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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

X-22: The Final Gasps of the Deep State Dems



This article has been edited with spell checking, sentence structure, hanging sentences, and run on sentences.  If there are more errors then please forgive me.

The 4 AM Talking Points
Paul Sperry (Former D.C. bureau chief for Investor's Business Daily), did some digging and he might have found how the 4 AM talking points are created and how they are disseminated among the mainstream media, key Democratic operatives, and private investigators who tried to derail Trump's campaign by claiming he was a tool of the Kremlin

They have rebooted their operation since Trump’s election with a multi-million dollar stealth campaign to persuade major media outlets and lawmakers that the president should be impeached.  The effort has successfully placed a series of questionable stories alleging secret back channels and meetings between Trump associates and Russian spies while influencing related investigations and reports from Congress.

The operations nerve center is a Washington's based nonprofit called the democracy integrity project or TTIP.  Among other activities it pumps out daily research briefings to prominent Washington journalists as well as congressional staffers to keep the Russia collusion narrative alive.

 TTIP is led by Daniel J Jones a former FBI investigator, Clinton administration volunteer and top staffer to California Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein.  It employs the key opposition research figures behind the salacious unverified dossier fusion of GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and ex British intelligence officer Christopher Steele

Its financial backers include the actor-director Rob Reiner and billionaire activist George Soros.  Now you know why Rob Reiner is screaming at the top of his lungs all the time with negative comments about Mr. Trump.  The project's work has been largely shrouded in mystery but a month-long examination by clear investigations drawn from
Documents and more than a dozen interviews found that the organization is running an elaborate media influenced operation that includes driving and shaping daily coverage of the Russia collusion theory as well as pushing stories about Trump in the national media that attempt to tie the President or is associates to Russia.

The group also feeds information to FBI and congressional investigators and then tells reporters that authorities are investigating those leads five days a week.  TTIP emails a newsletter to influential Democrats and prominent Beltway journalists under the heading TTIP research which summarizes the latest collusion news and offers points of interest to inspire fresh stories regarding Trump's alleged ties to Russia.

Recipients of the TDI report include staffers at the New York Times, Washington Post, and investigative reporters at BuzzFeed, Pro Publica, and McClatchy as well as news producers at CNN and MSNBC.  According to a source familiar with the projects email
distribution lists. Democratic aides on Capitol Hill also subscribed to the newsletter.

The briefings typically run several pages and include an executive summary and links to court documents and Congressional testimony, letters and memos as well as new articles and videos.  For example on March 13th TDI highlighted former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s sentencing without informing readers that special counsel Robert Mueller closed the case without any collusion accusations against Manafort, who was punished for personal financial crimes.

If we go back to Q-post 760 where Q mentioned the 4 AM talking points several times throughout that particular post but if we go back to post 760 it says:

Snowden thank you for showing the world how clowns passed the narrative to journalists at 4 a.m.
reread crumbs
secure drop
John Perry Barlow cue

So it looks like this is part of the 4 AM drop; this is how the news gets out there so quickly; and this is how the narrative is created.  There are certain individuals who are funding all this identical information that is being distributed to the mainstream media that puts out these fake stories. They are trying to control what people hear and see. So what do we call this we call this?  It is known as “propaganda”.

There is no investigative reporting.  It is merely getting the news feeds to the right people and they are simply using the information they are receiving without checking any facts.

The Census
Trump calls the census meaningless without the citizenship question.  He tweeted out the following:  

“Can you believe that our radical left Democrats want to do our new and very important census report without the OEL important citizenship question?  The report would be meaningless and a waste of the billions that it costs to put together”.

The president’s comments come one year head of the next census milestone, April 1st 2020, the date by which the Census Bureau plans to send a letter or doorknockers to every US household.  This massive data collection is undertaken every 10 years and has major implications including alterations to the apportioning of congressional seats, the drawing of political districts, and allocations of local and federal funding.

A federal judge in New York blocked the Trump administration from adding the question in January by arguing that the addition concerning citizenship was illegal and intended to discriminate against non-citizens.  Of course, this is absolutely ridiculous.  I mean you're not discriminating against them, you're asking them a question: are you or are you not a citizen of the United States?  

Now since this was shot down in a New York Court it is now moving to the Supreme Court in April and a decision should come by late June.  Trump has to go through this routine many times:  that is he starts off in the ninth circuit or in the courts of New York, or someplace else, and then it moves into the Supreme Court and then they make a ruling. 

Of course it seems that the Supreme Court always rules in the complete opposite way that the other courts have ruled so I do believe that Trump is going to get this question on the census.  This is very important for the elections coming up because it's going to show how many non-citizens are here in the United States and I think there's a lot more than we even think.

Electoral College, Voting 16 Year Olds
But don't get too complacent, the deep state:  they're in a frenzy; they are in a panic; they don't know what to do.  They are trying to manipulate the elections any way they possibly can.   Remember Pelosi wants to allow 16 year-olds to vote and they're very angry at Trump because he won't let the illegals in because they use those votes.  The Democrats are now trying to get rid of the Electoral College.

Senator Brian Schatz who is a Democrat in Hawaii is set this week to introduce a
Constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College.  Is this going to happen?  Most likely not, but it is supported by Kirsten Gillibrand, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein and many others.  

So why is it going to be tough to pass this?  Because first it needs to win over two-thirds of both chambers of Congress.  Then it must be ratified by three-fourths of the states.  I don't believe this is going to happen now.  So why are they so worried; why are they pushing so hard; because Trump is shutting down every piece of manipulation that they're trying to do.  They didn’t want a wall; they wanted the illegals to come in while a wall is being built; and we have border agents stopping the illegals from coming into the country.

