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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Where Do You Draw the Line?


Where will You draw the line? Wearing an ineffective and downright harmful mask is now a daily event for most Americans.

Bill Gates and his paid-for medical tyrants along with the globalist Illuminati got their way on this one. Mass compliance through fear is working for them. They are accustoming us to do what we're told while giving up our freedom. What do you think they've been discussing at all those Bilderberg meetings?

They own the mass media, which has drummed out a steady beat of fear for many months now. They don't tell us about their satanic pedophiles at the top. They don't tell us about the mass theft by the Fed that benefits only them--the global elite. They lie & exaggerate as they fan the flames of COVID-19 hysteria constantly--and they blame it all on Trump. Their planned scamdemic has succeeded just as Gates' supercomputer predicted it would. Things are going according to plan.

Isn't it strange how the top .001 percent--the unelected elite who own most of the world--now shut down businesses and run our lives over a medical issue. Our elected officials go along for the ride. Most governors and big-city mayors are puppets of the globalists.

Many of us have complained loudly about the masks. I made a scene at the local post office. All the sheeple there were complying dutifully. I shouldn't call them sheeple--they HAD to wear them if they wanted to carry out their postal business. I did not--my mail went back to the truck. They sported their face mufflers as they lined up next to signs that tersely ordered them worn. People obey 'authority,' and when the mass majority obeys, then everyone else complies.

The time for resistance is over. The mask pushers won. It reached critical mass. Anyone objecting is now seen as a nut job. I got treated like that at a grocery store. I was the ONLY one without a mask & the checkout clerk barked her orders at me to obey social distancing. I was a disease in her eyes. The globalists managed to divide and conquer humanity in a mere few months.

We'll see this pattern repeat itself with a mandatory vaccine. Will this be the final line in the sand? Will Americans finally grow a backbone and yell, "NO!" If they don't, we'll move onto Gates' next step: A worldwide digital ID. What comes with that? A cashless system. A social credit system. The Chicoms already has part of this plan in place. Gates, the central bankers, Silicon Valley, the socialists, and the big globalist corporations want to control every aspect of our lives. Their high-tech noose is around our necks. The time to start kicking is now--not after we drop.

We'll see their mark of the beast. No buying and selling until one is part of their demonic control grid. And, like communist China, there will be concentration camps. The Chicoms are rounding up millions of Chinese Muslims right now and forcing them onto trains....gulag bound.

Think that can't happen here? It will. All we have to do is keep complying.


The politicization of facemasks is growing more acute by the day, squeezing non-mask wearers out of stores and offices and casting them aside like collateral damage destined for the societal Dumpster.

We should not be surprised.

Bill Gates informed us early on in the pandemic that we would not be allowed to “return to normal until the entire world is vaccinated.” Adoring news reporters quoted him saying this as though they were talking to God himself.

Now, they are pushing the mask to ensure that their god’s prophecy comes true. No normalcy allowed. The vaccine is not yet ready!

The mask is a sign of fear, submission and obedience to the media-driven hysterical over-reaction to this virus by governments and corporations. This virus is in fact no more deadly than the seasonal flu and far less so in children. This is a very manageable disease, with a recovery rate of 99.7 percent. But, when you see masks everywhere, it’s easy to believe that the country that placed men on the moon just can’t get a handle on this invisible enemy.

If you acquiesce to the mask edicts, that’s fine, it’s your decision. But don’t be naïve and think for one minute that forced masking is not part of a greater agenda that involves forced vaccinations — which Gates called his “Final Solution” to the coronavirus. And if you think this will be just another of the many “normal vaccinations,” you are deceived. Big Pharma has never developed an effective vaccine for a coronavirus [one of which is the common cold].

So not only are they developing something completely new, they are rushing it to market.

It’s clear that the mask shaming is part of a dry run for the coming vaccine, which has been placed on a fast track by President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed.

President Trump assured us the vaccine will not be mandatory.

But that should not be taken seriously by anyone who is awake and watching how mayors, governors and corporations have been acting with the mask.

I live in Georgia, where Gov. Brian Kemp has not mandated masks. And, yet, it is getting seriously difficult to find a grocery store where you can enter mask-free. We non-maskers have been reduced to Dollar General, outdoor markets and fruit stands.

Why is that? The government isn’t forcing this in Georgia, so who is?

What’s happening is another case of our side being outmaneuvered and out organized by the left.

I have been in contact with friends in the grocery-store industry and they tell me they are bombarded daily with calls and in-person complaints from people trying to bully them into requiring masks on every single shopper in their stores.

Our side, those who still believe that our health and our dress-code are personal decisions, is largely silent.

Because conservatives tend to place a higher value on individual liberty, the vast majority of the cry-babies out there calling and vilifying store managers for not mandating masks are Democrats. Those confronting non-mask wearers in store aisles and berating them are mostly Democrats. That’s because Democrats are collectivists.

They don’t see people as individuals created in the image of God and capable of making their own decisions.

Conservatives, even those who wear masks, most likely do not wish to make it a crime for those who don’t. That’s just the way we are. But the left is always intolerant of opposing opinions and skilled in the use of coercive tactics. Hence, they have mounted a Twitter campaign to shame any company not requiring masks while bombarding these companies with high-pressure calls, emails and in-person visits, some threatening to sue if the company doesn’t bow to their demands.

The entire thrust of the Democrats and their media lackeys is to create enough panic so that governors will reverse course and lock their citizens back down in their homes, so they can collapse the economy ahead of the Nov. 3 election and blame the carnage on Trump. Everyone knows this. So why are we aiding their program of fomenting false panic by wearing masks?

If we can’t compete with the left on organization, we must honestly assess our options going forward. We can now be denied service based on what we wear and because we refuse to follow the media-led herd. And when the media-led herd is jumping to the dictates of the mad doctor and Bill Gates crony, Anthony Fauci, who has been wrong about every single facet of this virus, then we quickly find ourselves relegated to second-class status.

The only way to survive in Gates’s “new normal” will be to develop a network of service providers who work off the surveillance grid of Big Brother. These will be small mom and pops and sole proprietors. Now is the time to seek them out. Doctors, dentists, meat cutters, fruit growers, small farms selling eggs out of a backyard shed. Many will have to accept cash because hard currency is gradually being phased out in favor of digital dollars. Eventually, we will need to barter after cash is gone.


  1. You are absolutely correct! I am already making the switch. I was thinking about the Doctor this morning.

  2. Left verses right paradigm! Both have sold out to Nazi communist government and trump is leading it, fast tracking it. It’s not a republic or a democracy any longer, it’s a take down of the American Constitution and Liberty lovers of the great country. Make no mistake, if people would stop putting up with the garbage and say Give me liberty or give me death. We will no longer exist as a nation. God bless and great post
