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Monday, October 22, 2018

Trump - The New and Modern Cyrus



Donald Trump was, and is anointed by God for a specific purpose.
He is not like Joshua, a devout Godly man, who was anointed to clear the land of Canaan for the settlement of the twelve tribes.  Mr. Trump, however, is very similar to Cyrus who was anointed to conquer Babylon and then allow the Judeans to return to their land of Judah. 

Isaiah 44:28 NET who commissions Cyrus, the one I appointed as shepherd to carry out all my wishes and to decree concerning Jerusalem, 'She will be rebuilt,' and concerning the temple, 'It will be reconstructed.' "

Isaiah 45:1 NET This is what the LORD says to his chosen one, to Cyrus, whose right hand I hold in order to subdue nations before him, and disarm kings, to open doors before him, so gates remain unclosed:

Some liberal pundits, who dispute all prophetic passages, claim that Isaiah 45 must have been written after the Persian Invasion of Babylon and the return of Judah to Judea.

From The Cyrus Prophecy 04/01/2014  by Dr. Stephen Jones
The Cyrus prophecy begins in Isaiah 44:24, where God had spoken of Cyrus, king of Persia, by name, calling him God’s “servant” (Isaiah 44:26), His “shepherd,” (Isaiah 44:28), and His “messiah” (Isaiah 45:1).  These chapters of Isaiah prophesied that the second beast empire would be ruled by a “messiah,” in that “he will perform all My desire” (Isaiah 44:28). In the same verse Cyrus was also to declare that Jerusalem would be built and that the foundation of the temple would be laid.

In a similar pattern to the calling of Cyrus, who conquered Babylon, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin were anointed by God to conquer and subdue a modern version of Babylon designated as Mystery, Babylon in the Revelation.  (There may be other anointings around the world that I am  aware of).  The modern Babylon system is worldwide in some aspects and also centered around the descendants of the 10 tribes of the northern country of Israel (see the next paragraph) in other aspects.  Mystery, Babylon is first mentioned in Revelation 14:8 where it is described as being in the process of falling and it is currently falling both prophetically and physically.

Why Mr. Trump and the USA?  It has been proven (to my satisfaction) that the so-called lost 10 tribes of Israel mostly settled into northern and western Europe.  A group from the area of Finland later came southeast and populated Russia.  These Caucasian Israelites (no racism intended) then migrated and populated the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.  As said earlier, the fiat banking system along with the leaders of a one-world totalitarian government appear to be centered within the USA, Canada, Europe (particularly Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand.

God is thus using Trump, Putin, and possibly others, to defeat the modern Babylonian system of usury banking, wars for corporate profit, the Greater Israel project, pedophilia, human trafficking, sex slaves, a socialist form of government, and drug distribution (along with many other things).

The Leftists, Liberals, Democrats, Rhinos, MSM, and the Hollywood liberals believe they are fighting against Mr. Trump but they are fighting God and they will lose.

Russian, under Putin, along with China have already performed much kingdom work such as creating an alternative to the SWIFT international payment system called SPFS.  The SPFS has not yet been employed but it will become effective if Russia or China is barred from the SWIFT system.  Both Russia and China, along with India and Brazil are joined in a trading system called BRICs. 

The central bank’s website (of Russia) says the system was established “as an alternative channel for interbank cooperation with the aim of ensuring the guaranteed and uninterrupted provision of services for the transmission of electronic messages on financial transactions.”

90 percent of ATMs in Russia are ready to accept the Mir payment system, which is a domestic version of Visa and MasterCard.

Russia is said to have almost completely if not totally sold and eliminated their holdings of Treasury notes.  China has unloaded many of their notes and are slowing but quietly unloading the remainder.  Both countries are buying as much gold as possible for a future gold-backed currency or a backup stabilizer for their current currency.  Both are also using their own currencies, called bilateral trade, as well as their trading partners currency to eliminate the petrol dollar.  The petrol dollar will soon be an item of the past.  Mr. Trump has also initiated several bilateral trades in anticipation of forcing out the Federal Reserve system.

