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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Missing Facts in the Racism and Fascism Debate: by D'Souza


By:  Dinesh D’Souza

Mar 6, 2018

YouTube Introduction:  The Left's biggest lie of all is that conservatives—and President Trump, in particular, are fascists or Nazis.  In this fiery lecture at Yale, Dinesh D'Souza debunks this audacious lie and sets the record straight about the REAL fascist threat in America.

Lincoln united his party and saved America from the Democrats for the first time. Can Trump, and we, come together and save America for the second time?  Want to connect with Dinesh D'Souza online for more hard-hitting analysis of current events in America? Here’s how: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dsouzadinesh Twitter: https://twitter.com/dineshdsouza Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dineshjdsouza Email: http://www.dineshdsouza.com/email/

Selected and Edited Sections of Mr. D’Souza’s YouTube Narration

For a generation it has been customary to make the accusation that the Republican Party is the party of bigotry and racism and that the Democratic Party is the party of civil rights and anti-racism.  Thus Trump is now the racist and the Republican Party is now the party of bigotry.  The second accusation is somewhat more novel stating that Trump is a fascist.  Although (the term fascist was) used against Reagan and Bush as a throwaway line, with Trump it is intended not only as an insult but it also to justify whole series of behaviors that would otherwise be unacceptable:  boycott the inauguration; violently disrupt the inaugural parties; block speakers on campus; try to get Trump out of office by any means necessary such as on obstruction of justice whether or not there was an underlying crime

What is racism?  What is fascism? And are these ideologies?  Fascism is actually a topic that is hardly understood at all.  People define it in a way that makes absolutely no sense.  Trump is a fascist because he is an ultra-nationalist (i.e.) because he wants to make America great again.  But didn’t Hitler want to make Germany great again? 

Nationalism has never been a core-defining feature of fascism although it may be an attribute of it.  Nationalism is equally present on the left as on the right

Gandhi. Mandela., Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Winston Churchill, de Gaulle, Abraham Lincoln, (as well as) the American founders were all nationalists and it is beyond stupid to label all these people as fascists

(People say) Trump is a fascist because he is an authoritarian, he wants to throw out the constitution, and he wants to end the democratic system.  This argument is literally made by pundits on MSNBC, CNN, and comedians on every platform.  Any real authoritarian would have shut them up in five minutes.

The founder of fascism and the first fascism regime was not Nazi Germany but (that of) Mussolini in 1922.  Mussolini established National Socialism as a variation of socialism that does not displace class but simply adds the idea of the nation but socialism comes first.  He noticed that people in France and Germany were not as much concerned about socialism as they were about nationalism.

In WWII people witnessed the Communists on one side and the Fascists on the other thus lending credence that if the Communists were on the left the fascists must have been on the right and were superior to the Communists.

Consider the Shia and Sunnis that are both inside the house of Islam. They differ only by a hair in actual theological beliefs and yet both sides have been fighting for a long time not only over fine points of theology but over territory and power.

Fascism at its core simply means collectivism and the power of the centralized state.  This is the indisputable meaning of fascism.

In the 1930’s FDR was a huge admirer of Mussolini.  FDR sent members of his New Deal brain-trust to Rome to study Italian fascism to bring some of those ideas to America.  Mussolini wrote an article saying “this guy is one of us, he’s a fascist”

Hitler lifts Actions from the Democrats
Yale scholar James Whitman in a book called Hitler’s American Model wrote:
“In 1935 the Nazis were drafting the Nuremberg Laws making Jews second class citizens:  by prohibiting marriage between Jews and non Jews; confiscating Jewish property; segregation of Jews into ghettos; and state sponsored discrimination against Jews”.  One of the Nazis (at the meeting) who had studied in America said “sorry we can’t start the world’s first racist state because the Democratic Party in the US has already done it”,

D’Souza Comment:  Every segregation law in the Jim Crow South going back to the 1880’s through the 50’s and 60’s, without exception, was passed by a Democratic legislature; signed by a Democratic governor; and enforced by Democratic officials.

For Your Information:  Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States.  All were enacted in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by white Democratic-dominated state legislatures after the Reconstruction period.  The laws were enforced until 1965.  In practice, Jim Crow laws mandated racial segregation in all public facilities in the states of the former Confederate States of America. 


The Nazis merely took the Democratic laws, cross out the word black, and write in the word Jew.  Professor Whitman says that the Nazis lifted or took as a blueprint the laws of the Jim Crow South.  Now here's something very interesting.  One might expect Professor Whitman's book to be called Hitler's Model, but it's not, it’s called Hitler's American Model.  In other words what Professor Whitman does is he puts the blame not on the Democratic Party, which actually passed the laws, but on America in general.

Going back to the Civil War, America has been divided on issues of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, and the Ku Klux Klan.  This has been the subject of an ongoing battle, sometimes a physical battle, between the two parties.  But what I'm trying to say is that in some sense what seems to be going on here is there is an effort to cast the blame on America as a whole, whereas these actual offenses were perpetrated by some Americans while other Americans tried to stop them

Timothy Snyder has a very important book called Blood Lands in which while drawing on other historical scholarship he makes a second observation.  Which is, he points out that Hitler got his idea for conquering in Europe from the Jacksonian Democrats in the United States.  The Nazis actually derived important ideas from progressives and Democrats.

