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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Central Banks will Soon Fall



Revelation 18:2 NET He shouted with a powerful voice: "Fallen, fallen, is Babylon the great! She has become a lair for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detested beast.

Bonds are debt notes. When the government borrows money, which is only done through the Federal Reserve, they give their creditors bonds in return.  A bond puts the government into debt.  Bonds are evidence of the bondage that the USA is under. The debtor is a servant (slave) of the lender.  The US government is the slave of Mystery Babylon which in our case is the Federal Reserve.  Europe is the slave of Rothschild International banks, which are similar to the USA’s Federal Reserve.  Our debt is created through borrowing money from the Federal Reserve rather than the USA government printing their own money as authorized in the Constitution.  Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy attempted to create real government money and they were assassinated.  Andrew Jackson was totally opposed to the national banking system of his day, and Jackson is highly admired by President Donald Trump.  https://freedomfromdelusion.blogspot.com/2017/03/earthquakes-economics-politics.html

The current Federal Reserve Bank is the third, and hopefully final, iteration of a USA central banking system.  The second attempt at a central bank was approved by James Madison in 1816.  At the bank’s renewal date a battle raged between Congressman Henry Clay and President Andrew Jackson.  President Jackson vetoed the congressional bill to renew the charter of the central bank and eventually the bank became a private institution and was later totally dismantled and that is why a portrait of Andrew Jackson is on Mr. Trump’s office wall.  https://freedomfromdelusion.blogspot.com/2018/10/normal-0-false-false-false-en-us-x-none.html

The prophesied Mystery Babylon is the final beast empire controlled by the Revelation 13 beast from the earth (also called the “false prophet”).  It is the Rothschild inspired and controlled Monetary Beast that issues the so-called “mark of the beast” which is the image printed on all fiat fake money (i.e. one cannot buy or sell unless this mark is available to them).

And NO, you are not cursed if you use fiat money to buy groceries – we are all forced to do that.  However, if the accumulation of money is more important than the worship of God, or if you completely dismiss God in favor of money or some corruption purchased with money, then you most likely have a major issue and repentance is necessary.

Some symbolic imagery given to the Hebrews by God were often taken literally such as the message to tie the commandants of God on their forearms and foreheads.  This command was to symbolically mean that all actions (wrists) and thoughts (forehead) were to be according to the commandments of God.  This message was later literally done by Judeans and were called phylacteries.  In the same manner God, in the book of Revelation, tells us if we worship fiat money in the same metaphoric manner as the commandments of God then we have the mark (or image) of the beast on our wrists and foreheads.

Deuteronomy 6:8 NET You should tie them as a reminder on your forearm and fasten them as symbols on your forehead.

Many overpaid, book-selling, so-called evangelical commentators have been completely blinded to the identity of Mystery Babylon (along with the majority of the population).  They believe it is a specific city (i.e. New York City, Jerusalem, Rome, or Mecca) or country (i.e. USA, Israel, Italy, Saudi Arabia) and that it can be recognized by the presence of totally corrupt morals and behaviors.  However, that is merely the aftereffects.  When the international banks, the Rothschilds and George Soros foundation are eliminated then the funding for the deep states of the world, the rogue CIA elements, and the Israeli Khazarian mafia will also be eliminated due to a lack of globalist funding.

Only a few commentators have written articles or posted videos of the destructive elements concerning international banks and corporations.  The Federal Reserve is the blight of the USA and few recognize that fact.  It is a cancer that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.  It needs wars and military spending to renew its strength and hopefully Mr. Trump and his patriot team, along with Russia and China, are finished with wars and military corporations.

By Preston James:  In 1913, the Rothschild KM (i.e. Khazarian Mafia) was able to establish a beachhead by bribing crooked, treasonous members of Congress to pass the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve without a required quorum. The Act was then signed by a crooked, bought off President (i.e. Woodrow Wilson), who was a traitor to America, like the members of Congress who voted for it.

Below, is a recent article written by Dr. Jones which deals with the nationalization of the central bank in the USA (and will soon be followed by example within the remainder of the world).  The Federal Reserve and other like-minded international banks represent the final beast empire to be destroyed (i.e. Mystery Babylon).  This action will negate all debt, particularly for the US government, and will allow the USA (and other countries) to print their own currency at zero interest rates.  At that time, the Millennial Kingdom of God, under the rule of Jesus Christ, will certainly be in its beginning phase.


Nov 24, 2018 by Dr. Stephen Jones

When the Federal Reserve Bank was chartered in 1914 following the Federal Reserve Act in December of 1913, Congress gave up its power to create money and gave it to “the experts,” the big banking interests. Throughout the late 1880’s the big political fight was about keeping control of the nation out of the hands of the bankers. In 1913 the banks won; the people lost.

Instead of the US Treasury creating money as needed and spending it into circulation without debt, the Treasury now had to borrow it into circulation. There was a fixed amount of money in circulation at the time, and with a growing population and economy, more money was needed to keep the economy running smoothly.

