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Friday, January 31, 2020

Polarization & Division in America


By Dr. Stephen Jones:  1-30-2020

Blog Post Date:  1-31-2020

America is reaching a major turning point in history. I see it as a culture clash between Mystery Babylon and the New Jerusalem. But that is a biblical perspective. Most people see it in more mundane terms, such as a political conflict.

The nation was culturally unified for a long time, when biblical morality was the accepted norm. But when Babylonian culture was imposed upon the country, beginning with the Roosevelt era in the 1930’s, and then into the Sexual Revolution of the 1960’s, the nation began to be divided.

In 1976, at the time of our Bicentennial, many Christians began to wake up to the fact that their government and courts had been taken over by those who were trying to change the Christian foundations of America and to introduce so-called “rights” (such as abortion rights and the right to commit adultery) that were never contemplated by our founders. They saw no such "rights" in the Bible.

This division increased steadily until the 1990’s, when President Bill Clinton’s public immorality turned division into polarization. This began to be reflected in the political parties as well, making the whole situation political.

The gay marriage “right” began here in Minnesota after they put to a vote a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between one man and one woman. The problem was that if a voter failed to check the “yes” box, his vote was counted as a “no” instead of just treating it as a non-vote. This stacked the deck against the Christians, and the amendment failed to pass. This was then used by other states as a pretext to say that the people favored gay marriage.

After that, of course, came the right to adopt children into a gay marriage “family” and now it is becoming a violation of “rights” to criticize them.
These abuses of God-given rights have served to polarize America even further. Politicization has not alleviated the situation but has only served to make it worse. The Democratic Party has adopted one side of the issue, and the Republicans the other. So now one can hardly take a biblical position without being charged with being “political.” But politics has infringed upon religion, not the other way around.

Some people complain about my “politics,” when in fact, I hold a biblical view. If a political party happens to agree with my view, that does not make me a political supporter. I do not belong to any political party, and I will criticize any party for opposing Christ’s right to rule this earth and to issue His laws. I am an advocate and ambassador of the Kingdom only.
Virginia and West Virginia.

Recently, the state of Virginia has been at the forefront of the modern attempt to destroy the US Constitution, particularly its first and second amendment rights. Babylon’s culture does not fit well with the biblical cultural values that characterize our Constitution. In particular, the constitutional rights are set forth as God-given rights, not state-granted.

The definition of a right has been under attack for a long time, confusing rights with privileges. The Supreme Court has ruled many times that all rights come from God and that governments are instituted to protect those rights. Anything government grants is only a privilege that can be taken away as easily as it was granted. By calling such privileges “rights,” power is transferred from God to the state, and God’s own right as the Creator is usurped.

I oppose all who usurp the rights of God. That is not “politics.” That is the Gospel of the Kingdom, which governments oppose because they want to usurp the place of God Himself. The early church ran afoul of government for refusing to acknowledge them as the highest power on earth; we are no different.

The state of Virginia really began to polarize people by threatening to overthrow the second amendment to the US constitution about the RIGHT to “hold and bear arms.” Governments hate the second amendment, because it threatens their sovereignty and their ability to demand that the people conform to whatever moral standard they choose.

So 90% of the counties with the state of Virginia have now declared themselves to be “gun-sanctuary” counties. These are counties that refuse to enforce the state’s unconstitutional laws. They got this idea from Democrat-controlled cities which have declared themselves to be “sanctuary cities” for illegal aliens. In the link below, the green counties are sanctuary counties in Virginia; those marked in black are the counties that support the state’s position.

Now the adjoining state of West Virginia is inviting those sanctuary counties to leave the state of Virginia and join the state of West Virginia!

This history goes back to the Civil War in the 1860’s, where the counties in the northern part of Virginia left to form their own state, which they called West Virginia. Likewise, others on the west side of Virginia left as well, calling their state Kentucky. West Virginia in particular never rescinded its invitation to other counties in the state of Virginia. So now the governor is stating publicly that any county in Virginia that wants to uphold the second amendment rights of the people are welcome to become part of the state of West Virginia.

If any counties take up their offer, there is no doubt that other states will divide as well. There are large parts of New York that could separate from New York City and form their own state of, say, “West New York.” People in California are likely to do the same outside of the main cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sacramento. There has been talk for many years already about splitting California into two states, North and South California. But now it seems that the split will be between the Democrat-controlled cities and the countryside.

America’s polarization between two cultures—one biblical, the other Babylonian—even threatens to bring about another Civil War in which whole states may form their own countries. I do not know how far this will go, but the great cultural divide is affecting all of us. We should be aware of these trends and the issues that have caused such divisions. Whatever you do, support the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. I believe that God has brought about these divisions in order to bring provide the setting for the outpouring of the Spirit, and this will bring repentance and reunification under the banner of Jesus Christ.

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