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Monday, July 1, 2019

Racial Questions, Issues, and Anomalies



Racial Issues: The Ark
If the Bible is to be believed, then everyone on the face of the earth is related to the people on the Ark who survived the flood.  Of course the ark inhabitants were descendants of Adam and Eve, but the flood dilutes the flow of genealogy back to only eight people.

It will be assumed that Shem, Ham, and Japheth were the legitimate sons of Noah and his wife.  In the KJV of Gen 6:9, it says that Noah was perfect in his generations.  Other versions translate “tawmeem” (perfect) as blameless or flawless.  These are all legitimate definitions but Hebrew dictionaries list other definitions such as:  without blemish, complete, full, perfect, sincerely (-ity), sound, without spot, undefiled.  This implies that Noah was 100% human with no Watcher/Nephilim DNA mixture.  In other words, a true descendant of Adam and Eve.  After all, the mixture of angelic DNA with human DNA was one of the primary reasons for the flood.

Genesis 6:9 KJV  These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

Likewise, Shem, an ancestor of Jesus Christ, was also 100% human meaning that his wife and his mother, Noah’s wife, also had pure human DNA.

The mysterious episode occurring in Genesis 9:18 onward, between Noah and Ham has intrigued commentators but never explained without any doubt.  Whatever happened Noah cursed Canaan, the son of Ham rather than Ham.  This was led some to think that Canaan was showing signs of Nephilim DNA activity.

Nimrod was an ancestor of Ham and he is considered to have Nephilim characteristics.  The term “mighty” or “powerful” in his description have some considering Nimrod to be a person with Nephilim characteristics.

Genesis 10:8 KJV  And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.

Many of the Old Testament giants were concentrated within the ancestors of Canaan and were located in their particular habitat.  Thus, it is possible that Canaan had Nephilim traits, most likely the source was Ham’s wife, that was passed down to their children.  Each successive generation containing a giant indicated the DNA effect was becoming less intense over time by producing smaller giants until it apparently disappeared (or has it?).

Some Bible teachers claim the post-flood giants were caused by another invasion of Watcher angels. 

Genesis 6:4 NET The Nephilim were on the earth in those days (and also after this)

A post-flood incursion of Watcher angels seems highly improbably and likely impossible.  According to Peter, the lawless angels were imprisoned until their day of judgment.  It is doubtful that another angelic entity would care to follow suit.  It is my theory that post-flood gigantism was the consequence of Ham’s wife.  If Africans are the offspring of Ham (theory only – not fact), was perhaps Ham’s wife black?

2 Peter 2:4 NET For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but threw them into hell (actually Tartarus i.e. a special prison for angelic types) and locked them up in chains in utter darkness, to be kept until the judgment,

The racial characteristics of the Ark family and their offspring is unknown.  Perhaps Noah, his wife, and the wives of the sons contained the racial DNA of all racial and ethnic types around the world and the appearance of their children was always a surprise and an uncertainty.  It could be the wives of the sons were of different races particularly if the theory that African blacks were descended from Ham then the wife of Ham would be of the Black or Negro race.

Racial Issues: The Tower of Babel
Within a short period of time the population derived from the Ark family’s offspring had advanced considerably.  Probably due to the influence of Nimrod, the bulk of the population were all concentrated at the same location which is Biblically referred to as Babel. (Babylon is the most famous city from ancient Mesopotamia whose ruins lie in modern-day Iraq 59 miles (94 kilometers) southwest of Baghdad).

Nimrod initiated the idea of building a tall vast tower and a city.  There are many reasons given by various commentators and Bible teachers for the tower.  The written scriptural answer is relatively vague.  The people (they) desired to build a City and a Tower that may (would) reach unto heaven.  They also wanted to make a name (a mark, a memorial) for themselves and they desired to remain in Babel and not be scattered abroad (as was commanded by God).

Genesis 11:4 KJV  And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

Josephus added a few dictatorial descriptive snippets concerning Nimrod.

Flavius Josephus Antiquities of the Jews Chapter 4
Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers !

Regardless of the actual recorded reasons for the city and the tower, it appears that God and His court were not happy with their decision although it appears the unhappiness concerned remaining in one location other than inhabiting the earth as will be explained in the next paragraph.

God changed the people’s unified language into many different languages.  The people were bewildered and baffled.  It appears they searched around until they came in contact with someone (or everyone) speaking the same language.  It was at that moment in time the language groups banded together and decided it would be best for them to move elsewhere on the planet.  At this point the tower appeared to be a non-issue and there is no evidence that Nimrod continued the project.

The question is:  did the groups receiving oriental languages look like Orientals, or similarly did the groups obtaining African languages look like Africans, etc. likewise with other groups?  If everyone looked the same, which appears to be highly unlikely, at what historical point did they change?

Without a definitive answer to the racial question, this article will continue as if God did, in fact, separate the Babel people by language and by race.  This racial situation remained in place for several generations until the beginnings of large militaristic empires such as Assyria, Egypt, and Babylon began mixing people.

