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Monday, April 15, 2019

A Great Shift / Basil III / Current News by S. Jones


By Dr. Stephen Jones


Julian Assange
The big news yesterday was the arrest of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, who has been living in asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in London for seven years after being falsely accused by the Swedish authorities on rape charges. The charges were later dropped, but governments don’t like him because he uncovered too many of their crimes and coverups.

Strangely enough, although he was dragged out in handcuffs, he was allowed to carry a book by Gore Vidal, History of the National Security State, a book that shows the rise of the Deep State.

It is not likely that the police would have allowed him to take a book while being arrested. This has the appearance of a staged event for the media. The book appears to be a signal to us (or someone) that this is part of the takedown of the Deep State. Is that why Assange showed the front cover of the book to the media? He wasn't just taking some reading material with him to prison.

More recently, Wikileaks was taken over by Deep State operatives within the CIA. So don’t expect Wikileaks to react to the Assange arrest by dumping significant material. Q sent a message to them on June 28, 2018 saying, “You may have the site but we have the source.”

The “source” is Assange himself, of course. Subsequent references to the “source” tells us that the White Hats in the US government have made an agreement with Assange. That made it inevitable that Assange would eventually be “arrested” and “extradited” to the USA for trial. Why? Because they want Assange’s testimony to be placed on the official court records to be used against the Deep State criminals.

The New Investigation Launched
So it is no coincidence that the arrest of Assange did not come earlier. The Department of Justice had to clean house first and appoint a permanent Attorney General (Barr). Likewise, the Mueller report had to be completed first, because once Trump was exonerated from the Russia collusion charges, then the investigations began to shift against the Deep State and its treasonous plot to overthrow the president.

This shift became evident when Congressman Nunes sent a criminal referral to the Attorney General yesterday. This officially launches this new investigation.

The Mueller report was completed and given to the Attorney General on March 22. Q posted earlier the order of events yet to come: Mueller Report, declassification of the FISA records, then the OIG report (Horowitz), which has been investigating the Clinton Foundation since November 2017. This may take a few months, but the pain is coming, and panic is already evident.

Earlier this week, Attorney General William Barr testified before Congress, where he was asked specifically if believed that the FBI spied on the Trump campaign. The Democrats were horrified when he said that “spying did occur.”

Attorney General Bill Barr testified Wednesday that he believes "spying did occur" on the Trump campaign in 2016, as he vowed to review the conduct of the FBI's original Russia probe -- and the focus of a related internal review shifted to the role of a key FBI informant.

"I think spying did occur. The question is whether it was adequately predicated. … I think it’s my obligation. Congress is usually very concerned with intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies staying in their proper lane," he testified before a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, while noting that "spying on a political campaign is a big deal."

Now they are demanding that Barr should lie to congress by telling them, “No, I don’t believe that spying occurred.” If he were to lie, could they not charge him with perjury? Apparently, optics are more important than honesty. There is a difference between investigating and spying, of course. One is legal, the other is not. But since they obtained their warrants under false pretenses and even lied or withheld information from the FISA court, the investigation was not legal in the first place. That illegality is what turns the investigation into a case of spying.

The Treason Trials may not take place until after the 2020 election, but these will take place if Trump wins reelection. If not, the evidence will be swept back under the rug, and the Deep State will continue to rule. But in my way of thinking, the Deep State is just a secular name for Mystery Babylon, and Babylon has already fallen as of October 2017. Trump has been called by God to overthrow Babylon, whether he understands this or not. Therefore, in my view, God will protect Trump until he completes his task.

Faith in the Midst of Turmoil
Those who get their news from CNN alone do not understand the strong support that Trump has in America. In spite of the mainstream news media’s 94% unfavorable treatment of Trump, his approval rating has been climbing steadily, especially among Christians, who are his strongest supporters. People in other countries have a difficult time understanding this, because their view of Trump is shaped by CNN, which always puts Trump in a bad light, no matter what he does.

Yet most American Christians understand that Christianity itself is under siege, and the American form of government, as originally established, is almost gone. The Bill of Rights is now largely just a Bill of Privileges. No longer do rights come from God, but from government. No longer is government charged with protecting God-given rights; government now grants “rights,” as privileges have been elevated to the legal status of rights.

We understand, of course, that we have been in a Babylonian captivity. The sins of America in the past have brought divine judgment upon us, and God raised up Mystery Babylon (and the Deep State) to implement that judgment. From that perspective, it was necessary for Christians to submit to this wooden-yoke captivity until our sentence came to an end. To submit to Babylon was to submit to God’s righteous sentence.

In fact, God blinded the eyes of most of the people in order to prevent them from revolting. But now there is a Great Awakening, for it is the appointed time for us to repent and for God to overthrow the Babylonians in preparation for the Kingdom of God. The great “stone” is hitting the image on its feet, and that stone will grind it to powder, as Daniel and Jesus prophesied.

