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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Lockdown Preparation


By Dr. Stephen Jones:  3-21-2020

Blog Post Date:  3-21-2020

If you are closely following the news and agree with the majority of the written material on this website, there may be some wonder to the nature of the Covid 19 crisis.  I should say the Chinese Virus as Trump prefers to call it. 

The disintegration of Mystery, Babylon is a worldwide event, not just for the USA and Europe.  All people are the people of God not just Caucasians.  Yes, people are dying.  I may be next.  Mostly older individuals and those already sustaining some illness. 

Does death matter to God?  It could be said, “not really”.  All will be resurrected and all will live forever.  Death is merely a minor intrusion or obstacle, although it seems very important to most of us.

Apparently, we are in the process of “shutting down” the Mystery, Babylonian system and the Covid 19 virus appears very important in this process. 

From Dr. Jones
A week ago it was reported that the National Guard was mobilizing across the country. That was our first real clue that we might be heading toward a national lockdown for a week or two. Then POTUS declared National Emergency, which opened a lot of possibilities and gave the president power over virtually all areas of life.

Partial proof of this is in the fact that we can now “google” articles and videos that had been censored and banned in the past year. On March 15-16, these suddenly became available again. It seems that the era of censorship has ended quietly. This is truly a major development, and it suggests that this National Emergency is NOT intended to work against those who search for the truth. Instead, it is working against the Deep State media giants.

These emergency powers have been put in place over a 50-year period. The Deep State was preparing the way for a future crisis that would give them an excuse to suspend the Constitution and enslave the country once and for all. In my opinion, the Deep State was not counting on losing control of the president before they could implement this power. Then 2016 happened, and now, I believe, this power will be used against them.

Q has hinted since November 2017 that some type of national emergency would occur soon and that it would be used to arrest some high-level operatives and to try them in military tribunals. Will this happen soon? Time will tell.

Meanwhile, the coronavirus crisis is moving in the direction of a national lockdown. Individual states have already started the process, with California taking the lead on Thursday night, followed by New York on Friday and Illinois today.

The Governor of Illinois has announced a stay at home order, making it the latest state to shut down after New York and California as President Trump refuses to issue a national quarantine in the battle against coronavirus.

On Friday, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued a total ban on non-essential businesses and warned there would be strict fines for any businesses that do not comply. It will go into effect on Sunday evening and is indefinite. 

California issued its own stay-at-home order on Thursday night. It applies to all 40 million people in the state who do not work in crucial industries like healthcare services, public transportation, grocery stores, pharmacies, news organizations and internet providers, and is indefinite. 

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced similar measures later on Friday. There were 422 cases of the virus in Illinois on Thursday. 

He announced the fifth death in the state on Friday. The state's stay-at-home order lasts until April 7.  

These lockdowns alone now affect 70 million Americans. As more states implement such lockdowns, it will make a national lockdown almost inevitable. If Trump does NOT do it, he will be criticized by his political enemies for any further spread of the coronavirus. Notice how Joe Biden continues to demand that Trump take actions that he already did. Either Biden doesn’t listen very well, or is very forgetful, or he assumes that a lot of people don’t follow the news.

There is a lot of talk about cancelling the 2020 elections in November. I don’t think that will happen, at least not on account of the coronavirus. I expect the virus to settle down in another month or so. The lockdown will be used to declare victory for everyone, regardless of party affiliation.

With the rapid pace of lockdowns, we could well see a federal lockdown for the whole country as early as Monday. If so, my expectation is that they would announce that it will last one week, but at the end of that week, they might extend it for another week. I don’t think they could do this for much longer than that without destroying the economy.

In my view, this coronavirus is a “managed crisis” that was planned years in advance by the Deep State, partly in their plan to depopulate the earth (“Agenda 21”). I believe that the Trump administration and the America First military intelligence organization that asked Trump to run for president (2015) knew they did not have the power to stop it, but they figured out how to use it to take down the Deep State itself. At the same time, they knew that an inexpensive cure had already been developed, and that they could use this to thwart the Agenda 21 plan to reduce the world population down to 500 million. (Google Georgia Guidestones.)