Racial Issues: The Beast Empires
A Biblical Empire that oppresses other nations and people is generally (but not always) referred to as a beast.  An individual person such as a king, emperor, or dictator is never termed or designated as a beast.  The two beasts of Revelation 13 are empires (the first beast) or domains (the second beast) and neither beast designates a single end-times dictator commonly referred to as the “antichrist”.

The Biblical beast system represents or describes empires that controlled the people of God such as the nation of Judah (not Israel) at the beginning of the Babylonian domination, and later referred to the Church located mainly in Europe, North Africa, and the Near East (i.e. Turkey).

Prior to the Babylonian invasion of Judah, the Assyrian Empire was used by God to conquer the northern ten tribes of Israel and deport them to Eastern Turkey where they temporarily lived between the Black and Caspian Seas.  Assyria attempted to overrun Judah, but they failed due to the assistance of God.  The Israelites were punished for idolatry, sacrificing children, and other infractions of the laws of God.  They never returned to Israel and eventually migrated to the northern and western parts of Europe.  Groups of Vikings from Finland, Sweden, and Norway called the Russ eventually migrated into the area of Russia. 

Much later (1600’s), groups of European Israelites traveled to North America, Australia, and New Zealand.  In addition to the native-American Indians, immigrants from Mexico and Africa were later added to the mix.

The prophet Daniel (in chapter 7) saw four animals/beasts rising from the sea (people, empires).  These beasts would ultimately control Judah in some fashion: 1. a lion with eagles' wings - Babylon; 2. a bear that was raised up on one side, with three ribs in its mouth between its teeth – Medo-Persia; 3. a leopard with four bird-like wings on its back and it had four heads - Greece; 4. One that was dreadful, terrible, and very strong with two large rows of iron teeth that devoured and crushed, and it trampled with its feet anything that was left. It was different from all the beasts that came before it, and it had ten horns – Roman Empire.

Among the fourth beast’s ten horns sprouted another small horn, which is generally referred to as the “little horn”.  This “little horn” of Daniel is fulfilled as the beast rising from the sea (people) in Revelation 13, which is an extension of the quickly declining Western Roman Empire later, known as the Holy Roman Empire (a Church system controlling conquered territory).

You may be asking yourself, “Why are we receiving this historical discourse?”

With the multiple language changes at the tower of Babel event, it appears plausible that God forced the separation of groups of people to various parts of the earth.  We have concluded that the manifestation of specific racial features of these different people groups has no definitive answer but this occurred for some unknown reason.  At this point, it can be said that God separated the Babel population by language and by racial features or through some form of undiscovered natural selection (not evolution) the various races appeared in different parts of the world.  Thus, it would seem that God planned and desired the initial separation of races.

The Empire racial mixing sequence appears to begin with the descendants of Jacob’s twelve sons (and wives) enslaved in Egypt.  This was followed by the exodus of the Hebrews by Moses into a land of foreigners of different races.  It now appears the separation of races is beginning to be reversed.

The Hebrews (originally all were called Israelites) brought Egyptians and other nationalities with them.  Within the new land the Israelites were coupled with other nationalities, some distantly related and others only related through Noah.  The Assyrians captured and deported the northern 10 tribes around 721 BC and many Israelite women were carried off as wives or concubines (i.e. sex slaves).

In their new deportation home between the Black and Caspian Seas, the Israelites came in contact with other nationalities and races.  It is almost guaranteed that biracial coupling occurred.

With the long history of the beast system empires controlling Judah and other nationalities and races, it is again quite certain that many biracial marriages and couplings occurred as well.

During the 100 years of freedom that Judah enjoyed prior to their Roman Empire occupation, the Hasmoneans conquered the Edomites, who chose to become Jews and married into the Judahites.  Although the people of Judah and Edom were distant cousins, the Edomites had a history of capturing the women of other nations and races for wives and concubines (sex slaves).

After the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost followed by the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD the Church quickly spread over Europe and the Near East (Turkey).  The new Church suffered many problems from the Roman leaders and there was also some occasional respite from persecution. 

The Roman Empire generated the Roman Church also called the Catholic (all) Church.  With the downfall of the Western Roman Empire the Catholic Church soon became the Holy Roman Empire and its so-called supreme leader was the Pope, also known as the “little Horn” of Daniel 7, or the beast from the sea of Revelation 13.

Several who have read many of the articles on this blog, Freedom From Delusion, are aware that my belief is that the Revelation is a prophetic history of the Church.  This concept is also written about and taught by Dr. Stephen Jones of God’s Kingdom Ministries.

During the Church Age God brought several judgments on the Church by allowing invading forces to enter various parts of Europe, Northern Africa, and the later established Near East division of the Church in the Eastern Roman Empire.  These invading forces included Northern nations, Mongols, and various brands of Arabs.  These assaults included many deaths, rapes, and the captivity of women by the soldiers.  Again, this resulted in many biracial births spread around Europe, the Near East, and the Middle East.

The prophecies of the Revelation Church also include the current days that has witnessed the tribulation of what is called, Mystery Babylon, although to many awakened people it is not quite a mystery any longer.  The Babylon mystery was created and promoted by the banking system that was foretold and fulfilled by the second beast in Revelation 13 or the “beast from the earth”.  This system started primarily in England and France and soon became dominated by the Rothschild family. 

