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Monday, September 17, 2018

The Deep State - History & Plan of Action



The underlying long range plan of the Deep State was to turn the US nation into a poverty stricken, multi-cultural third world country with little to no local industry and a limited food supply.

The plan included moving all industry to mostly China along with India, Mexico, and other places that could supply cheap labor with no labor unions.  Mr. Trump has now supposedly arrived at some agreement with Mexico concerning trade and manufactoring.  China is currently being barraged with tariffs and also some European companies that have been supplying cheap autos and steel to the USA which at one time excelled in both products.

This deep state plan has been outlined by Q which can be read at the following post:  The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America https://freedomfromdelusion.blogspot.com/2018/09/q-via-prayingmedic-16-year-plan-to.html  or Q via PrayingMedic: the 16 year Plan

Information from The 16 Year Plan
This sixteen year plan included the eight years of the Obama presidency which was to be followed by eight years of the Hillary Clinton presidency which never happened.  Why is the Democrats, Rhinos, and the MSM doing everything sane and insane to get rid of President Trump?  The answer, as Q points out, is “they never thought she would lose”.  Now they are extremely concerned their crimes against the citizens of the United States will be exposed; they will be prosecuted; and possibly incarcerated or executed.

Q states the 16 year plan to destroy the USA was originally predicated on an 8 year Obama term plus and 8 year Hillary Clinton term.  Half of the plan was completed but the 2nd stage of placing Hillary as the primary destruction force failed to materialize.  Thankfully, the majority of American people (that is electoral votes) did not want HC as president, thus Donald Trump was elected placing the deep state, the Democrats and Rhinos (deep state cronies), and the MSM (deep state idiots) into a complete frenzied meltdown, who attempted to console themselves by whining and crying.

There are certain events that were initiated by past Presidents prior to this planned 16 years.  As examples:  the 9/11 bombing of the world trade towers; the invasion of Iraq, then Afghanistan, followed by Libya, then Syria.

Some details of the plan, supplied by Q, assigned to Obama during his 8 years include:  install rogue operations; leak classified intelligence and military asset information; take the military command away from Generals; take out and take down conservative constitutional military and government employees; weaken the conservative base through the IRS and the MSM; completely open the borders; and take a blind eye approach to North Korea and Iran.

The CIA was empowered to become even more rogue than before.  The CIA, according to Benjamin Fulford, was the rogue controllers of North Korea, although Mr. Trump appears to have brought that to an end.  Certain FBI agents were enlisted to use a fraudulent dossier linked to Mr. Trump to obtain FISA warrants to spy on some of Mr. Trump’s campaign associates.

Not only did the Obama administration lend a blind eye to Iran, but Obama and Kerry signed a nuclear deal with Iran and Obama, without permission from Congress, sent plane loads of cash equaling multi-millions to Iran.  The reason for these Iran actions are not expressly known but it appears the deep state desired that Iran build nuclear weapons with the appropriate missiles to launch them.  This concept will be explored later when the Hillary/Obama/Mueller “uranium one” deal was achieved

Before Obama and also during his tenure, there were various laws that were designed and written to hinder or halt the influx of illegal immigrants from the Southern border, but they were mostly ignored by Obama, and many border agents were told to stand down or use a “catch and release” policy. 

The open border immigrant plan was to inundate the country with Mexican and Latin American immigrants to provide cheap labor for whatever businesses were allowed to remain and to destroy the working middle class particularly the Caucasian sector.  To assist in the exhaustion and dilution of the Caucasian population such concepts as: white privilege as a negative influence; a many institutions are too white attack; the resurrection of pre-Civil War slave trade and related policies, were reinforced and expounded by several groups to inflict a sense of guilt upon Caucasians - who never owned a slave and that includes their past generations.

From The Gateway Pundit

Democrats cheered the elimination of white men from their field of candidates in this year’s election.  They just didn’t fit their quota system.
Today’s Democrat Party is obsessed with color.  White guys have too much privilege anyway.

To sum up:  the open borders immigration plan along with the relocation of most industry to China and other places, as said before, was to reduce the USA to the status of a third world country.  The international globalist’s desire was to have the cheap labor of Chinese workers take care of all industrial projects and thus render the remainder of the world to eventually become a brown-skinned worker class with little to no education living in huts and tents with no middle class at all.  The upper class would be the elite rulers living in their exclusive walled neighborhoods with armed guards.

