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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Dave Janda: The Hammer of Justice - Current Events Commentary

Current Events Commentary


This article was copied from a literal YouTube open transcript.  It has been edited for punctuation, repeated words, and dangling sentences.  There may still be several uncorrected mistakes, but you are adults, deal with it.

There has been speculation that Huber and Horowitz are not fighting on the patriot’s side.  However, if it wasn't for Horowitz we would not know about the text messages between Strock and Paige.  Since Horowitz has been on the scene there have been 26 high level Department of Justice and FBI officials that have either been fired; they have resigned; or they have been put in other offices because they're under internal investigation based on their actions.

Many people got wound up about Huber that on December 5th he was going to testify along with several other folks in front of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.  That testimony was cancelled because of the pomp and circumstance for the burial and memorial service of the globalist George HW Bush II.  Then it gets moved to the 13th, a week and a day later.

However, the hearing was supposed to be about the Clinton Foundation and Huber was tasked with the Hillary Clinton email problem.  The Russian collusion, the Clinton foundation, the Benghazi investigation as well as the Iran deal are separate investigations.

I was stunned at the amount of information that was presented by the so-called whistleblowers named Moynihan and Doyle.  I believe they used Huber as a distraction and that Huber was never meant to testify.  Part of the art of war is deception.

They said many things that were really devastating to the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation but the bomb that they dropped was they said they were aware of an active criminal investigation of the Clinton Foundation that was being run through the FBI and in particular through a Little Rock field office.

With that Mark Meadows came forward and says, “well then I guess it’s apparent why prosecutor Huber didn’t show up because if there’s an active criminal investigation a prosecutor cannot be involved in that hearing within a situation that is discussing issues that could well be related  to a present prosecution.

And it goes back to something that we said earlier in this in this interview is that the last thing anybody wants is to compromise the ultimate end result of a a prosecution because somebody jumped the gun a little bit and the defense team of the Clintons, the Obamas, Bushes, and whomever will have the best legal team around.  It would make OJ Simpson’s defense team, the dream team, look like a bunch of chumps.

But I also believe Huber was used for misdirection because what this did is it took the pressure off of Moynihan and Doyle.

The Clinton foundation has acted as an unregistered foreign agent of multiple countries and it's not entitled to its 501 C 3 charitable status which they talked about.

They also talked about misrepresentation and misappropriation of funds that did not comply with the regulations.  The foundation was based in the Clinton Library.  All this other stuff they've done such as the Clinton Global Initiative have nothing to do with the Charter from the IRS for their 501c3 status therefore they're in violation.  They said that they were involved with organizations, countries, and issues that according to IRS regulations they were not granted status for. 

They talked about misuse of funds and that they didn't use funds for charitable causes. They were a closely held family partnership that was used to advance the agendas of the family members:  Bill Hilary Chelsea.  They also said the donors were subject to taxes since that they were taking tax deductions that they were donating to a charitable organization

They discussed Mozambique, with the Clinton Foundation acting as a foreign agent.  With Mozambique, the Clinton Foundation was brokering money and brokering pharmaceuticals.

This is massive.  We have never had a former president and former Secretary of State involved in a massive charity fraud.  We have never had a sitting president involved in a fraud with sedition and treason to knock out an incoming president.  We have never had a former president flying pallets of money to the number-one state sponsor of terrorism.  According to his Obama’s State Department that deal was said to be signed off on but it was never signed.  We have never had a secretary of state and a president funneling arms to a known terror organization to overthrow Assad.  These are all massive mind-blowing cases and it actually links into why the deep state targeted General Flynn.

It has been mentioned that the weapons running operation went through the Obama administration.  Well what I've been told by a number of folks from different agencies is that the Clinton Foundation is actually a front for one of our intelligence agencies and it's used for not only money laundering but it's also used for laundering weapons

Recently here in Canada within the past six to eight months there was this pharmaceutical executive who was reported as a murder/suicide along with his wife. It turns out now with the investigation that it appears she had been tortured and then killed and then he was killed and it wasn't a murder-suicide.  Take a guess who they had a relationship with through pharmaceutical sales and in particular through Haiti. 