We are privileged to be able to watch prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes. What we see is not merely a political struggle, nor even a matter of justice. We are seeing the birth of a new era. The Stone Kingdom is arising at the end of the Babylonian succession of empires (Daniel 2). From the perspective of Daniel 7, the beast empires are being replaced by the saints of the Most High, who have now been given spiritual authority in the divine court to bind the spirits behind these beasts.

Important things are happening behind the scenes in the divine court, but few see any connection to the world at large. My part is to inform you of that connection, so that you may be encouraged to know that the world is changing for the better and that Christ is winning this battle one step at a time. The turmoil we see is not to be feared, for it is only the result of our prayers being answered. Babylon has fear; we have faith.


A revolution occurred on March 29, 2019. Few noticed.

Real revolutions are taking place not on squares, but in the quiet of offices, and that’s why nobody noticed the world revolution that took place on March 29th 2019. Only a small wave passed across the periphery of the information field, and the momentum faded away because the situation was described in terms unclear to the masses....

This revolution is called “Basel III”, and it was made by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)....

In the world the system of exclusive dollar domination established in 1944 in Bretton Woods and reformed in 1976 in Jamaica, where gold's equivalency to money was cancelled. The dollar became world money and gold became an ordinary exchange good, like metal or sugar traded in London on commodity exchanges. However, this was determined there by only three firms of the “Pool of London” that belong to an even smaller number of owners, but, nevertheless, it’s not gold, but oil that became the dollar filler.
We have lived in such a world ever since....
During the next few months nothing will change in the world....

Experts suspect that it is perhaps not a coincidence that the dates of Brexit and the date of Basel III coincide. The increased financial power of the leaders of Europe – Germany and France – is capable of completely concluding the dismantlement of Britain on the European continent. It was necessary to get out as soon as possible.

Thus, it seems that it is possible to congratulate us – the dollar era lasting from 1944 to 2019 has ended. Now gold is restored in its rights and is not an exchange metal, but world money on an equal basis with the dollar, euro, and British pound. Now gold will start to rise in price, and its price will rise from $1200-1400 per troy ounce up to $1800-2000 by this autumn. Now it is clear why Russia and China during all these years so persistently decanted its export income into the growth of gold reserves. There is now such a situation where nobody in the world will sell gold.

Injections of extra money will suffice for the world economy for 5-6 months. In the US this money can be used to pay off the astronomical debt. Perhaps this wasn’t Zurich’s last motive for making such a decision. But after all, the most important thing is an attempt to slip out from under the Tower of Pisa that is the falling dollar.

MY NOTE: The Bretton Woods Agreement was made 75 years ago. It has now come to an end on March 29, 2019. The article goes on to tell us that we will probably not see any significant changes in the world economy for another six months or so. That would bring us into the 76th year, which is an interesting prophetic number. It is a "cleansing cycle," biblically speaking.

The Brexit actually occurred on March 29 as well, although many are trying to ignore or deny it. Politicians are disputing about an "extension," but there is no such legal provision. Opponents of Brexit are using their usual stalling tactic, hoping to do another vote--and another and another, if necessary--until they finally win. To them, losing the vote only means that they have to vote again, and the voting ends only when they win.

But the world is changing, and I believe that the EU dictatorship will slowly disintegrate, and the US dollar will lose its reserve currency status. These are monumental changes that will affect everyone, whether they know it or not. The nations that have been buying gold in the past few years understand this better than anyone, and they have been preparing for it.

The average person will probably do better having silver, rather than gold, but both will do well in the time ahead. Looking at it from a prophetic standpoint, I relate this to the rise of Medo-Persia, the "arms of silver" in Daniel 2, which overthrow the "head of gold." I believe silver will do better than gold. The implementation of Basel III will eventually overcome the price suppression that has been at the heart of government policies for decades.


New Levels of Revelation
We continue to meet a few times a week in the afternoons to pray and discern the word (voice) of God. These are very productive sessions, and in the past two weeks we have moved to a whole new level of revelation. The spiritual dimension is beginning to emerge into the world in a way that I have not often seen in the past. It is more than just hearing the revelatory word. It is more than just seeing visions. We are starting to actually see things happening in past biblical history, and we are able to experience the emotions and thoughts of the people involved, as if we were there when these things happened. Visions have become reality. Heaven and earth are merging.

I don’t know if others are experiencing a shift, but we are seeing it here in my office. Definitely, God is doing something new in the earth. When I get a better handle on it, I will try to write more.

This probably has something to do with the current short-term time cycle that we just concluded. It began March 10 and ended April 9, and it was based on a cycle from the old Net of Prayer back in 1976, which I repeated in 1983. There were three main watch dates, the third being April 1st (“Victory Day”), which all turned out to be important this time around and which confirmed that we were indeed seeing another repeat cycle.

My next watch date is April 12, based mainly on a 1986 pattern but repeated in subsequent year as well. Months ago I wrote in my notebook to watch April 12/13, because this is 490 days from and after December 9, 2017 when Iraq announced the full defeat of ISIS. I no longer recall why I was led to make that connection, but we will see if anything happens this week end.

