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Monday, January 14, 2019

Demons in the Democrats



Demons, Demons, Demons.  It seems that talk of demons and their possible influence has increased among Biblical and spiritual commentators and article writers within the past few months.

Within the four New Testament Gospels there are at least 26 substantiated instances of demon possession that are stated as being healed (Catholics would say exorcised) by the power of God initiated through Jesus Christ.  Of course, some instances are duplications mentioned by at least two of the Gospel writers.

The major question is:  “Do you as a testifying vouching Christian actually believe in the existence of demons and that they can live within a human and influence their thoughts and actions?  And not just those instances reported in the Gospels which were exposed and dwelt with during the days of Jesus’ first appearance - but today i.e. right now.  Perhaps you may answer “YES” but in the back of your mind there is a certain amount of doubt and possibly disbelief. 

Many people believe they definitely exist and some also believe they are beginning to possess people for nefarious purposes as they did in the first appearance of Jesus.

Ray Gano in his Prophezine.com website has published several articles about the work of demons in the current time period.  Dr. Stephen Jones claims that demons have been and are attempting to control several members of the elites (for lack of a better word) such as:  central bankers; corporation heads; government leaders; religious leaders; MSM newscasters; etc.  Also cult type groups or mobs such as:  Antifa; MS13 members; murderous illegal migrants; etc would also be affected.  Jones also claims that streams of demonic entities have recently invaded the USA and other countries.

Why now?  Why have some people suspected that others are being possessed by a demonic entity?  Good question.  The manifestation of demons during the first century within the Judean area may have been to influence certain people during the first appearance of Jesus Christ.  The reported demons certainly knew the identity of Jesus Christ, His power, and what He was capable of doing to them. 

Matt 8:29 They cried out, "Son of God, leave us alone!  Mark 5:7 Then he cried out with a loud voice, "Leave me alone, Jesus, Son of the Most High God! I implore you by God — do not torment me!"

Several ancient Medieval stories about demonic activities have survived to the present time but for some reason, during the modern era of books, newspapers, and now videos and television there doesn’t appear to be any, or little, reporting of demonic activity other than horror movies and books, until now (within the past 2 or 3 years.  Although demons may possess a person perhaps they display no recognizable outward identification until there is a reasonable cause to become active.

As most of the world has become more sophisticated, perhaps the demons have done so as well.  A possessed person vomiting green pea soup, breaking chains, turning their head in a 360 degree circle would be a definite giveaway to their existence.  Perhaps they have learned to imitate the actions and expressions of modern people more precisely but not completely since certain people can ascertain their presence.  Perhaps it requires a spiritual person to identify the sophisticated presence of a demon.

What is a demon?  What is their origin?  How were they established?  There has been several answers to this question through the years, some seem sensible and others not so much. 

Demons are not the ghosts of dead people.  The book of 1st Enoch claims that demons are the souls of dead Nephilim – A Nephilim, also translated as a giant or fallen one, is said to be the result of cross breeding between a Watcher (angel) and a human woman producing an extremely massive giant. 

Others sources state that demons are merely fallen angels such as Satan by claiming a form of disinformation that Satan fell at the beginning of Creation even though he appears before God in the book of Job.  It is my contention that Satan (or whatever his name happens to be) did not fall from grace, as such, but was created by God for his specific purpose. 

These speculators use Revelation 12 as the source of their disinformation.  Within that source there is no hint of the creation event or that some angel, later called Satan, fell from heaven.  Rev 12 only records that the time of Satan and his reason for being there, in some particular heaven, has ended and his place is now on the earth for his final activities along with the demons, although demons are not mentioned.

               An example of disinformation
Demons are not disembodied spirits of a previous generation of humanity, nor are they the result of an illicit union between angels and women before the flood. The biblical material indicates that demons should be identified with fallen angels, commissioned by their powerful counterpart, Satan. 

