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Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Secret Babylon


Facts, Data, and Information have been borrowed from several papers written by Dr. Stephen Jones of “The New Kingdom Order” website.

Mystery, Babylon, as described in the Revelation, has received much interest in the past several years.  R.A. Coombes spent the majority of his life reviewing every instance of the word Babylon contained in the scriptures and came to the conclusion the USA, particularly New York City, is definitely Mystery, Babylon, in his opinion.  Although his investigative work has mostly died out, there have been a few commentators defending his position and incorporating the idea in their books.

Mr. Coombes predicted the complete destruction of the USA due to the prophetic destruction of Mystery, Babylon as described in the Revelation and elsewhere in scripture.  It is unlikely America will be physically annihilated due to the knowledge that North America is home to many of the ten tribes of Israel who migrated here from Europe.  Just as the wet clay pot pictured in Jeremiah 18 is remolded, the Lord will rework the clay of Israel into another kind of pot as He sees fit.

Jeremiah 18:4-6 NET  Now and then there would be something wrong with the pot he was molding from the clay with his hands. So he would rework the clay into another kind of pot as he saw fit.  (5)  Then the LORD said to me,  (6)  "I, the LORD, say: 'O nation of Israel, can I not deal with you as this potter deals with the clay? In my hands, you, O nation of Israel, are just like the clay in this potter's hand.'

Jeremiah 18 is referring to the northern nation of Israel who were conquered by Assyria ending in 621 BC and then deported to an area between the Caspian and Black Seas.  The prophecy concerning the southern nation of Judah is found in Jeremiah 19. (For more information go to:  Jerusalem Destruction )

Mr. Coombes should have enlarged his scripture knowledge to avoid directing his life work into a dead end.  The real Mystery, Babylon is similar to the ancient one from which it gets its name.  Babylon conquered as much area as possible; issued its own monetary system; directed all imports and exports; and supplied all the government and military for its occupied areas.

Others are expecting a new "Babylon" to rise up in the future.  The fact is, Babylon has already arisen and has now run its course. We are not looking for a future Babylon at all, but are now seeing the beginning of the FALL of Babylon.  The Mystery, Babylon captivity of the world (and Christians) was a secret, that is, a "mystery." God made it a secret so that we would submit to its wooden yoke without a revolution, unlike the Jews of the “Gospel” era.  That way, we would not fall into the patriotic vehemence that caused the people of Judah to reject the word of the Lord in the days of Jeremiah against the upcoming Babylonian invasion (i.e. the real ancient Babylon).

In our Babylonian captivity, God was merciful enough to blind us so that we would not realize that we were even in a captivity. No uniformed troops were needed. And, of course, the prosperity of Babylon itself helped to hide the fact that our nation had been conquered by the Zionists (also called the Khazarian Mafia).

The prosperity was brought about by the signing of the Federal Reserve Act.  That allowed the creation of money that was loaned into circulation at interest. This meant that a greater amount of money than was created would have to be returned to the money-creators of the Federal Reserve at some point.  If the government borrowed a billion dollars from the Fed, it would have to return more than that eventually.  An ever-increasing amount of money would have to be borrowed to cover the interest payments until finally it would implode, which has now been predicted for several years.

Daniel 9 contains a prophesy consisting of a seventy week period, which is 70 rest-year cycles, or 490 years total.   This prophecy would point to the Messiah and establish the timing of Christ's baptism and His death on the cross in 33 AD which occurred precisely 490 years after the Edict of Artaxerxes in 458 B.C.

When Daniel's prophecy was completed, the Apostle John was given the next set of revelation that would cover the next 2,000 years during the Age of Pentecost leading to the fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles.  John's revelation was a historical prophetic history of the Roman world which included most of Europe and some of the Middle East.  It is primarily about the Church and the Roman Empire which basically hosted the Church. The dispensational futurist version of the Revelation has caused most people to miss the fulfillment of the progressive historical events.  As an end note, the majority of the Revelation has been historically fulfilled and we are not waiting for the culmination of the world-wide Mystery, Babylon.

