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Thursday, August 1, 2019

Russia Full of White People


Hal Turner Radio Show


It is no secret to anyone that White folks are under sustained attack; being blamed for oppressing all the rest.  Called "racists" (Bigots, hatemongers, homophobes and a variety of other smears) the White race is under an onslaught.  Perhaps THAT is why such a big deal is being made about Russia . . . the very same forces generating such hatred for God's Chosen people (White Israel) wants the two largest white countries on earth to nuke each other out of existence.

I don't know about any of you, but I am still waiting to receive MY "White Privilege" because as far as I can see, it seems to have passed me by!

Yet White people are almost constantly being reviled as having some sort of secret benefit from our skin color. 

Sorry to have to be the one to say this but, there is no such thing as "White privilege."  What our detractors are REALLY complaining about . . . . is actually CIVILIZATION. They don't like our merit-based, hard-work, Capitalistic way of life. 

Whether that's because they cannot compete with us or are just lazy, I don't know.  But it is very clear to me that it is civilization itself that these people are truly objecting to.
Think about it:  From speaking proper English, to showing up for work on-time, to merit-based testing and grades in schools, to being dressed appropriately, the complaints are virtually non-stop.

We are told "Ebonics" is somehow legitimate language.  We are told that corn rows and dreadlocks as hair styles is somehow "cultural."  

We are told that wearing pants down around the butt, or men wearing dresses - including ridiculous hair coloring like blue, red and green -- is now "OK."
Speaking of wearing dresses, we're now told that men who "identify as . . . " women (or anything else) and women who "identify" as men is not only "acceptable" it is to be embraced, and anyone who says otherwise is ridiculed as a hater.

Yes, folks.  Civilization itself is what's under attack . . . which brings me back to Russia.

Russia is a majority White, Christian nation.  They should be a natural ally of we in the USA.

But the very people who tried to destroy Russia with evil Communism, but who got thrown off after 70 years of that failed system, are now trying to start a war between the US and Russia to finish both countries off.

Who benefits from such a thing?

Certainly not Whites.  Certainly not Christians.

So stop and think: WHO BENEFITS?

Then start paying attention to the last names of the people spewing all the anti-Russia, anti-Christian, anti-white rhetoric and you'll quickly realize WHO it is that's doing all this crap.

They aren't Irish last names.

Our enemy is easily identifiable; if you just pay attention.

From a Comment
Like Feinstein, Blumenthal, Schumer, Sanders, Schiff, Wasserman-Shultz, Ginsburg, Mnuchin, Kissinger, Shapiro, Wiener, Hertzberg, Berkowitz, Weinberger, Goodman, Goldman, Goldberg, Schaaf, Rothschild - the list goes on as hand rubbing intensifies.

Some Russ Information
According to Steven M. Collins, the Russ people came south from Norway, Sweden, and Finland, and grouped themselves into an area known as Russia.  The Russ had problems with the Khazarians and eventually defeated them.  The Khazarian survivors fled to Eastern Europe and into areas around the Russ homeland and called themselves Ashkenazi Jews (note the extreme similarity of Ashkenazi and the descendant of Japheth called Ashkenaz)

The Rus (“Russians”), however, did not move north from the Mideast (during the migration of the Israelites deported by Syria), but rather came south toward today’s Russia from the Scandinavian countries (Some Israelites originally migrated to the northern European areas). They originated from the dispersed House of Israel—not from Japheth.  The Russ could have been known as the Norse or Vikings and were later called Russ then Russians when they migrated south to the Russian area.

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