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Sunday, February 3, 2019

A Young Earth by an Ex-Evolutionist



By Dr.Grady McMurtry

The information for this article mostly came from the following YouTube link:

Dr. McMurtry is featured on several YouTube Videos and his website containing various scientific and creationists articles can be found at:  https://www.creationworldview.org/

During my daily habit of browsing YouTube X-22 and I.P.O.T videos I came upon a Dr. Grady McMurtry video selection entitled “Why I Believe in a Young Earth”.  My opinions concerning evolution and the age of living things is no longer a personal issue for my research and investigation, thus these subjects are rarely mentioned in any of my articles. 

It is my belief that evolution is a false unverified form of religion and that the earth, as far as life is concerned, is only around 6000 years old.  If the earth is older than 6000 years, prior to the creation of life, could be questionable by some but highly doubtful.

On a lark the video was started.  It turned out to be three connected videos lasting over an hour and it must be admitted that I was totally spell bound with the information and examples that he presented.  Not that it altered by belief system since I have been a young earth, anti-evolutionist for some time – it was the scientific information and examples that intrigued me.

Examples include:  laboratories have produced perfect flawless diamonds in a matter of days; coal can be created in a few years and not over millennia’s of time; fossilization can happen within a few hours if the conditions are correct; etc.  Evolutionists know these things but most likely ignore them since they don’t fit within their belief system.

Dr. McMurtry does not claim the universe, or the earth, or life on earth is billions of years old but rather that all the above is only 6000 years old.  Some creation scientists, such as does Dr. Henry Morris and the Creationism Institute, agree with the evolution idea of an ancient earth and universe, but somehow contend that created life is in the 6000 year range.

The Age of the Earth
(My explanatory comments are written in italics)

Dr. McMurtry:  The earth’s magnetic field protects us from deadly radiation from the Sun.  If the earth’s magnetic field is not there to protect us that deadly radiation comes right into the earth, hits the earth, and kills everything on the earth.  It’s critical to know how long we have.  Technically, the zero is about 2000 years from now.  This is one reason why I know scientifically the Lord is coming back soon because the Bible claims there will be people here to meet Him.

Because of the k-index of the Earth's magnetic field the earth isn't going to last for a whole lot longer.  

FROM WIKIPEDIA: The K-index quantifies disturbances in the horizontal component of earth's magnetic field with an integer in the range 0–9 with 1 being calm and 5 or more indicating a geomagnetic storm.

Frequently, the Earth's magnetosphere is hit by solar flares causing geomagnetic storms, provoking displays of aurorae. The short-term instability of the magnetic field is measured with the K-index.

The Earth's magnetic field serves to deflect most of the solar wind, whose charged particles would otherwise strip away the ozone layer that protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Changes in Earth's magnetic field on a time scale of a year or more are referred to as secular variation. Over hundreds of years, magnetic declination (deterioration) is observed to vary over tens of degrees.  

The direction and intensity of the dipole (A pair of separated electric charges or magnetic poles, of equal magnitude but of opposite sign or polarity.  In this case it is the north and south poles) change over time.  Over the last two centuries the dipole strength has been decreasing at a rate of about 6.3% per century. At this rate of decrease, the field would be negligible in about 1600 years (from today).

But if I (McMurtry) go back in time and double the strength of the magnetic field every 1,400 years (see the above explanation) then ten thousand years ago (if the earth were that old) the strength of the field would kill all life on Earth. To re-explain, if you go back to what would be 8,000 BC (i.e. 10,000 years from the present as the first illustration uses) the Earth's magnetic field would be so strong it would kill all life on earth.  (However), without it (the magnetic field) the Sun would kill all life on Earth and it (the earth) would be gone in about two thousand years.

If we consider the current age of the earth to currently be around 6000 years and also consider the earth’s magnetic field to be decreasing at a constant uniform rate the magnetic field would be too weak to support life beyond perhaps 7000 years indicating the earth could not possibly be much older than 6000 years to sustain life as we know it.

The following figure may not be correct but McMurtry seems to indicate that the magnetic field decreases by half its former value every 1400 years and going backward in time, it doubles its value every 1400 years.

