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Monday, September 24, 2018

X-22: The Coming Economic Collapse



Central bankers don’t like anyone leaving the system.  A Soros group has implored the European Union’s highest court to revoke article 50 and keep the UK from leaving the EU.  Why is he doing this? He is trying to kill the Brexit deal.

Every time the deep state operatives of the Central Bank system come out and make some so-called positive statement, always think the opposite of what is actually said.   Soros claims he is doing the best for Britain in the hope of reversing the will of the British people.  His group will be targeting voters in swing constituencies while simultaneously exploring every legal tactic available to them. Soros has also partnered with a group called Hope.  This group received support from Soros and his open foundation and it looks like they are attempting to cancel out the Brexit movement.

EDITOR’S NOTE:  According to Benjamin Fulford, Soros was assassinated several months ago.  It that is true then Soros’ appearances are video manipulations and his vacated fortune is either being handled by a relative, a subordinate, or some deep state cabal.
In the USA mortgage rates have hit a high mark.  Mortgage rates increase when the Fed raises the interest rates.  When rates are raised again in September, again probably in December, and throughout next year will cause the real estate market to completely implode. 

An analyst named Wolf Richter has been looking at the yield curve and he put together a report showing where the yield curve is now, where it’s headed, and why it’s so important.  Once the yield curve is inverted what follows is a recession.  If we go back in time to 2006-2007 there was an inverted yield curve; in 2001 there was an inverted yield curve.  Now, in 2018 we are so close to an inverted yield curve that it is nearly flat, thus the recession is coming and possibly very soon. 

When this happens, we know that we are headed towards a transitional period and we need to put this into its proper context.   Remember the economy is being boosted up and manipulated by Mr. Trump and his patriot team by all the identical tools the central bank and the deep state were using in the past.  Mr. Trump is currently doing this so that he will not be personally blamed for the entire system falling apart.  Fed chairman Powell and Trump I do believe are working together and they’re raising the rates to bring this entire system down.  When it happens, everything can be blamed on the central bank.  

Mr. Trump has been contradicting not just the World Trade Organization, but he has been reworking all the trade deals with many different countries; or getting rid of the global trade deals; or renegotiating global trade deals.  It must be understood that the WTO is the world central bank or the globalist system to keep everything centralized.
Eventually either the WTO must disappear and everything has to be reorganized so that everything works with the new system.

Not only is the United States calling out the WTO, but it also seems that Russia, China, Brazil, India, South Africa, and the rest of the BRIC nations have a common position on the world trade organization.  They want amendments; changes in the WTO; and several countries criticized the ineffectiveness of WTO system.

EDITOR’S NOTE:  BRIC is a grouping acronym that refers to the countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China, which are all deemed to be at a similar stage of newly advanced economic development.

In August Mr. Trump suggested that the US might leave the WTO if there were no changes.  He then said the WTO has been treating the United States very badly for years, and the BRIC nations are saying the same exact thing.  They’re all on the same page.  Trump, Xi Xi  Ping, and  Putin are all working together to bring down the central bank apparatus.  Every single indicator that has been looked at is pointing in that direction.

Powell is again raising the Fed interest rates.  In turn, Mr. Trump came out and criticized Powell as an “easy money Fed chairman” and that he didn’t realize Powell was going to be an interest rate fed chairman.  However, this is exactly what Mr. Trump wanted.  He is using reverse psychology on the deep Street and the deep state MSM to make them think that he’s not with Powell although the opposite is actually happening.

It appears that other countries are backing up the WTO claims of Trump by saying they need to redo the WTO because when the system is reset the new system does not work with the central bank globalist system.  We are now seeing bilateral trade agreements and globalist trade deals being dismantled.  Nations are calling out the WTO and getting everything ready to break away from the central banking establishment.  Everything is now being decentralized.  

Russia is once again saying that every single country should use their own national currency and separate themselves from the central banking currency which is centralized among many nations.  European leaders are also looking at the central bank system thinking that perhaps they should separate themselves and go back to national currencies which would include: Greece and Spain.

Everything is changing and power is being brought back to the people.  The days of the central bank, the deep state, and the globalist’ are over.  As more and more people begin to wake up with countries taking control of their system and removing those leaders who are in line with the central bank, it won’t be long before all this is history. 

It will be somewhat difficult to go through this change particularly at the beginning.  The central bank system have convinced or brainwashed most people into thinking that debt is good and is the way the economy is supposed to work.  They say just trust us because we are working in the best interest of the people.  However, the truth is completely opposite so get prepared to go through some bumpy times. The final result will be much better.

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