It has been said by the X-22 report, and others, that Mr. Trump and his patriot team will soon implode the USA economy and point to the Federal Reserve as the cause.  The economy of the USA has been imploded for several years under the Obama administration but Mr. Trump’s team has been using the identical doctoring methods by previous administrations to make the economy appear to be impressive and elevated.

The purpose of the Federal Reserve removal is to allow to USA to print their own money without being charged interest (the basic cause of the Federal debt) on the loans of created money.  X-22 also claims that Jerome Powell, the current Fed chairman appointed by Mr. Trump is purposely raising Fed interest rates to assist Mr. Trump with the implosion of the economy and the expected dismantling of the Federal Reserve.  It has been said that both Russia and China have eliminated their version of the Federal Reserve along with most, or all, of the Rothschild associated banks.  It is also claimed that any International type bank within Russia has been forced to be a normal lending bank and cannot create fake money.

Soros Steams That Trump's "Revolution In World Affairs" Is Succeeding
By Tyler Durbin - Fri, 06/22/2018 - 03:30

Soros told the Washington Post that he was “living in [his] own bubble” because he failed to foresee Trump’s meteoric rise. Fearful that Trump “is willing to destroy the world”, as he put it, he vowed to “redouble [his] efforts” in pouring millions of dollars into opposing everything that the President stands for all across the world.

While the Hungarian-American might come off as full of doom and gloom in his interview, he actually has a reason to feel that way because Trump has single-handedly presided over the dismantlement of the Liberal-Globalist world order that Soros has worked for decades to build, destroying the old paradigm of Trans-Atlantic relations in a simple spree of tweets and presiding over the return of Christian morals, ethics, and values in American society, ideas that are absolutely anathema to the atheist billionaire.

From Soros’ perspective, Trump is indeed destroying the world, albeit not in the apocalyptic sense like he’s implying but in the ideological one of pioneering a completely new world order than the one that the President inherited.

Mr. Trump is a man who unhinges:  liberals; literals; Hollywood types; media reporters; academic types; and the general establishment political class composed of Democrats, Rhinos, and deep state operatives. Their despicable and hateful comments and actions certainly appear to be a spiritual storm of demonic activity. The liberal left are burning flags, breaking windows, destroying property, smashing and burning vehicles and patrol cars, unleashing violence and invective against peaceful individuals.  The violence and hatred perpetrated on Trump supporters is unbelievable.

Many of the loudest harassers within Congress have much to lose:  many have taken illegal money and brides from foreign entities; their one-world future power structure is being dismantled; with a reduction or an elimination of wars the weapons manufacturers, which also give kickbacks to government officials, is being eliminated.

Why is Donald Trump a threat? By putting America first and building a people movement, Donald Trump becomes a wild card who creates chaos for the elite globalists' insider game.  A Clinton election victory would have brought her to the top of the political pile with 1,000 strings attached to innumerable pay-to-play entities. Donald Trump comes with no strings attached. This is why the lawless liberal Left and the establishment Republicans don't trust him. He is not tied into the system and he does not play the game. 

What if Hillary Clinton had won the presidential election?  It has been said that the Federal Reserve has a limited working lifespan and needs a major war to reset its parameters.  Trump and his team have eliminated the planned wars which would have led to a nuclear world war.  North Korea was operated, behind the scenes, by the deep state CIA cabal.  Iran was given nuclear fuel from Hillary and Obamas uranium one subterfuge.  Mr. Trump and his team effectively eliminated the CIA group in North Korea.  They also canceled the Obama-Iran nuclear accords. 

Russia stepped up and eliminated the paid mercenaries in Syria.  Recently they set up an S300 missile system within Syria to eliminate the constant bombing raids by the IDF forces of Israel.

It is estimated that H. Clinton would have started a nuclear world war.  It is claimed that American elites have underground bunkers to allow them to survive for several years until the fallout disappears.  A massive elimination of the world’s population has been planned for many years as written on the Georgia Guidestones.  All factories and production facilities would have all been removed from the USA in order to allow the country to deteriorate into mass starvation and poverty similar to a low level third world country.

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