Revelation 16-18 states that at the fall of Babylon, there will be a tremendous earthquake.  One that will be unequaled in the history of mankind.  Jesus said in Matthew 14, “there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  There have certainly been earthquakes, but could He have been symbolically referring to a “famine of the Word of God,” and “earth shaking events” both politically and economically?  That would certainly qualify as a legitimate answer. 

Revelation 16:18 NET  Then there were flashes of lightning, roaring, and crashes of thunder, and there was a tremendous earthquake — an earthquake unequaled since humanity has been on the earth, so tremendous was that earthquake.

The earthquakes listed in the Revelation are definitely political, economic, and religious.  The world-wide earthquakes referenced in 16-18 is one that will change the world and not annihilate it.  It is the earth encompassing Babylonian system that will be shaken so thoroughly and violently that nothing will remain except the Kingdom of God.

Hebrews 12:26-28 NET  Then his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, "I will once more shake not only the earth but heaven too."  (27)  Now this phrase "once more" indicates the removal of what is shaken, that is, of created things, so that what is unshaken may remain.  (28)  So since we are receiving an unshakable kingdom, let us give thanks, and through this let us offer worship pleasing to God in devotion and awe.

Haggai 2:21-22 NET  …. 'I am ready to shake the sky and the earth.  (22)  I will overthrow royal thrones and shatter the might of earthly kingdoms …..

The “great city” to be split into three parts is not New York City or any other city, rather it represents the world-wide Babylonian system.  It may be that God is unleashing a “divide and conquer” strategy.  Since Mystery, Babylon has ruled over all nations, either directly or indirectly, certain nations including Russia and China have revolted and cast out the dominion of Babylon.  These two nations (Russia, China, and their allies) are the new “kings from the east”. 

Revelation 16:19 NET  The great city was split into three parts and the cities of the nations collapsed. So Babylon the great was remembered before God, and was given the cup filled with the wine made of God's furious wrath.

The following information has recently been stated in a previous post, however, in my opinion it cannot be repeated often enough.

Everyone needs to understand this working of God, rather than fight the very powers that God has raised to set us free.  The USG and the European NATO countries are continuously lying about the activities of Russia and Putin.  Don’t be a part of the problem.

Revelation 16:12 NET  Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and dried up its water to prepare the way for the kings from the east.

The Shanghai Gold Exchange went online on September 18, 2014.  On October 24, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was launched by China.

China has also established an international payment system called CIPS, “China International Payment System,” which is an alternative to the SWIFT system that is controlled by the top Babylonian bankers in the West. The SWIFT system channels all international payments through the Federal Reserve, which gives it enormous power and allows it to lay economic sanctions on any nation it pleases. But with the CIPS in place, there is now an alternative payment system. The CIPS system thus removes an enormous weapon from the hands of Babylon.

One of the most important shifts occurred on March 12, 2015, when the UK announced its decision to join the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), after President Obama had urged them to boycott it. Other nations followed the UK’s lead within weeks, and when the AIIB officially opened on December 26, 2015, its founding membership was up to 30 nations. (The bank was fully operational on January 16, 2016.) By the time of its launch, its membership had increased to 57 members, representing 62% of the world’s economy, with another 27 expecting to ratify their membership by the end of 2016, when the AIIB member nations will represent 70% of the world’s economy. The UK’s decision to join the AIIB was a startling rupture in the cohesiveness of Babylonian policy. The UK essentially switched sides and joined with the kings from the east. They did so again on June 23, 2016 when the UK decided to leave Europe. This was the so-called “Brexit.” All that remains (as of this writing) is for them to join the BRICS alliance for this to be complete. Babylon is falling apart.  (For more information see:  Captivity of America )

Daniel 2:35 says that when the stone hits the image on its feet (at the end of the age), the stone will begin to grow until it fills the whole earth. Obviously, the “Stone” Kingdom will take over the assets of Babylon, though not immediately. Time must be allowed for the kings from the east to do their work and also to be converted and incorporated into the Kingdom of God.  Scripture gives us no clear indication as to how long this will take.

Daniel 2:34-35 NET  You were watching as a stone was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its iron and clay feet, breaking them in pieces.  (35)  Then the iron, clay, bronze, silver, and gold were broken in pieces without distinction and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors that the wind carries away. Not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that struck the statue became a large mountain that filled the entire earth.

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