It appears the world is at a time of political upheaval with the Rothschild central banking system and various government officials acting as their ignorant puppets attempting to destroy 90% of humanity and reducing the living remainder as a single race of uneducated slaves.  This is called Mystery, Babylon.  It is quite similar to (an unknown or a Mystery) the original Babylon(s) i.e. the one established by Nimrod and the later manifestation of Nebuchadnezzar which was prolonged by Cyrus.  The similarity aspects consists of banking, commerce, government, and religion.

It is said that God is using various people and organizations to disrupt and destroy the modern Babylonian system and this is instigating and affecting the demons to become more active once again because they seem to enjoy antagonizing and they perform the will of their master i.e. Satan.  They know they can’t win because a demon once said to Jesus, “Have you come here to torment us before the time?"  They know the time of torment will soon come but their goal is to wreck as much havoc as possible until that time arrives.

The article presented below by William Stoecker does not claim that certain high ranking politicians are demon possessed but attempts to make the point that their facial expressions and their thoughts and actions seem to be those associated with demons.  This is certainly a possibility.

Ask yourself?  Would a normal person commit allegiance to a plan to destroy 80 to 90 percent of the world’s population:  by a nuclear war; starvation; vaccinations; plagues; etc.?  How about aiding and funding various migrant invasions into the USA and Europe.  Also attempting to impeach a president who has done nothing but try to rid the government of corruption (of course many of them are the corruption), and raising taxes to astronomical highs and despising Mr. Trump’s tax cuts.

These people with their hateful antics and plans do not act as normal people but rather as demonic thinking individuals.


We’re all used to politicians putting on an act, trying to make themselves seem more likeable, and, up to a point, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are dishonest. In fact, we all put on a bit of an act now and then. A good example is the bizarre video that Pocohantas (Elizabeth Warren) recently produced, where she suddenly announces that she is going to “get me a beer.” She then proceeds to drink the beer, right out of the bottle, like a real buckaroo. Who does she think she is fooling?

But some of us began noticing, years ago, that many politicians seem to have to put on an act to appear human at all, almost as if they are really not people. Some researchers and writers have suggested that many of our would-be masters, including the British Royals, may in fact be "reptilians" or demonic entities disguised as people, or possessing human bodies.

I still remember when George Bush, Sr., or George I, gave a speech in favor of the New World Order, an expression previously used by Adolph Hitler. For an instant…and it is on video…a truly demonic expression flashed across his normally bland face. And I remember him throwing his head back to laugh at some joke, but the gesture was exaggerated and unnatural. It was as if some inhuman entity thought to itself “humans do what they call a hearty laugh. They throw their heads back, open their mouths very wide, and make a loud, intermittent sound. I will now do a hearty laugh and appear human.”

George I and II were members of the Yale University club Skull and Bones, which was imported from Germany in the eighteen thirties, only a few decades after the Illuminati were broken up…or just driven underground. Almost certainly, the club is just an Illuminati front. Not long after, the “League of the Just” appeared among Germans living in Paris, and the League backed Karl Marx. Around the beginning of the twentieth century several other societies, of an occult, magical nature, surfaced in Germany and Austria, including the German Order, which begat the Thule Society and the Vril Society, the people who backed Hitler and created the Nazi Party.

In Bavaria in 1901 Freemason Theodor Reuss, Franz Hartmann, and Karl Kellner founded Ordo Templi Orientis, or OTO. Reuss named British occultist Aleister Crowley, a.k.a. the “Great Beast” and the “wickedest man in the world” as his successor as outer head of OTO. This implies that there is a hidden inner head…perhaps Lucifer. Jack Parsons, the rocket scientist, joined OTO, as did his comrade L. Ron Hubbard, who would go on to found scientology…truly, the plot thickens and connections multiply. In 1946 Parsons began his “Babalon Working” magical project in 1946, hoping to somehow create a magical female “Moonchild” who would be called “Hilarion.” The next year, 10/26/1947, Hillary Rodham Clinton was born in the Lakeside Sewer, Chicago. And all of this proves precisely nothing…but it is intriguing, nonetheless. Let’s keep our minds open.