Most people cannot conceive how anyone could be that evil. They really believe that it is a good thing to kill off seven billion people in order to save the planet from the man-virus. Of course, they all think they themselves will be among those who are allowed to live. If they had their way, all Christians would be killed first.

I think we are about to get an education on the evils of Mystery Babylon. There are Satanists who have risen to the top echelons of governments around the world, whose ethics are the reverse of normal people. The so-called “revolutionary movement” in recent centuries has always been organized at the top by Satanists working largely through the Masonic lodges.

We nearly elected a high priestess as president in 2016, but God had mercy on us. On October 12, 2017 Babylon’s mandate from heaven expired after “seven times” according to the law. Two weeks later, Q began posting on October 28, and a new plan began to be implemented to overthrow the Satanists that had held power. They fought back fiercely, but they steadily lost. Their final ploy was to try to impeach Trump, which also failed.

They are now nearly out of ammunition, and now a National Emergency has been declared. The nation and the world is poised for a new era in time, as we begin to move toward the fifth kingdom of Daniel 2, the Stone Kingdom, which is destined to crush the image on its feet. I do not know how long this will take, but we will be monitoring events until it succeeds.

Notice too that there is talk of cancelling the Payroll Tax (Social Security payments) for 2020. Trump is moving us back a century to the time when tariffs and excise taxes funded the federal government and when no one paid direct taxes on their labor (wages). Coupled with that, the deadline for filing taxes this year has been moved back three months to July 15, 2020.

These are major events. The way things have been done for the past century are being overturned or disrupted as we return to a more Constitutional system. Most people will not understand the underlying significance of these policy changes, but the current crisis is making this possible.

The Laodicean Age, which is the Church of the Captivity, has ended, and Cyrus is now setting us free. It was three years between the fall of Babylon (537 B.C.) until Cyrus the Persian issued his Emancipation Proclamation (Ezra 1:2-5), allowing the captives to return to their native countries in 534 B.C.

During those three years, Darius the Mede ruled on behalf of Cyrus (Daniel 5:31). Cyrus continued to fight wars elsewhere for three years before ruling Babylon himself. Hence, 534 B.C. is called “the first year of Cyrus” (Ezra 1:1).

If we compare our own situation to then, that three-year cycle goes from 2017-2020. That makes 2020 a very significant turning point. Nothing will be the same after 2020. But meanwhile, we ought to be prepared for some transitional disturbances and lockdowns. If reports that I am hearing are true, the lockdown will be used to remove some very evil people from positions of power. The lockdown is actually to prevent these people from unleashing those they have hypnotized by psychiatrists working for the Deep State to perpetrate school shootings, mall massacres, etc.

Such reports are hard to prove, of course, but I consider some of these reports to be quite credible or at least plausible.

Lockdowns will be most difficult for those who are unprepared. The National Guard will probably distribute food and water as they can, but this is a big job, and it is better not to have to depend on the National Guard. Try to have at least a two-week supply of food. I don’t think that the water or electricity will be turned off, but food could be a problem. (Q has told us in November of 2017 that the grid is safe.

On December 12, 2018, Post 2615, someone asked Q: “Should we be prepping for some kind of shutdown?”

Q’s response was: “No. Reports of ‘power grid attacks’ (6 mo prep) should be disregarded. While attacks do occur, we are safeguarded by a ‘Black Eye’.”

Q does not tell us what the “Black Eye” is, but it appears to be some sort of intelligence apparatus or intelligence program that sees or foresees attacks by the enemy. Hopefully, this means the public utilities are secure from attack.

Nonetheless, the more prepared you are for anything, the better off you will be in any kind of shutdown. Also understand that a shutdown does not have to be a total shutdown. The National Guard, for instance, will be deployed, along with police officers, firemen, some government workers, and hospital staff. Many could be allowed to go to grocery stores or to the hospital if necessary. Let us pray that this would be a soft landing and that the time will be shortened.

I think the presence of Mercy and Comfort suggest this.

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