Yeah the Clinton fraud Foundation which goes to General Flynn.  The reason why he was targeted is specifically what we discussed with the weapons running operation as it relates to Benghazi.  I've had a number of different people:  General Paul Vallely; General Tom McInerney; Admiral Lyons, he recently died and was in charge of the Pacific Fleet. He was an icon in the Navy.  He has been a regular on my show; a regular source for me over the years.  Information from the Benghazi Commission related their conclusions were Benghazi was a weapons running operation that was run by the Obama administration in particular Hillary Clinton at the State Department.  They were bringing arms into Libya.  

Stephens essentially became the first ambassador to Al-Qaeda and we were weaponizing Al-Qaeda to get rid of Qaddafi.  Why?  Because Qaddafi was no longer playing the globalist game.  He was turning in terrorists that the globalist had supported. He was talking about leaving the utilization of the dollar.  He was talking about having a gold-backed currency, i.e. the gold dinar that was in direct opposition to the central banks.  The globalist controled central banks who are actually the puppet masters of the Obamas; the Clinton's; the Bush's and Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell; Romney; and McCain  All these actors were funneling arms to Al-Qaeda to get rid of Qaddafi.  And because they did, that country is a smoldering hole right now compared to what it used to be.

Although we're upset about that the globalists are perfectly happy raping and pillaging  yet another piece of real estate and a bunch of people. They confiscated their gold and silver and stopped what Qaddafi was trying to do.  I'm not trying to say Qaddafi was a good guy.  He was a bad guy but he had flipped a number of years before - playing against the globalists.  So once they killed Qaddafi, Stevens, the ambassador was in charge of bringing those arms and then funneling them into Turkey.  

The last person he met with was a Turkish official to get the arms into Turkey and then into Syria.  Remember that Erdogan is the president of Turkey or whatever.  He may be the dictator of Turkey.  Erdogan’s son was involved with Isis running Syria’s oil.  They were bringing the arms in to Isis and essentially it was said that the United States and our allies were weaponizing, training, and funding Isis.

In 2014 General Flynn started leaking some of this information.  Remember he used to be the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency under Obama.  When he started leaking this information, he was summarily fired by Obama

Trump and Syria
Trump cut off their money supply (i.e. the so-called Syrian rebels) to starve them out and then made them so that they were vulnerable.  Then they could be taken out militarily.

I understand why people are frustrated but you know if they look around when he got there we had corrupt a corrupt police force:  the FBI; Department of Justice. So before you can have a trial you’ve got to make sure the cops that are arresting people are doing it the right way and they're not part of the problem, and this took some time to clean up.  Then he looked at the judiciary and said we’ve got a bad bunch of bad actors in the judiciary.  Thus he's been bringing new people in that are constitutionalists, i.e. rule of law people, into all levels of the judiciary.  I can't remember how many he has now appointed, 85-88 judges at all different levels plus two Supreme Court justices. So now you’ve got a sheriff that's more honest although there's still deep state players in there because these folks are like cockroaches, they're everywhere.

Judge Roberts, I believe, was blackmailed to flip his vote in order to support Obamacare back in 2012.  You gotta clean this stuff up and it takes a lot of time and it's very frustrating to people.  However, it's also troublesome that that people that pride themselves as being Patriots want to give up so easily

Lee Harvey Oswald was not the lone gunman, I mean it's just a guy with a gun but let's see the autopsy photos and an unredacted Warren Commission report.  You think this is gonna get cleaned up in a couple of years?  I think Kennedy is a minimum it started in 1913 when they took over our money supply right with the Jekyll Island stuff (i.e. Federal Reserve)

When people say deep state - yeah it is deep - I mean it's almost a bottomless pit.  All this corruption; this criminality.  This is why it's beyond one guy.  I know everybody has to realize that this is a fight not just of Trump.  If you value freedom and you value Liberty and you value your future your kids future your grandkids future this is a fight that every one of our viewers and listeners has to be actively involved in.