This also comes within a ten-day watch cycle from April 9-19, seen first in 1986. It may be significant that April 19, 2019 is Passover (1/14 on the Hebrew calendar). Right now, I have no idea what we might be looking at or how closely the current events will resemble the original patterns. The actual events may turn out to be things that I cannot put in a public report. At this point, I just don’t know, but we are being watchful.

The European Tower of Babel
The European Union is one of the major manifestations of Babylon. Its parliament building in Brussels was designed to resemble the unfinished building of the Tower of Babel, as painted by the Renaissance artist, Peter Bruegel. It even carries the motto: “Many Tongues, One Voice.”

There are other Babylonian types playing out in the world today, but the EU is one of the most obvious and well known. Its motto shows that it is attempting to undo what God did to Nimrod’s kingdom back in Genesis 11:7, 8, when He confused their language and sowed disunity among them to scatter them.

The biblical way of reunification is to unite people under the headship of Jesus Christ. Pentecost was designed to be the solution to the problem of confusion of tongues, although in many ways it has only caused more confusion. If Pentecost had been utilized properly, it could have done its job in reversing the curse on languages at the Tower of Babel, but overall, it is now apparent that the Feast of Tabernacles will have to succeed where Pentecost has proven to be insufficient.

At any rate, the European Union is not the solution to the original problem, because its goal is essentially identical to the carnal unity proposed by Nimrod. In my view, it will fail, because the solution is not possible through carnally-minded men and their political/economic objectives.

In recent years we have watched the plan unfold to Islamize the West. That was the original purpose of overthrowing seven countries in five years, as General Wesley Clark has reported. That plan came out of the 911 event in 2001, which tells us the real underlying purpose of the Twin Towers demolition. It was to change the laws to gain more dictatorial powers and control over the people, and then to cause chaos in the Middle East to bring millions of refugees into the Western countries. The ultimate result is to dilute and finally to destroy any remaining influence of Christianity. In particular, it was designed to eliminate the last vestiges of freedom that the Protestant Reformation established when the Bible was finally opened up to the common people.

The Gold War
John Maynard Keynes wrote a book on monetary reform in 1924 where he called gold “a barbarous relic.” His book was the signal to the world that the plan was to move toward a total fiat system, where currency was no longer backed by gold. The plan came to fruition finally in 1971 when President Nixon took America off the gold standard, replacing it with the petro-dollar, a dollar backed by oil and controlled by the oil cartels.

Yet in recent years more and more central banks have been buying gold. China, Russia, India, and other countries have been steadily buying this barbarous relic, believing that the gold standard would soon replace the petro-dollar once again.

A problem is that most central banks are not actually part of the governments they claim to represent. They claim that they need to be “independent,” and so we often hear about the need for an “independent” Federal Reserve Bank. What they really mean is that the Fed should be above the government—having sovereignty, in effect. If central banks are not subject to governments, then they function as sovereign nations in themselves.

In Italy recently, a conflict is arising over who actually owns the gold in its central bank. If the central bank is an independent entity (i.e., a private bank), then the gold is owned by the bank owners, not by the state or the people of Italy. But the bankers have a long history of covering up the fact that central banks are not owned by their respective governments. So now the Italian government is now ready to nationalize its central bank or at least force the bankers to sell their shares in the bank, thereby laying claim to the gold that is in the bank.

And this week saw Italian lawmakers from 5 Star asking Parliament to pass two draft laws:

One law would instruct the central bank’s owners, most of them private banks, to sell their shares to the Italian Treasury at prices from the 1930s.

The other law would declare the Italian people to be the owners of the Bank of Italy’s reserve of 2451.8 metric tons of gold, worth around $102 billion at current prices.

The EU is coming under a lot of pressure. First, the UK voted to “Brexit” from the EU. Then Hungary and some other countries refused to take in refugees from the Middle East. Now Italy is moving to take back its central bank, much like President Trump is planning to do to the Federal Reserve Bank.

This is an economic war, among other things. Modern Babylon really got its power through the Federal Reserve Act in December 1913, and so it cannot be overthrown without nullifying that Act which gave private bankers the power to create money.

The Mueller Report
On March 22 Robert Mueller submitted his final report on the Trump collusion investigation to Attorney General William Barr. Barr immediately gave a summary to congress, informing them that no collusion was found and that no further indictments would be coming.

Now Barr is reviewing the report to redact the parts that would reveal classified information. The congressional leaders (Democrats) are greatly alarmed by this report exonerating Trump, and they now are demanding the Barr release a full unredacted report. Barr cannot do so without violating the law, but they are desperate. Their fall-back position is that Barr has something to hide and will redact any information that could indict Trump.

If they were sincere, they would simply subpoena Mueller to testify under oath to them. Then they could ask him directly about this. But so far they don’t want to do that, probably because they know that questioning him would only confirm what Barr has already said. It is better to leave open questions in order to create doubt that they can exploit.

John Brennan, the father of the spying scandal, is now saying that he must have been fed some bad information.

If that were so, he should be calling for an investigation into who passed on the lies, making him believe that Trump had colluded with the Russians to influence the 2016 elections.

The report is to be released to the public in a week or two. Then we will enter the next stage in the new American civil war.

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