They can't use the votes from the illegals; they want to have 16 year-olds vote (I don't believe that's going to happen); they don't want the citizenship question on the census questionnaire.  I believe the Supreme Court is going to say, “Yeah there's no problem with that” (i.e. citizenship question).

Voter ID
We're going to find out “wow” there's a lot of illegals in this country and what is that going to mean?  They're going to take it to the next level.  Remember since the midterm they've been tracking; they've been investigating; they've been recording all of the voter fraud that has been going on.  They have a report on all the above information.

Q has told us that voter IDs are coming.  Think about what they're going to use.  They're going to use the census; they're going to use the (Mueller) investigation; they're going to use all of this to push voter ID.  Most likely we will see voter IDs before the 2020 election which means the deep state they're screwed.

Gun Control
Out in California it looks like things are not going well for the gun control groups and all those individuals in government who want to get rid of our weapons.  On Friday a San Diego-based US District Judge ruled that California's law against high-capacity gun magazines was unconstitutional.  California law has prohibited buying or selling a magazine with over ten rounds since 2000 but those who had them before that time were allowed to keep them.  In 2016 the legislature and voters approved a law removing that permission.

The California arm of the National Rifle Association then sued and the judge signed it with the group's argument in defense of the right to bear arms.  He cited stories of three woman confronted by armed intruders in their homes.  One woman who had a high-capacity magazine was able to kill one of the three armed intruders; scared the others off; and called for help at the same time.  The other two women ran out of bullets during the home attack. 

A federal judge declared California's ban on high-capacity gun magazines over ten rounds as unconstitutional on Friday following a lawsuit by the National Rifle Association.  A US district judge ruled the law against high-capacity gun magazines was unconstitutional and blocked the State from enforcing the voter approved ban outlined in California's Proposition 63.

What's very interesting about all of this is that these gun grabbers who want to get rid of our weapons keep creating laws that say:  well you're not allowed to have this; well you are not allowed to have this.  If we just go back to all the amendments that the founding fathers created; they're very simple; they're easy to follow; and we don't need all these other laws.  If you read the Second Amendment it's very straightforward:  a well-regulated militia being necessary for the security of a Free State. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Now the founding fathers didn't say the right of the people to keep a musket; the right of the people to keep a single-shot pistol; the right of the American people to keep a knife.  They specifically said the right of the people to keep and bear arms, any arms.  We have the right to have them that's why they put it in there just like that because they knew that weapons would advance as time went on and they needed a word in there to say all weapons that were equal to the military.  Because they knew that this Second Amendment protected everything else; because a people that have the power of a weapon they are in control; and the people that are stripped of this weapon they are controlled.  This is so simple but the deep state wants to make it very complicated and make it seem like we don't have these rights and they can take them away at any time.

A Comey Coded Message
James Comey has tweeted out another strange coded message where he says, “I'm in.   We need someone in the middle hashtag 2020”.  This was written a picture of him on a road looking down the street and his back is toward us.  Now we know the middlemen who are Comey, Brennan, and Schiff. 

Is he saying that they're planning something for 2020?  But we need someone else maybe, (i.e. another person) and he's confirming that he's in?  It seems like there's another plan forming right now.  I do believe with the 2020 elections (coming up) that we haven't seen the (actual) Democratic candidate for the 2020 elections.  

Yes we have Biden, Beto and all these other individuals that are saying they're running but I believe the deep state is keeping one candidate behind the scenes.   They'll bring this individual out and this individual will have been groomed for this position similar to what they did with Obama.   Everything about him (Obama) was shaped perfectly, he came out of nowhere and I believe this next candidate will be brought to the attention of the American people.  However this time I don't think it's going to fly because we understand how the deep state works.

The Bidens and Ukraine
Creepy Joe Biden’s misogyny and sexism is being protected by the Democrats, the Trump haters and the MSM.  He appears to be having a lot of problems with his touchy-feely antics but this may not be his main problem.

His biggest problem may be in Ukraine along with Hillary, Obama, and several others.  Back when Ukraine was in the middle of regime change, the deep state spent five billion to push the riots there to overthrow an elected leader and place their personal choice into power.  This was part of the plan by Obama, John Kerry, and Joe Biden.

When their Ukraine plan was successful Vic President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden accepted a position on the board of Ukraine’s largest private gas firm.  Hunter Biden is now on the board of Burisma Holdings.  Also John Kerry’s family friend, a stepson, also joined Berisma Holdings.

At the same time Ukraine admits that their gold was stolen from them.  A total of 42.3 tons of gold was taken from their Central Bank.  We (i.e. X-22) reported all of this but going back in time we remember planes landed in the middle of the night and they loaded up boxes and boxes of something which I would assume was the gold.  The question is where is all this gold today?

Two years after leaving office Joe Biden couldn't resist a temptation last year to brag to an audience of foreign policy specialists about the time as vice president that he strong-armed Ukraine into firing its top prosecutor.  In other words with the video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Poroshenko in March of 2016 by saying the Obama administration would pull 1 billion in US loan guarantees sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency if it didn't immediately fire the prosecutor general Viktor Shokan. 

Now the question is why did they push so hard to get rid of the prosecutor?  Ukrainian officials said that “yes” parts of the information of the story that Biden told was true but he didn't mention something very specific.  The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden's younger son Hunter as a board member.  

US banking records show Hunter Biden's American based firm Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC received regular transfers into one of its accounts usually more than 166 thousand a month from spring 2014 through 2015 during a period when Biden was the main US official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.

Today this case has been reopened and it looks like the Ukrainian police agency in charge of investigating corruption has been dragging its feet in the past. 

An agency is looking further and further into this to see what really happened and Biden should have to answer these questions because it looks like they were covering up what they were doing out in Ukraine.

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