The Bush Funeral
The funeral started getting like a kind of a party.  The Clintons are talking to the Biden's and some things are said to the Obamas.  What was interesting is when (Mike) Pence came in and greeted Hillary like an old friend. I get a lot of grief for this but from the very beginning I've had huge problems and reservations about Pence.  The reason is because every time I see him I get the same feeling I would get around some really bad actors in Washington that I knew were bad actors who were playing on the globalist side.

He (Pence) walks in and starts carrying on with Hillary. They're laughing and carrying on and it's kind of like I'm watching this and I'm going well this adds up.  Then before long Trump's going to show up.  Right before this Hillary is looking through the program and something falls out. I didn't think that much of it at the time until Jimmy Carter looks over at Hillary and he starts looking at his program like wow man this is sad I didn't get one of these and he looks at Rosalyn and he's having her go through and she's not finding anything. 

Poor Jimmy (Carter) seems really bummed out he didn't get anything so I start thinking well this is kind of weird since Hillary got something.  When she (Hillary) looked at it she didn't get crazy but she had an expression on her face that was a concerned look.  Then later I saw the Biden's got one and they were kind of acting up and the Pence's got one and the Obama’s got one.  

I mean this is later I saw that (the others getting a note) but I initially saw Hillary's and then Jimmy Carter's reaction when he didn't get one but she got one, so let's just tuck that away for now.  Then President Trump comes in and her (Hillary’s) reaction was whoa I'm not looking at this guy.  

What was interesting was when President Trump walked in with Melania and seated behind them were the Pence's.  Neither President Trump nor the first lady said hello to them or shook their hands.  At the time I said “well maybe this is what the guys were talking about that I should watch for” because they know how much I really disliked Pence.

This is an indication that there's something brewing between the two of them and that maybe we're gonna see Pence moving out or something.  So maybe this is what they wanted me to watch. The Trumps didn't say a word to them (Pence’s) either of them.  They just sat down and said some things to the Obama’s but everybody else was very, very cold.

Well the word I heard was that what was in the envelopes that the Pence's, Obama's, Biden's, and the Clinton's received as well as a number of other people in the audience were not actually indictments but rather an indication of coming attractions of who was going to be on the hook.

(Concerning the Bush program note) it's my understanding that is was something about Pence.  You see Pence was the Bush's insurance policy.  Pence I believe from what I've been told is a globalist and the plan ultimately was to move Trump out (leaving Pence as VP).

Going back to last year's Superbowl, who was in George HW Bush’s private box but Pence.  It was my understanding that Pence was gonna slide and pence was seen as the insurance policy for the globalists, in particular with the Bush family and all the operations they're involved with.

When Laura (Bush) saw this (read the note) with the note being Pence is out - pence is done - she realized, oh, we have a problem and showed it to Jeb who essentially runs the family business whatever that might be.  This is why he (Jeb) looked like he was going to vomit

Jeb was looking directly at the Secret Service agent behind George W It is interesting there are two agents right behind George W but if you look behind all the other presidents on the other side the Secret Service agents were not seated in the row directly behind them.  What does that mean?  Well I think what it means is they were there just to kind of let George know, “George you got to deliver the information to your family and we're gonna make sure you do that”.

They'll (the people receiving notes) be destroying each other to try to get a deal so they don't go to jail for the rest of their lives or be executed.  I mean they committed treason.  We're in a war footing according to the Kavanaugh and Lindsey Graham exchange at the Kavanagh confirmation hearing.  We're in a war stance which means anything you do like this is treason.  These people, I believe, are all involved in very nefarious horrible criminal activity that affects the welfare of every American citizen and the sovereignty of our country.  That being said, I also believe they are amateur criminals, not hardened criminals. I believe when it comes down to it I these people will turn on each other like cornered rats.

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