waited for the price of oil to double. There was no real shortage, and the embargo was fake. But this was designed to enrich the oil companies and especially the Saudis in exchange for their policy of accepting only US dollars in payment for oil. This is what created the so-called “petro-dollar,” instead of a “gold-dollar.”

As the schools eliminated prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the Ten Commandments, etc, a generation of immoral illiterates began to be bred, which could more easily be controlled and manipulated in service of the Socialist bankers as they moved us toward Totalitarianism. Socialism is not possible apart from big government, so the more Socialistic the nation became, the more powerful the government became. The end goal was to have a citizenry of the government, by the government, and for the government.

Meanwhile, with the CIA’s assassination of President Kennedy in 1962, the Deep State took control of the government. Its main power was Information. Knowledge is power, they say, and when you have a spy network that finds dirt on most of the politicians and presidents, they are able to control the political process.

Hence, the CIA and even the FBI created brothels in and around Washington to entrap politicians and judges, using the increasingly immoral culture to accomplish this. I read about this in the mid-1980’s, as it was reported in the mainstream news—and then immediately suppressed.

Operation Mockingbird was exposed in the 1970’s, and there were hearings in Congress that forced the CIA’s program of having its own journalists on its payroll to shut down. Actually, instead of shutting down, they simply went underground. They still have thousands of journalists on their payroll to this day, who are paid to create fake news. News became propaganda. Journalism was used to change minds instead of reporting men’s opinions.

Operation Mockingbird is an (alleged) large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early 1950s and attempted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. It funded student and cultural organizations and magazines as front organizations.

In the 1980’s President Reagan did what he could to slow the “progress” toward Totalitarian power, but the attempted assassination on this life in 1981 made him back off. The father of John Hinckley, the would-be assassin, was a close friend of G.H.W. Bush, Reagan’s vice president. Bush had dinner with the Hinckley’s the night before the assassination attempt. Reagan did not like G.H.W. Bush.

In1974 Bush was appointed by Gerald Ford to be the US Ambassador to China in order to secure the drug trade route for Southeast Asia. In 1976 he was made the CIA director. Reagan was forced to make him the vice presidential running mate in the 1979 elections. He already had experience in drug running through his company, Zapata Oil, bringing in drugs from South America through his oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.

In those days, importing drugs was the most lucrative business, so they did not tolerate competition. The War on Drugs was meant to eliminate the competition or force the Drug cartels to make deals with the CIA and the Bush Crime Family. However, it was not long before human trafficking became even more lucrative than the drug business.

With the rise in immorality came an increasing demand for sex slaves, especially among the rich and famous. In fact, it was in the CIA’s best interest to debauch the moral values of the people in order to increase their markets.

There has been a concerted effort by those who control the government to made immorality the basis of “American values.”

GHW Bush deliberately lost the 1992 election to his friend and employee, Bill Clinton, who had been overseeing the importation of South American drugs in Mena, Arkansas while he was governor of Arkansas. I lived in Arkansas at the time and knew about this, as it was rather common knowledge. In my hometown, we even knew where and when the drug drops were being made, but since the police were in on it, there was no point in reporting it to them. They already knew! And besides, if anyone knew too much, they developed a chronic and often fatal case of the Arkansas flu.

George Bush, Jr. did nothing to stop the drug trade. Personally, I think he was conflicted and did not like being part of a crime family. But he also knew that to oppose his father would be fatal. This, I believe, was behind his trouble with alcoholism. I can sympathize with him, but at the same time, he lacked the power to fight the crime family, and the CIA no doubt had a lot of blackmail material on him.

President Obama was another CIA appointment, as his mother and assumed father were long-time CIA operatives. The CIA was able to erase or seal most of his history, and in the name of transparency, he became the most non-transparent president of all. I will leave it at that.

Meanwhile, there were some in the CIA, FBI, and the military who had become very concerned about the Deep State’s intention to destroy the Constitution and all vestiges of the Christian Republic that our founders had established. They banded together as early as the late 1970’s and began to draw up plans to take back the country. The plans evolved over time, but finally they came up with a presidential candidate who had the same concerns. This was Donald Trump.

As I watched the plan unfold, I was particularly impressed by its brilliance, especially in regard to the psychology of it. I do not know who all were involved in the psychological planning, but Dr. Steve Pieczenik has admitted to being part of it. He is a psychiatrist who worked with the CIA and military intelligence for many years under many presidents going back to the 1970’s. He co-authored the “Jack Ryan” spy novels, which showed his knowledge of the inner workings of government organizations. His knowledge and experience are behind the Trump strategy.

And:  Dr. Pieczenik could possibly be Qanon

One of the primary strategies is not to fight the Deep State head on but to let them expose themselves and even to force them to show their hand sooner than they wanted. This has caused the Deep State political operatives to run to the far left and expose themselves as Socialists. In the past, they have always tried to give the appearance of being slightly left of center in order to maintain support from unsuspecting voters. But that has now changed.

The result is an increased polarization of the country, as people are forced to choose between the principles of a Christian Republic and those of the Socialist Democracy. Most people, of course, still do not understand the underlying issues or even the reason for this political war. A large number of young people, educated in the schools and colleges whose Deep State professors dominate, lack the experience to understand how they are being manipulated and baited with the prospect of maintaining sexual freedom.

In the early 1970’s, when I attended the University of Minnesota, I quickly learned that it was a hotbed of Communism. In my studies of Philosophy, I discovered that all of the professors were atheists and half of them were self-professed, card-carrying members of the Communist Party. Their intention was to change America’s culture and to lead us to a Totalitarian form of government in the guise of “Democracy.”

This, in fact, frightened me into diving more deeply into the Word of God. I knew that I was up against well-educated atheists who would do all they could to discredit the Scriptures and to cause students to lose their faith in God. I saw many students fall because they were insufficiently grounded in the word and because their faith was in the church rather than in Christ Himself. Hence, when the church was discredited by its own corruption, the students lost faith in Christ. They were too young and inexperienced to know the difference, and most did not even realize the difference between faith in the church and faith in Christ.

Yet this drove me into studying the word and history as well. When I finally took a course on Roman History, it occurred to me that I was studying the history of the fourth beast in Daniel 7. Up to that moment, I found history to be boring and useless, but once history began to give me a better understanding of Bible prophecy, I began to learn the Scriptures.

A side effect was that I also began to get a glimpse of what was really going on behind the scenes in the political realm. So I have been studying these things for nearly 50 years, back when few people even knew that the Federal Reserve was privately owned. Now a whole host of people know this—and much more. I used to feel almost alone in knowing a lot of these things, but now a third of the country is aware of these things.

We finally arrived at the end of the 2,520-year beast dominion in October 2017, as I have often explained in my weblogs and books (such as my commentary on Daniel). With the end of that divine contract came the end of divine judgment for the sins of Israel and Judah. The authority has now been transferred to the saints of the Most High, as Daniel calls it.

We live in at the end of an age and the start of the next. Such transitions are always tumultuous, and our time is no exception. But if we believe the Scriptures, we know how it will end. We cannot possibly lose, because the divine court has ruled in our favor. There is no need to panic, nor do we need to become angry at what we see—or what we think we see—in Washington.

The time of Babylonian culture and political domination has run its course and is now ending. The Kingdom of God is upon us. Heaven is returning to earth. The saints are being given “thrones” (Daniel 7:9). This is not an overnight event. The process will take some time. Even so, God is shaking the heavens and the earth so that anything that is not of His Kingdom will fall to the ground. All that will remain in the end is that which is subject to Christ and His Kingdom.

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