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Saturday, June 22, 2019

X-22 Regarding Trump and Iran



A Short Comment Concerning X-22
The almost daily X-22 Report generally consists of two YouTube installments:  The first called Episode A involves financial news discussing the manufactured US economy; the steps being taken by the POTUS group to take the Federal Reserve (and other world central banks) out of commission; and the monetary actions being taken to instigate a new currency system.

The second video installment called Episode B discusses Qanon material; political actions and reactions; and world events and the POTUS groups response and actions of these events.

I rarely miss any daily Episode B YouTube video.  X-22 opens his monologue with “hello, this is Dave of the X-22 report”.  No last name and no email address of any kind.  Dave delivers his information quickly and occasionally intones with a sing-songey voice.  Various phrases are repeated much too often such as:  “this is part of the plan”; “Trump and the patriots are in control”; “Trump is in control of the narrative”; etc. 

Now for the compliments.  Dave appears to be relatively young but very intelligent.  He obviously spends much time investigating, reading, listening, and analyzing information.  Up to this point, I have never heard him say anything that later proved false or incorrect.

The Iran Issue
First, the current definition of the DEEP STATE:  the primary foreign operatives creating problems are rogue elements of the CIA; inside the USA, the deep state consists primarily of Hillary supporters, Obama appointees, and corrupt congressional members comprised of most Democrats and several RINOS.

Many Hollywood types could also be considered deep state allies.  A prominent statement of Qanon is “the loudest screamers are the ones with the most to hide”.  Perhaps Stephen King, Cher, Milano, De Niro, Jim Carrey, Alec Baldwin and others have something to hide, such as:  a trip to Epstein island; a Haitian slave, or sex with trafficked children or women.

Many people dismiss Mr. Trump for the people he appoints for various cabinet seats such as Pompeo and Bolton.  X-22 claims that Trump appoints people he can use for a specific purpose.  When their purpose is no longer needed, then they are let go.  Bolton is needed or being used as a loose cannon war-hawk type.  The deep state elements want a war.  The Federal Reserve needs a war.  Bolton stirs the deep state up and gets them excited.  When they get excited they “expend their ammunition” by making a wrong statement or committing a wrong move for which they can be held accountable.

According to X-22 the situation in Iran is very similar to the one found in North Korea.  The deep state rogue CIA operatives were working in North Korea, putting pressure on Kim and essentially hamstringing him to do as they said.  Trump’s team had to rid the country of the CIA elements which allowed Kim to peacefully come to the table and make a deal with Trump.  Certain deep state elements continue to issue false information to influence the MSM and the average American along with other humans of the world.

The Trump team actually freed Kim from a type of prison.  Afterwards, he felt free to travel to China and Russia without fear.

Iran is supposedly also controlled by rogue CIA operatives.  The mission of the Trump team was to locate them and rid the country of these deep state elements.  It is estimated that the oil tanker attacks were instigated by the CIA operatives.  The captain on one of the ships claimed his crew saw missiles striking the ships because the damage occurred above the level of a mine charge.

The plan by the Trump team was to fly a drone close to Iran and allow the CIA operatives to take it down and blame the Iran military.  In response, the Trump team called for an invasion and then cancelled it 10 minutes prior to attack.  Why was this done?

A person calling themselves Anan 66 posted the following: 

“so Chuck and Nancy are seen dancing after a meeting with POTUS - everyone is wondering why - news breaks  hours later a strike on Iran had been authorized but POTUS reverses his decision at the last minute - they were dancing because they wanted the strike knowing it would damage POTUS - Trump just effed with them again and they took the bait”.

Trump announced an Iran strike.  Schumer and Pelosi spread the news.  It has leaked to some MSM group who announced the strike before it was to take place.  Apparently someone notified Iran’s deep state handlers that a strike was coming. 

From X-22:

Why was Pelosi and Schumer and others there? Because it was a setup.  He (i.e. Trump) knew the information would be leaked.  It was and the leakers are now located.  He knows exactly who they are.  Remember the Patriots are monitoring all of this and Trump doesn't do these things haphazardly or by accident.

Now the Trump team knows the identity of the leakers and the location of the CIA handlers.  Iran has recently disposed of one group of handlers and now the remaining elements can be taken out.

VIDEO: Democrat Leaders Pelosi and Schumer Caught on Camera Doing Victory Dance After They Thought They Goaded Trump into War with Iran!

Coalition of #NeverTrump Feels Huge Let Down After Trump Pulls Back on Bombing the Hell Out of Iran

Why a War?
If Hillary had been elected president, one of her directives, according to the 16 Year Plan, was to initiate a nuclear war.  http://freedomfromdelusion.blogspot.com/2018/09/q-via-prayingmedic-16-year-plan-to.html

This war would allow a reset for the Federal Reserve to relocate to another country.  It would also eliminate most of the coastal city scum as well as the majority of the fly-over deplorables fulfilling one element of the Georgia Guidestones.

The so-called elite have their bunkers ready for occupation.  It is said there are complete underground cities with streets and shops particularly underneath the Denver airport.  It can be assumed that Russia and China have similar facilities. 

After the war, most of the living would be residents of Central America, South America, South Asia, and parts of Africa.  They would constitute the slave labor for the New World Order when the elites considered it to be safe to emerge from the ground.

On a short term basis, a limited war with Iran would most likely keep Mr. Trump from winning a reelection which is the high hopes of Schumer and Pelosi.  It would also create more grounds for impeachment.

Mr. Trump does not want a war or to start a war.  He was not placed in his position as president to start a war.  His goal is to maintain peace with various rouge countries, most of which are controlled by deep state CIA elements who give all appearances of being psycopaths.

There will not be a world-wide nuclear war, although there may be a limited type of nuclear damage.  There is Biblical evidence that Jerusalem will be destroyed by a nuclear explosion but there is a possibility that destruction may be metaphoric and Jerusalem is eliminated in some other manner.

God is in total control of all things and Babylon (still a Mystery to most) is being deconstructed and destroyed at the present time.  It is unlikely and improbable the soon coming Kingdom of God ruled by the Son of God will be a nuclear wasteland.

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