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Thursday, January 16, 2020

The All-Life Knowing God



PSALMS 139:13-18 NET Certainly you made my mind and heart; you wove me together in my mother's womb. (14) I will give you thanks because your deeds are awesome and amazing. You knew me thoroughly; (15) my bones were not hidden from you, when I was made in secret and sewed together in the depths of the earth. (16) Your eyes saw me when I was inside the womb. All the days ordained for me were recorded in your scroll before one of them came into existence. (17) How difficult it is for me to fathom your thoughts about me, O God! How vast is their sum total! (18) If I tried to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. Even if I finished counting them, I would still have to contend with you.

It is contended that David wrote Psalm 139.  All Bible believing Christians consider every word of the Bible to be true, in some form or another.  Some Bible events and statements, particularly many concerned with prophecy, have to be understood as symbolic or metaphoric of another literal statement or event.  Psalm 139 must definitely be understood as completely true or completely false (at least on a literal scale).

The abortion policy has recently had somewhat of an uprising for the past 50 to 100 years but looking over historical events, it is nothing new.  Of course the medical procedures have improved quite a bit since the 50’s or 60’s, aborted body parts have greatly increased in value, and an abortion seems to increase the sexual uprising that has been fostered and promoted from the turn of the twentieth century.

Unless someone has done some research, it may surprise many, that laws with penalties have been written and enforced around the world.  Of course, a written language helps to qualify this assertion.  The first recorded evidence of induced abortion is from the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus in 1550 BC.  Most known ancient abortions were not medically induced but due to taking certain medicines, exposure to battery, hot liquids, and/or a tightening of the girdle.  The process has apparently grown exponentially within the past few years, particularly due to the increase in sexual relations outside of marriage (or no marriage).

Psalm 139
Taking a closer look at David’s Psalm, it can be said that David considered the hand of God as identifying him even as he was conceived.  If this is true of David then it must be true of every human ever born on the earth.  This idea brings forth some serious considerations.  For example:

Most American citizens may think or may believe that the grace and salvation of God is only for the informed and educated people of the earth while forgetting about the Indians of South America, the Mongols of Mongolia, and the Inuit people of the northern areas of the Artic (to name a few).  It is not that they actually discuss this concept but may consider the possibility in the back of their mind.

Does God actually get involved in the creation of a baby born in in outskirts of Buddhist India that will endure a horrific lifestyle or a baby that is foreknown to be aborted in the USA?  Perhaps God only has an interest in special people such as David and not for the dregs of the world?  Of course, that idea would be opposed to the teachings of the Bible.  If God is involved in the creation of David than He would be involved in the creation of all children even the aborted.

David also claims that God “knew him thoroughly”.  Does God know every conceived baby “thoroughly”?  Yes, this would appear to be a true statement.  Does God thoroughly know even the aborted?  Yes, this would also appear to be a true statement.

Within the Psalm, David also states that, “All the days ordained for me were recorded in your scroll before one of them came into existence”.  Even the aborted child, who had no living (outside the womb) days, would also be recorded.  How is this possible? 

According to the scriptural reference, all the days of David’s life were recorded in advance.  Many babies’ lives would have no record at all.  And God knows this in advance.  There are many babies born dead, miscarried, or die shortly after birth, with very little or no record at all.

For those who are interested, the idea for this article came from an overheard Church sermon.  It is usually my policy to keep the majority of my beliefs veiled from my friends and neighbors in the small town that I live.  Particularly a belief such as Universal Justification.

Universal Justification
Now, very few ardent Christians (I think) actually believe in Universal Justification.  The concept of eternally ending up in heaven or hell has been preached into our brains endlessly and people naturally revert to previously learned ideas and dismiss the new.  Currently, there are several articles on this blog describing Universal Justification and it will only vaguely be addressed again.

However, at this point, there should be a short discussion without bringing up the Biblical scriptures.  God and Satan are not playing a game of “shoot-out” or “let’s see who gets the most prizes”.  God is all powerful, omnipotent, i.e. there is nothing He cannot do or perform.  Satan can’t sneeze if God disallows it.  They (God and Satan) are not equals by any stretch of the imagination.  Satan, and everything in the universe (or dimensions) was created and is controlled by God.  Satan cannot do anything to anyone that can’t be overcome by God.

Since the beginning of time there have been millions (perhaps billions) of people born into existence.  The majority of those people have only been told a fragment about God and His mercy (if anything at all).  Most of that information has been hidden under a panoply of mysticism or outright falsehoods such as Hinduism, Muslimism, and a host of other false religious systems.   Will all these billions of misguided people be sent to a place envisioned by the Christian Church as hell?

It is also difficult to understand how God can deal with the many facets of birth control, rape, the Chinese system of a limited number of children, but He does in some fashion.

To begin with, the Bible does not teach anything about “hell” other than some misled interpretations concerning the cleansing power of the fire of God.  Of course the ministers and preachers are blinded, by the power of God, not to see and understand what should be obvious.  Hopefully, many of you will have your mental eyes cleared from the haze of misinterpretations that are spewing everywhere at the current time.  Even supposedly brilliant people with a host of degrees are teaching eternal hell-fire with no qualifying backing or factual evidence.

Back to the Bible
It would be nice if a clear statement was contained in the scriptures concerning Universal Justification such as “every living human will be eventually justified by God”, but of course there isn’t.  There are comments that “God may be all in all” as found in 1 Corinthians 15:28 and other similar passages such as “everything has been put in subjection to Him”.

1 Corinthians 15:27-28 NET (27) For he has put everything in subjection under his feet. But when it says "everything" has been put in subjection, it is clear that this does not include the one who put everything in subjection to him. (28) And when all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will be subjected to the one who subjected everything to him, so that God may be all in all.

God is the God of all creation.  Every person is born with a soul placed in that person by God, even some dirty little Chinese baby and God will redeem and justify that baby, because it (he, she) is the creation of God.  God is not some far-off entity Who doesn’t care.  He knows that many will die, some in a cruel manner, but all will be justified by God in the end.  The end may appear to be a long wait for most of us, but it is nothing to God.

A question may be asked, “What type of body will a resurrected aborted baby have?”

1 Corinthians 15:35-38 NET+ (35) But someone will say, "How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?" (36) Fool! What you sow will not come to life unless it dies. (37) And what you sow is not the body that is to be, but a bare seed— perhaps of wheat or something else. (38) But God gives it a body just as he planned, and to each of the seeds a body of its own.

Will be Millennium have a host of babies who will need to be cared for?  Not likely.  God will give each resurrected person, baby or old man/woman exactly the body they will need to function within the Kingdom.

Everyone needs to be self-cured of their (mostly unknown) “I’m special” attitude and fully understand that God is exactly “ALL IN ALL”.  All of His creation is part of Him and none will be destined to burn in an eternal fire.  Everything will be redeemed at some point in the millennial future.

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