One of Crowley’s associates was a married American woman, Pauline Pierce. Pauline was the mother of First Lady Barbara Bush, and Barbara’s physical resemblance to Aleister Crowley has caused some writers to speculate that perhaps he was actually her father, and hence the grandfather of George II. We will probably never know.

And when it comes to creepy expressions, Hillary is the champion. To begin with, she is bug eyed a good deal of the time, with her eyes bulging as though ready to pop from their sockets (hey, I can hope).

At other times her face is so twisted by rage and hate as to appear truly demonic. There is one video of her sort of dancing around in a small circle, while gazing up with a strange expression, for no apparent reason. At other times she appears to be imitating smiles and other human expressions while often waving to imaginary friends off camera. And that is the problem…imitating. For those of us who are not willfully blind, her smiles and other expressions are forced, unnatural, and wildly exaggerated. Something is very, very wrong with this woman, assuming that the creature is a woman to begin with.

And the Witch is not the only bug-eyed politician. The late Yasser Arafat was a terrorist and a leader of the “Palestinians,” although he was born in Egypt and was half Egyptian. A good many of the “Palestinians” are actually Egyptian, Lebanese, or Syrian. And Arafat, the homosexual scam artist and mass murderer, was also the proud possessor of two wildly bulging eyes.

And then there is Hillary’s fellow witch, Nancy Pelosi, and leftist Representative Adam Schiff, and even the otherwise young and attractive Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes. All of them have bulging eyes. And other Muslims and leftists, while not bug-eyed, have twisted, evil faces. Representative Rashida Tlaib, when she threatened to impeach the “mother…..r” Trump, wore her customary arrogant sneer, and her eyes, rather than bulging, narrowed to reptilian slits.

And certain unlikely people seem to have been chosen at an early age to be groomed for high office. Why? What is so special about them? Hussein Obama refused for a long time to release a certified copy of his long form birth certificate; when he finally did it had an out of sequence registration number and referred to his alleged father’s nationality as “Kenyan,” rather than “British” even though Kenya was then a British colony, along with other problems. It was clearly fake, and Hussein probably was not even born in the US.

So why would the elites take a risk in backing an unqualified candidate for office when there were plenty of glib and presentable American Black people with legitimate birth certificates? And then there is Hussein’s social security number from Connecticut, a state where it never lived or worked, and the fact that no one remembers Hussein from its supposed years as a student at Columbia and Hahvahd, places where future leaders go to have their tickets punched. No ex friend, lover, or roommate of Hussein’s has secured a book deal or even tried to. We have not heard from any of Hussein’s supposed former students at the University of Chicago. Clearly, Hussein was chosen because it was someone…or something…very special.

And it is not just Hussein. We’re pretty sure we know who Slick Willy Clinton’s mother was…but not his father. His mother’s first husband was away in the military in Italy when Slick had to have been conceived. If his step father was his real father, or one of the Rockefellers in Arkansas, why not admit it and put a stop to any speculation? And we know about his Rhodes scholarship to Oxford, even though most people are not aware of the true purpose of that scholarship fund, set up by Cecil Rhodes, homosexual advocate of an Anglo-American dominated New World Order.

But who paid for Slick’s seven years at Georgetown and Yale Law School, and for books and living costs? Save for one summer as a law clerk, there is no record of Slick’s ever dirtying his hands with anything so common as a job, and his worshippers in the slimestream media would have reminded us daily of any other scholarships. There were none, and his mother and stepfather were dirt-poor trailer trash. So who paid, and why? Almost certainly he was chosen and financed because of who (or what) his natural father was (or still is). And Slick had to have been chosen at least as far back as high school to get into Georgetown.

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