Taxes could fund the government, but taxes took money out of circulation, creating a shortage for the people. The only way to make up for this was to borrow from the Fed (at interest) and spend the money into circulation. To pay back the loans, more money needed to be created out of nothing, borrowed from the Fed, and spent into circulation. That, of course, follows the classic definition of a Ponzi scheme.

The Federal Reserve system was set up to enrich the bankers in the short run and to implode in the end, after the people and the nation itself were so far in debt that they could not pay back their loans.

We are nearing that point today. We actually reached that point in 2008, but when the Fed lowered interest rates to zero, it bought us some time. In fact, banks and corporations increased their debt load by borrowing more, since they could afford zero interest rates. But more recently, the Fed began raising interest rates again, and now the increased level of debt is becoming a problem again.

The Federal Reserve Board talks about a “neutral” rate of interest, where the rate neither harms nor benefits the economy. That is their supposed goal, although they seldom find themselves at that neutral spot. Either the rates are too low, causing a spike in debt and inflation, or the rates are too high, causing recessions and bankruptcies.

In 1980 the Fed raised interests to about 18 percent to find that “neutral” spot. Actually, they went above it, causing a recession.

In 1987 the Fed raised interest rates to 10 percent to find that “neutral” spot. They caused another recession.

In 2001 the Fed raised interests to 6 percent to find that “neutral” spot. Another recession occurred.

Now the Fed’s projection of the “neutral” spot is about 3 percent.

Do you see a pattern here? As time passes, the “neutral” spot is lower and lower. In other words, the economy is going further and further into debt, and so the economy cannot handle higher interest rates before it collapses.

We are now near the “neutral” point once again, and the Fed is thinking that it will raise interest rates when it meets December 18-19. The talk has been about raising interest rates twice more in 2019, but that remains to be seen. Given the economic rumblings, I suspect that if the Fed raises the interest rate even one more time, they will once again bankrupt a lot of corporations, run many more people out of the housing market, and crash the economy.
Given the fact that the Fed has never stopped raising interest rates until they caused a recession, I doubt that this time will be any different. They never seem to know where the “neutral” rate is until they go beyond it and cause a recession. When the crash occurs, they slap their foreheads and say, “Oh, there it was!”

In my opinion, they know exactly where the “neutral” rate is, but their purpose is to foreclose on property and sell it to the bankers for pennies on the dollar. It’s bad for the banks but good for the bankers. Banks are just the tools by which money is siphoned to the bankers. In fact, all corporations are just tools to enrich those who control them.

Right now there are some very large corporations that are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. They are already insolvent, but one more rate hike will probably push them into filing for bankruptcy. General Electric is one, Sears is another. In less than two years, GE’s share price has dropped nearly 75 percent. Sears has been scraping bottom for even longer. It is only a matter of time before these corporations implode or are bailed out by the government.

In Europe Deutsche Bank is on the brink as well. They are not directly affected by the Fed here in the USA, but its shares have been dropping even with the Euro’s ongoing negative interest rates.

Then there is the long-term problem of the Spanish, Italian, and Greek banks, which have long been technically insolvent. If any of them go down, it will affect the entire Eurozone, because they are all tied together.

The bottom line is that we should be aware of the big financial picture, even if we do not know or understand all of the details. It appears that the Fed is intending to crash the economy in 2019. It may well be that one more rate hike in December will be the trigger once again. We are, after all, ten years past the bank crisis in 2008. Historically, we are due for another recession, though this has been postponed in the past two years by the Trump policy.

This will not be just another recession. The problem is systemic. The idea of the Fed itself is ending. What we know as Mystery Babylon is funded primarily through the Fed. From the standpoint of Bible prophecy, it is time for Babylon to fall. Prophecy and history are coming together. The Fed will not simply collapse. It will be replaced by a new system.

My guess is that Trump will nationalize the privately-owned Fed and cancel whatever debt is owed to this bank. If the US government cancels all of the debt (bonds) held by other countries, it could easily trigger wars. Likewise, there are many US corporations and citizens who hold US government bonds. These bonds, at least, would have to be monetized—perhaps telling everyone to cash them in for the new form of money. That would keep money in circulation but remove the interest-bearing debt notes attached to each Fed Note.

Rumors have it that the new monetary system will be gold-backed. Even if the gold actually exists in Ft. Knox (which I doubt), the price of gold would have to skyrocket in order to have enough to back the amount of money needed in circulation just here in America. It could be done, but the problem will not be solved unless the Treasury nationalizes the Fed and eliminates the need for the Fed’s debt note that we now use. Then we will need to see a different form of money established that is a store of labor (energy), not a store of debt.

By itself, gold will not resolve this problem. The underlying problem is not a lack of backing but the interest that is attached to every Fed note. Only when the debt is eliminated from money will the problem be solved.

One way or another, money needs to return to being an asset, rather than a debt note. It needs to represent positive wealth, not negative wealth (debt). I do not know if the government has the power to do this, because the bankers have controlled the governments of the world for a long time. But one way or another this will be done just because the time is ripe for Mystery Babylon to fall.

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