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Sunday, November 4, 2018

Get Ready for the Second Revolution



Edited Information taken from an X-22 interview of Harley Schlanger

The Federal Reserve, private banks, and the City of London banking center control the governments.  Quantitative Easing (i.e. Fed created money freely given to the failing banks) created the stock market bubble.  The stock market does not indicate the level of the economy because it is not actually a part of the economy.  It is a casino type racket where only the insiders get wealthy and other players get fleeced.

The City of London is an independent city-state within the greater London area similar to Vatican City.  It is surrounded by a wall with guards stationed at the gate.  No one can enter the area without the proper credentials.  It is primarily the homestead of the Rothschild central banking system that controls the various International banks along with the USA’s Federal Reserve and similar systems in other countries.

Mr. Trump is presenting the Federal Reserve as an issue (i.e. a problem)for public discussion which hasn’t been done before other than a small concern under Ronald Reagan.  There was an attempted assassination performed on Mr. Reagan.

The only important problem concerning the Fed by a sitting president was by John Kennedy in June 1963 when he issued an executive order establishing the printing of treasury bills because the Fed was not issuing credit for industry. This executive order is one of the primary reasons he was assassinated.

Trump is fighting the most criminal, power hungry maniacs the world has ever known and he has fought them to a standstill with the entire media against him (i.e. the so-called deep state).  He exposed various members of the deep state which set the stage for some members of Congress to begin telling the truth about who is running the Russia-gate conspiracy.  The only thing Congress has not done is telling us why this is being done.

Congress may not be supplying the reason behind Russia-gate but others, particularly Qanon have told us.  He tells us the deep state, who are controlled by the elite one-world globalist bankers, had a sixteen year plan to reduce the USA down to the level of a third world state through moving industries mostly to China.  It was also necessary to begin a third world war in order to reset the Federal Reserve and similar systems located around the world.

This sixteen year plan included the eight years of the Obama presidency which was to be followed by eight years of the Hillary Clinton presidency which never happened.  Why is the Democrats, Rhinos, and the MSM doing everything sane and insane to get rid of President Trump?  The answer, as Q points out, is “they never thought she would lose”.  Now they are extremely concerned their crimes against the citizens of the United States will be exposed; they will be prosecuted; and possibly incarcerated or executed.

It’s because Mr. Trump is breaking with the Washington DC consensus, the City of London consensus, and the Neo-con liberal policy.  He is an outsider who does not play by their deep state rules (see the 16 year plan presented above for more information).   What individual would have thought that the person stepping forth to fight these criminals would be Donald Trump.  He has polarized the so-called right wing in order to point out “who isn’t for America”, and “who is against the idea that the government should not fight for the good of the American people”.  The answer is:  the mainstream media; the Clinton supporting Democrats; the neo-con Republicans (Rhinos).  Mr. Trump has given us a roadmap and has shown the courage to do what no other president has done including John F. Kennedy.

Trump – The New & Modern Cyrus

Mr. Trump has been referred to as the modern Cyrus.  Why?  Because he is believed to have been appointed by God as a conqueror of the current beast system called Mystery, Babylon in the Revelation.

Some leaders of the modern nation of Israel also refer to Mr. Trump as Cyrus, but for a completely different reason.  They believe he will support them in their effort to rebuild a temple more glorious than the one built by Solomon.

In a similar pattern to the calling of Cyrus, who’s Medean army conquered Babylon, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin were anointed by God to conquer and subdue a modern version of Babylon.  The modern Babylon system is worldwide in some aspects.

The deep state has been entrenched in everything for quite a long time:  the Main Stream Media; the CIA; the FBI; NSA; Congress; and judges on various levels; among others.  Draining the swamp of criminal elements is not an easy thing to accomplish because it is (metaphorically) filled with alligators and poisonous snakes.  The swamp drainer could be compared to one individual in a row boat with a machete. 

We are seeing the emergence of a political awakening which goes all the way back to the Obamacare debates when people began to understand – this is not just a difference of policy opinion but a completely different paradigm being presented by the Democrats.  The Obamacare initiative was not only a government takeover of healthcare but an attempt by the government to kill as many Americans as possible through either dumb downed medical care or no medical care at all.

Mr. Trump said that if Hilary Clinton had been elected as president we would now be in a war with Russia.  Hillary supported a no-fly zone over Syria while the Russian’s had troops stationed in the country.  Exactly what were the Russians doing in Syria? – They were fighting the terrorists the USA claimed they were fighting. 

Michael Flynn was reporting that the CIA, under Obama’s reign, was arming the  Al Qaida and Isis terrorist groups, thus Flynn was moved out of office and later indicted by Meuller.  Manafort placed the Glass-Steagall act, which is an anti-wall street measure, into the Republican platform.  And then he attempted to take out the support for lethal weapons to the Fascist Ukrainian government, thus Mr. Manafort was targeted on bogus tax matters. 

All these things (listed above) were supposed to be covered up when Hillary won the election, but she didn’t win.  So Rod Rosenstein placed Mueller as a special council, spent millions of dollars, wasted almost two years and have come up with nothing.

The Brexit initiative is falling apart because the City of London banking mini-state does not want it to happen and they are trying to reverse the vote of the United Kingdom people.  Italy and Austria is having a full scale rebellion against the fascist economic and banking policies of the European Union. 

In Germany, the Merkel government is beginning to collapse after losing one of their parties.  Merkel has agreed to resign when her term as ended but she may not last that long.

The political parties in France, Italy, and other countries are disappearing.  There is a global rebellion against a bankrupt, corrupt, and evil establishment.

Mr. Trump has empowered around 30 percent of the population to begin questioning and researching such things as the Clintons, the Obama Administration, the Federal Reserve, and other deep state operations.  As more and more people are added to this number the deep state will soon have no cover or a place to hide.

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