We live in a very narrow band of time based on the strength of the Earth's magnetic field.  All life would be dead ten thousand years ago.  So if no life no living organism could possibly exist on earth even ten thousand years ago, if there had been a ten thousand years ago, then is it possible for evolution to have been occurring on the earth well over 4.5 to 5 billion supposed years?  No that is not possible.  Also, life on earth is not going to last a whole lot longer.  I would like to make this statement to you - God never intended the earth to last for a long time once it became imperfect and it became imperfect because of human sin.

The example of the earth’s decreasing magnetic field indicates that life on earth will be destroyed within a short period of time if not for the intervention of God and the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom of God.

Since God never intended the earth to last for a long time once it became imperfect, this limits the age of the earth to less than 10,000 years and of course makes the earth young.  Six thousand years would be a reasonable and valid answer.

In another video, MrMurtry, claims that dinosaur types of reptiles were created by God and he gives examples from Genesis, Job, and Isaiah.  Fossils of dinosaurs ranging from mouse size to several feet have been discovered.  He claims that young dinosaurs and/or dinosaur eggs were brought upon the Ark of Noah and have eventually become extinct over a period of time.  He also states that dinosaurs, a type of reptile, were created as grass eaters and that Jurassic Park is a complete myth.

I have surmised that perhaps the Watchers who impregnated human women and produced giants or Nephilim may have created by DNA alteration various types of large and flesh eating reptiles and that may be a true opinion.  If so these types of reptile-dinosaurs would have been exterminated during the flood of Noah.  Dr. MrMurtry claims that most large dinosaur fossils are discovered with their heads projecting upward from their spine as if they are attempting to breath when under water.

The Sun
People say the sun is going to burn for another billion years and also that is always going to be here.  That is just an evolutionary faith position but has no basis in science.  The magnetic field is getting smaller and smaller and the radiation is getting closer and closer to the earth and there is not a thing we can do to change it so we have only a limited amount of time.  There is a finite amount of time that God has given us to make a decision

The Moon
The moon is (constantly) moving away from the earth.  If we go back in time it would hit the earth in about 1.4 billion years.  That is a long time but evolutionists say the earth and the moon, being of the same age, are at least five billion years old and that would mean the earth and the moon would be attached for about the first 4.6 billion years.  If we go back in time a half billion years ago the tide would rise a mile high twice a day.

If the earth and the moon came into existence as evolutionists claim was 4.5 to 5 billion years ago, given the distance between the earth and the moon today is a reasonable distance for tides and etc., then if it were to move away for five billion years then it would require a telescope to see it.

Mouths of Rivers
At the mouth of all the earth’s great rivers:  the Mississippi; Indus; Ganges; Seine; Rhine; Amazon; Congo; etc., there is only 4500 years of mud.  This shows (proves) that upstream erosion has only occurred for the past 4500 years which is the date of the flood during Noah’s day.

The Speed of Light
The idea that the speed of light is a constant is the chief actor in the “plot” for old earth/universe advocates to claim that the earth and universe are old. But, are constants really constants? Is the red shift of light in the universe only caused by objects moving away from us? Is the speed of light a true constant? Are the earth and universe billions of years old? Does the red shift of light indicate that the universe is the result of a Big Bang, or does it prove that the earth is at the center of the universe? Are there other scientifically viable reasons for the astronomical evidences that we see and would they, if properly understood, support a young age of the earth and universe consistent with the Biblical account of a recent creation?

These questions are highly controversial and there is no absolute clear consensus as to the answers. There are, however, substantial reasons to believe that the speed of light is not a true constant over time, and that the red shift of light may well demonstrate the absolute accuracy of the Biblical account of a recent creation!

Other Sources That May be Helpful

A Personal Interpretation Of The Creation Of The World    https://freedomfromdelusion.blogspot.com/2018/08/a-personal-interpretation-of-creation.html

1 comment:

  1. Hi LM. Once again what a great post. Just wanted to let you know that the link to your previous article isnt clickable. No issue for me. I just copied and pasted it.

    Thank you for all you do. I know these articles must take up much of your time. They are greatly appreciated by me and my family.