There is some form of the central banking system in almost all parts of the world.  The primary central bank is claimed to be the Federal Reserve located in the USA along with the Bank of International Settlements located in Basel, Switzerland and the International Monetary Fund.  The Revelation prophecies concerning the downfall of Mystery, Babylon is presently in operation.

A major current goal of the Babylon system (backed by the banking cartel) is a one-world government controlled by the elite bankers Their desire is a small ruling class with a mixed race of third world ignorant brown people as workers and slaves.  Merkel, Macron, May, Obama, Hillary, the current deep state politicians (and others) are desperately attempting to allow as many third world immigrants into their countries as possible.  Some claim the Democrats are supporting this for votes.  That may be an ignorant truth but Obama, Hillary, Merkel, Macron, and May are supporting the influx of migrants for the success of the desired one-world government (which will never happen until that government is ruled by Jesus Christ).

Is God allowing or promoting this influx of third world migrants into Europe and North America (the residence of the ten tribes of Northern Israel)?

It is highly possible.  Just as the European and Near Eastern church (Turkey) (who were the ancestors of the ten tribes of Northern Israel) was punished by invading racial groups, God may again be punishing the Church for disbelief (or corrupt doctrines).  The migrants are certainly created a soft war in the USA and Germany.

Adam of the Bible had no race or ethnicity, Dennis Prager says:

“[Its a microagression] If you just say there is only one race — the human race — but that is exactly what everyone in this room believes,” Prager stressed. “I believe on religious grounds that God created Adam. Adam was not black. Adam was not white. Adam was not Asian. Adam was not Hispanic.”

“We are all descended from a non-ethnic, non-race descriptive human being,” he continued. “All of us.”

Some think racial diversity began after the Genesis Flood, which some believe killed everyone on Earth except Noah, his wife, and three sons.

A Somewhat Related Side Note
I was sharing some of the information in this article with some coffee shop friends and one particular gentleman said, “You know that blackbirds will not mate with a mocking bird” and I don’t think using the word “blackbird” was racist.

Zoos and other groups have mated various similar animals producing hybrids.  Most of these hybrids have birth defects, sterility, and short life spans.  Their DNA is, or course, not the same, and there are also examples of similar animals with a different number of chromosomes.  Below are some internet excerpts with explanations exceeding my knowledge of the current subject.

Since lions and tigers do not exist in the same areas, this is not something that happens in the wild. It is done in captivity by disreputable carnies to produce a freak that ignorant people will pay to see. These cats suffer from many birth defects and usually die young.

In short, hybrid animals are infertile because they don't have viable sex cells, meaning they can't produce sperm or eggs. This is the case because the chromosomes from their different species parents don't match up.

The chromosome difference makes female hybrids poorly fertile and male hybrids generally sterile due to a phenomenon called Haldane's rule. ... Horses have 64 chromosomes, while most zebroids (Zebra + Any other Equine) end up with 54 chromosomes.

My short attempted research on the internet concerning race, chromosomes, and DNA didn’t provide much helpful usable information.  I will most likely do some more research in the future but for now it appears reasonable that human chromosomes are relatively identical although certain genomes within the DNA chromosomes must be different to allow for various racial identifications particularly the X and Y chromosomes at fertilization. 

If all humans are descended from two individuals (Adam and Eve) and the population was reduced to eight people after the flood it would be expected that all humans are the same but with various different features, colors, and hair textures.  The explanation of these differences has produced several theories but no definitive answer.

Article from: Grace to You
If Adam and Eve were the first two people, how did we get so many races?

This is a very complex question, but let’s go at it another way. The races that we experience today didn’t really come from Adam and Eve. You know why? Because everybody on the face of the earth got drowned, except for Noah and his three sons, and their wives. So, all the races came from Noah and Mrs. Noah, and the three little junior Noahs: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And they were all, you remember, rescued in the flood, and they came back and began to populate the earth.

The best we can tell, Shem located with his people in the Middle East, and are the Semites: Jews and Arabic people. It’s a huge part of the world--huge population. Ham, in most studies (and I’m reflecting back a few years in reading things like Oliver Buswell III, and others who dealt with these issues, and some other books on the tables of nations), it seems that Ham became a more servile people and may have moved south and wound up in Africa. The descendants of Ham and Japheth seem to have colonized Europe. It’s very difficult to know all of that specifically, but they obviously, through the years, adapted themselves to their areas. They of course began to develop and all the races eventually came.

But, apart from what might be the scientific and historical explanation, is the statement of Acts 17, where it says, “The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; neither is He served by human hands, as though He have need of anything; He made, from one, every nation.” So, that’s the best answer. Acts 17, verse 26, God, from Noah and Mrs. Noah and Shem, Ham, and Japheth, created the nations.

Now, one major component in that happened at the Tower of Babel of course, where God scattered all the nations all over the face of the earth and changed their languages.

So, the best answer is right there in Acts 17--God did it. And God sort of tweaked their ears and tweaked their eyes, and their nose, and the color of the skin, and all those genetic unique things, in His creative power, through the process of providential genetics, to create all the different races.

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