Additional Clinton imperatives of the plan include:  a removal of the 2nd amendment; a confiscation of all firearms; elimination of the electoral college; installation of Soros manufactured voting machines designed to be manipulated; a removal of military funding; closure of all overseas military installations; closure of all news outlets not with the elitist program. However, “they never thought she would lose”.

Georgia Guidestones
The first two tenants of the Georgia Guidestones basically provide a summation of the plans of the deep state as well as the globalists (i.e. the top tier of the deep state are globalists, and the rest are idiots believing they will receive some type of reward)

The first tenant reads as:  Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature (i.e. this number is worldwide).  One of the listed Hillary goals was to entirely “Kill the Economy” resulting in mass starvation and enslavement.  Another formidable goal of Hillary was to somehow begin a nuclear WWIII.  The end result of this HC goal would be an extreme reduction of the US population.  It is said the rich and powerful have underground bunkers for this purpose.  Supposedly the largest one in under the Denver airport.  These bunkers were being built several years ago in preparation for the expected nuclear war.

The second Guidestone tenant reads:  Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.  Guiding reproduction would include abortion and this may explain the Democrat senate members fight against Kavanagh believing he will undo Roe vs Wade.  Improving fitness may mean the execution of all old, obese, retarded, and physically disabled individuals.  Improving diversity speaks for itself with the open borders policy and the migration of Muslims to the USA of Obama.

Uranium One
The below Uranium One information was copied and pasted from The 16 Year Plan to Destroy America article listed above in the third paragraph.

Q points out that the Iran nuclear deal was only a cover story for a behind the scenes plan that is more deadly.  The Uranium One deal, facilitated by Hillary and Obama, had several background objectives.  It has been reported that all the uranium went to Russia, but it didn’t and for a period of time Russia was unaware they did not receive all of the product (although they may know now).  Some of the uranium was sneaked into Syria, Iran, and North Korea.  The motives for Iran and North Korea may be to increase the level of nuclear weapons for the envisioned nuclear WWIII.  The motives for Syria is even more sinister.

It was important that Uranium to Syria, Iran and Russian all came from the same traceable batch having the same isotope that is traceable.  The deep state desperately needed/wanted to start a war with Russia (and they continue trying).  Syria is/was believed to have a secret nuclear weapons facility operated by Iran (photos were shown).  Mr. Trump may have destroyed this facility in the missile attack which was considered a reaction to the false flag chemical weapons use.

It was envisioned by the deep state to send inspectors into this Syrian/Iranian facility and determine that Syria had Uranium from the some batch as sold to Russia.  Russia is not legally able to sell uranium to Iran or Syria according to a treaty.  This is the reason it was necessary for Syria’s uranium to be from the same stock as that sold to Russia.  It would supply a motive for a war with Russia.

How did Syria get the Uranium?  It is believed that it was either delivered personally by John McCain or he oversaw the deliverance operations during his secret trip to Syria. However, his secret trip was revealed by a photograph which most likely was done by a Blackwater operative revealing his location along with several terrorist leaders at his side.

The Need for WWIII
Refer to Q and the X-22 Report for more information.

It was stated by the X-22 report that the Federal Reserve system of creating money; loaning it to the USG at interest only a definite life span that has to be reset at some point in time.  That reset time is “now”.  It is said that the Federal Reserve system will soon implode and the economy of the nation will be brought to new lows.  

Mr. Trump cannot keep the USA and most of the world’s economy from being destroyed unless he agreed to play the deep state game and that is apparently not his intention.  He has taken out the deep state CIA control of North Korea; the nuclear agreement between Obama/Kerry and Iran has been rescinded; the NATO financing by the USA is being curtailed and will soon come to an end.  The only loose end is the current state of Israel under the leadership of Netanyahu who/which may decide to launch a nuclear missile somewhere such as Iran.  It they do then someone will destroy them because it is prophesied that the current Jerusalem will be destroy (see Isaiah 29).  There is much further information within chapter 29 but 29:6 is listed below because it appears to imply a nuclear explosion:  thunder; earthquake; loud noise; strong gale; a windstorm; and a consuming fire.