Hitler Lifts War Solutions from the Democrats
Hitler's problem was that he wanted to compete with the English and the French and he noticed that the English and the French had colonized most of the world.  They already had taken most of the real estate there was to be had.  Hitler while sitting in Landsberg prison was thinking, where is the real estate for Germany to conquer?  Hitler was actually a big fan of (American) Western novels

He (Hitler) remembered that in the 19th century the Jacksonian Democrats had overtaken the American Indians; flung them off their land; killed the ones who resisted; and tried to enslave the ones who remained.  Hitler said “I think I'm gonna do that.  I don't have to go to Asia.  I don't have to conquer India or Africa.  I'm gonna stay right here in Europe.  I'm gonna overthrow the poles and the Russians and the Slavs and the Eastern Europeans.  I'll drive them off their land.  If they resist we'll kill them.  If they stay back we'll enslave them, and we will loot their possessions and their land so that Germany can prosper.

What Professor Schneider points out is that Hitler actually used an American example.  In this case an example of the 19th century Democratic Party but once again the blame is not placed on the Democrats it's placed on America in general.

I make the point that the secession debate was between the north and the south but the slavery debate was between a pro-slavery Democratic Party and an anti-slavery Republican Party.  In other words the Democrats of the north were equally complicit as the Democrats of the south in protecting slavery as an institution.  That's the key point.

In 1860, the year before the civil war, I said no Republican owned a slave, not, no Republican leader owned a slave but no Republican in the United States owned a slave.  All the slaves in the entire country, four million of them, were owned by Democrats.  

Now this statement (fact), I want to tell you, appears in no history book and no textbook.  It has never appeared, to my knowledge, in an article and it has never been uttered by anyone on television or in the History Channel or in a documentary.  And yet, as I say, it's eminently refutable, all you have to do is give me the names of five Republicans who owned slaves and I would have to take it back.  But to this day and to this moment not a single counterexample has ever been provided, not one.

On the television there's Rachel Maddow, there's Van Jones, there are all these guys bloviating about fascism without the slightest clue about what fascism is. (They are) without any knowledge of the deep intimate connections between American progressivism on the one hand and the actual real-life fascists on the other.

A small lie is an easily verifiable untruth.  If somebody tells you something that is false, you can check it out.  The problem with big lies is that they're so big that you can't get your head around them and therefore they're much harder to refute.  It's much easier to sell a big lie than a small lie.  What happened in America very sadly this distortion about fascism did not start with Trump.  

The big lie about Trump actually began in 1945, the moment that American soldiers went into the concentration camps.  The moment they saw those ghostly emaciated tottering figures come out, and the moment fascism was permanently discredited (along with) Nazism.  Immediately something else began at the same time i.e. progressive revisionism.  The progressives coming to power in the 1940s:   in the Academy; in the media; and in Hollywood basically said we cannot afford to let future generations know what fascism actually is.  Thus we have to reinvent fascism. 

We've got to recreate, if you will, a new fascism and we've got to move fascism from the left-wing column where it's always been into the right-wing column, so we can now use it as a bludgeon against our opponents.  This is the biggest of the big lies and it is no less true, I'm sorry to say, of racism than of fascism.

It is widely believed, by many people, that the civil rights movement of the 1960's was effectuated and was passed by the Democratic Party and some people believe with the resistance of the Republican Party.  (However) this is actually not true.  In fact it is the opposite of the truth.  In fact more Republicans proportionally voted for all the civil rights laws by which I mean:  the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the Voting Rights Act of 1965; and the fair housing bill of 1968 than Democrats. 

The opposition to civil rights came from the Democratic Party and if the Congress had had no Republicans but only Democrats none of these laws would have passed.  People say to me, “Dinesh but don't you know there was a big switch and the party swapped sides?”  The Republicans became Democrats and the Democrats became Republicans.  I'm like, really, you mean like the cops became robbers and the robbers became cops?  When did that actually occur?  How would that even be possible?

So the argument here, basically, is that the racist Democrats, i.e. the infamous Dixiecrats, the people who for example broke with Strom Thurmond in 1948, who voted against the Civil Rights Act, these Dixiecrats these racist Dixiecrats became Republicans? 

This is itself a big lie and it is the easiest lie to check.  Let's count how many of them moved over to the Republican Party.  Answer: one guy Strom Thurmond.  Everybody else remained in the Democratic Party and was lionized for it.

Simplified comment on the above two paragraphs:  Strom Thurmond was a Democrat.  The Democrats were all voting against the Civil Rights Acts and Thurmond broke rank with them and voted for the Acts while renaming himself as a Republican.

When Robert Byrd, former Ku Klux Klansman, died in 2010 there was Obama at his funeral and there was Bill Clinton present as well.  Bill Clinton actually addressed the fact that Robert Byrd was in the Ku Klux Klan.  He (Clinton) goes on to say, “Let me tell you why Robert Byrd was in the Klan.  You had to be in the Klan in those days in order to get ahead in the Democratic Party”.  Kind of an eye opening statement.

What we have seen now is a very interesting move in progress of scholarship i.e. to lift the blame off the Democratic Party and pin it on the South; pin it on America; but take it off the actual party that explicitly said:  we are the party of the white man; we are the party of slavery.  What I'm trying to say is - the Democrats invented the doctrine of white supremacy.  So the very people who poisoned the wells today are magically showing up as the water commissioner saying, “We're here to fix the problem”,

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