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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Peak Swamp? Epstein Arrest Opens New Frontier




Mr. Steele claims the Epstein operation is most likely a much larger game than most people may believe.  It is more than one rich American enlisting young girls to provide disgusting pleasure for a few rich individuals.  It is maintained that Epstein’s operation involves the Mossad (Mossad - the national intelligence agency of Israel) as a means to video the clients and then blackmail them for Israeli interests and benefits)

I remain of the view that Jeffrey Epstein is a Mossad clandestine operations officer, assisted by Mossad clandestine operations officer Ghislaine Maxwell, and that their mission is to do precisely what they have been doing: entrap US politicians, judges, celebrities, prosecutors, and corporate leaders with rigged “no name” hotels and the mult-cavern “Lolita Island” where anything goes and the Mossad gets it all on video — grown people doing bad things to small children.

It is alleged that Epstein was financed by various Zionist sources to set up the Lolita operation.  Which would include the plane, the excavation and building work

My sources suggest that Vicky Ward has it wrong, Epstein is not a grifter that made it big on crime, that is a cover story. I believe he was given a billion dollar line of credit by a real Zionist billionaire, and has always been “on the job.”

Alert readers will recall that Ghislaine Maxwell is the daugher of Robert Mazell, one of Israel’s most famous super-spies, and the man who single-handedly opened all doors for Israel’s promulgation of PROMIS, the first major “hack” of many Western governments by Israel, in the 1980’s, long before the Chinese and Russian cyber-incursions in the 1990’s.

It is also believed the Epstein operation is monitored and employed by the CIA and the FBI most likely in conjunction with the Mossad.

I further believe that because Epstein has been “on the job” that both the CIA and the FBI have been associated with this “job” and sharing the take. It is more important to them to be able to blackmail as many people as possible to keep their budgets growing, than it is to stop traitors, pedophiles, and white collar criminals.

Bill Binney and I, simply accessing the 99% of the NSA database that has not been processed, could nail almost every traitor, pedophile, compromised judge, and white collar criminal within 90 days using Thin Thread. We told Jefferson Sessions, then AG, how to do this. Of course our mail to him (and to Donald Trump) could have been intercepted by the various traitors that so easily gain access to the upper ranks precisely because they have CIA, FBI, Freemason, Knights of Malta, and other forms of sponsorship.

The fact that the FBI broke down Epstein’s door is somewhat significant. It suggests that the old deal is off the table and our President may be about to begin a scorched earth campaign to drain the swamp. I pray this be so.

We do not lack for the knowledge of who all these evil people are. We lack — or have lacked up to today — the integrity to do our jobs and serve the public.

If President Donald Trump follows through on this — and then throws in 9/11 disclosure and an end to our support for Zionist Israel and its unregistered agents bribing and blackmailing everyone of consequence (AIPAC and ADL), then he will in all probability be re-elected in a landslide, at the same time that the Democrats lose the House and 27 states flushe their Governors and state legislators out of office for making it a felony to speak freely about the need to boycott Zionist genocidal apartheid criminal invented state Israel.

Whatever the President’s intent, American disgust over pedophilia, transgenderism, political correctness, legalizes lies, and foreign wars is now at “Peak Disgust.” Hear us, Mr. President — we want heads to roll — many heads.

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