Isaiah 29:6 NET Judgment will come from the LORD who commands armies, accompanied by thunder, earthquake, and a loud noise, by a strong gale, a windstorm, and a consuming flame of fire.

The reset mechanism is generally a major world war where all money and resources are said to be used to finance that reset war (consider WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq).  This war would definitely have occurred if Hillary C. had been elected president and the usurious Federal Reserve, it is remained in existence, would be reset.  In this situation the Rothschild’s banking system would most likely still be intact.

Since there has not been a reset war, the Federal Reserve System is said to soon fail and create an economic disaster.  Allowing it to happen sooner rather than later, with the Federal Reserve continuously raising interest rates and extorting the USA, Mr. Trump can safely blame the Federal Reserve for the coming devastation.  Benjamin Fulford claims that a new world reserve currency is being developed – possibly by Trump, Putin, and Xi but definitely by China and Russia.  The details are currently not known but it appears to be necessary to stabilize all world nations.

Synopsis of Deep State & Elitist One-World Information
The definition of the One-World Elite has changed and shifted over the past several years, mainly because the faction consists of various groups apparently working toward the same goal.  They may or may not be in some league or partnership with each other.

At first, it was suspected that the Jewish banking system, particularly the Rothschild group who financed and supports the current nation of Israel were the primary culprits.  This Jewish banking group also includes the Edomite and Khazarian Jews occupying and controlling Israel.  It has been noted their primary goal is the Greater Israel project which would expand their national territory to that equaling the empire of King Solomon.  For some unknown reason, the USA government has been infected with the Christian Zionist concept that current Israel is the fulfillment of all Biblical prophecies dealing with the 10 northern tribes called Israel as well as the two southern tribes called Judah.

Other groups under suspect were the Black Nobility denizens of Europe according to Benjamin Fulford.

However, the US Deep State along with Great Britain, France, and Germany are historically considered the ancestors of the so-called lost ten tribes of northern Israel that were deported by Assyria to an area between the Caspian and Black Seas where they eventually migrated into Western and Northern Europe and became known as Caucasians.  The Russ group migrated from northern Europe and became the Russians who are also descendants of the deported original Israelites.  Jesus sent his apostles to the lost sheep of Israel and the Church of Jesus was formed and expanded among the European descendants of the original Israel.  This would include Russia which has the strongest Christian church in the European – Asian area.

It would therefore appear that descendants of the original 10 tribes of ancient Israel are now a large part of the scheme to create a one-world dictatorship.  They may be in league with the so-called Jewish international bankers since part of the 16 year plan was for Hillary to begin a nuclear war to reset the Federal Reserve along with the International banking system.

It is suspected that the complete and final answer will not be known until the return of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the elect.

The Swamp get Wealthy
Material below was taken from the post – Why the Hatred for Donald Trump?

Congressional politicians, especially Senators, will be elected and go to Washington with perhaps a relatively high bank account but they will soon be multi-millionaires.  The millionaires will soon become billionaires.  Under the table deals, lobbyist’s payoffs, stock market insider tips and scams, with other types of graft grow their net worth exponentially.  Most citizens are aware of these shenanigans but it has happened so long and so often that the thought attitude has become, “well, that is just the way it is”.

1 Timothy 6:10 NET For the love of money is the root of all evils. Some people in reaching for it have strayed from the faith and stabbed themselves with many pains.

The corporations give them kickbacks if they will advocate for no borders and a steady stream of cheap labor immigrants, illegal or otherwise.  Thus the Democrats desire a constant stream of illegal immigrants because they think they will always vote Democrat, which is probably true if they get a government check.  The Democratic welfare scheme, enacted under Lyndon Johnson, is bankrupting the working class of American citizens.

Many of them operate clandestine self-enrichment schemes and/or are highly paid law-making lobbyists for various corporations and institutions.

Q has been referring to H. Clinton as Alice and Saudi Arabia as (Bloody) Wonderland. A few months ago, Jared Kushner made a trip to Saudi Arabia and had a personal visit with bin Salman. Not long afterwards Salman arrested several of the princes imprisoned them; tortured some; killed others; and confiscated their wealth. When that was done, it immediately stopped the contributions to the Clinton Foundation, the McCain Institute, and others operated by Pelosi, Schumer, and Waters, just to mention the most well known.

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