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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Understanding Today's Conflict and Its Outcome


By Dr. Stephen Jones

Blog Post Date: 8-16-2020

Last night a tornado warning was issued to everyone in our area, telling everyone to panic and run to the basement. We asked Jesus about it, and He did not seem to be worried about it, so life went on as usual in our house. The “hook” in the clouds passed a few miles south of our home and about a half mile from my office, but no actual tornado was reported.

We have dealt with countless tornados since 1984 and they have always obeyed our commands to turn aside. I could write a small book on tornados and the believers’ authority over them, but there is no point of writing such a book, since most of you already know this as well.

China News
One of the most important news items to be following today is the situation in China, because this is emerging as the central feature of the conflict going on in the world today. The best source of news that I have found is the Epoch Times. Here is one of the latest videos:

Recall that in the early 1970’s, the power brokers of Babylon decided to make China the world power in the 21st century. So they opened up China to world trade in order to fund the country, and soon many big corporations were setting up their operations in China in preparation for the great power shift from West to East.

I first noticed this after our Jubilee Prayer Campaign (1993), when we knew to watch November 29, 1994 as a key prophetic date. That was when the GATT treaty was passed by the House, which fulfilled the pattern of Daniel 4. I wrote about that in The Wars of the Lord.

Well, the underground organization known as “America First” objected to this transfer of power, not wanting Communism to dominate the world in the next century. America First, also known as “Q,” had been founded by President John F. Kennedy shortly before his assassination in 1963. That is why his burial place is in the shape of a Q.

Kennedy wanted to dismantle the CIA, but the CIA got to him first and essentially took control of the US government at that time. Any time a member of “Q” surfaced and became a threat to the CIA, he was killed. So Q went underground and only resurfaced when their candidate Trump became president. Trump was best friends with JFK, Jr. who was reportedly killed in a plane crash in 1998.

The point is that the Trump administration, with its motto, Make America Great Again, directly opposes the Deep State’s plan to make China great and to establish Chinese Communism as the dominant form of world oppression in the 21st century. Fortunately, God has other plans for the world. The beast systems have run their course, and the time has come for deliverance. For this reason, I am confident that this present conflict will end well for us, even though we are going through an increasingly dangerous time.

The threat is real, but God’s plan is more real.

American History and Slavery
One thing that the Trump administration has done is to force many hidden objectives to the surface where they can be seen clearly. Both Democrats and Republicans have thus been exposed as agents of the Deep State. Years ago I wrote that these were simply the Whore Party and the War Party. When we got tired of one, the other party would take power and move us accordingly. We had our choice of the worst of both worlds every election cycle.

The election of Trump was different, because the Republican Party did not support Trump, even though he ran on that ticket. Instead, Trump changed the Republican Party, and in the 2018 election many Republicans who were secretly working for the Deep State were purged. Trump essentially took control over the Republican Party, whereas in the past the presidents were always controlled by the Party, which in turn was an arm of the Deep State.

This has dramatically polarized the parties and the country in general, because now the parties are increasingly different. The Democratic Party is being exposed as the secret Communist Party of America. The Republican Party, which has served as the Nazi Party of America, is now being changed fundamentally and is advocating a return to the original Constitution on which our nation was founded.

In 2020 the conflict is now evolving into a conflict between those who advocate a return to the Constitutional Republic of 1789 and those who say that the Constitutional Republic is inherently flawed, racist, and oppressive, and that it must be replaced. In other words, the conflict is whether this nation should be reformed or replaced.

There is no doubt that the USA was flawed from the beginning, especially insofar as it allowed slavery. At the time, the northern states did not want slavery, but for the sake of unity with the south, they conceded with the understanding that this issue would be revisited at a later time. Slavery, after all, was increasingly becoming unprofitable.

However, the invention of the cotton gin in 1793 suddenly made slavery profitable again, and this gave slave owners a strong incentive to continue the practice.

Yet overall, the Constitution represented a huge change from oppressive government theories to a form of government that drew its main principles from Scripture. The principle that “all men are created equal” was not negated, even though the slavery-minded politicians from the south defined “men” as white men.

The Catholic Church and the European monarchs had been steeped in the principles of slavery for centuries when the Protestants finally came along to oppose this entrenched practice. It was Protestantism that began to change the world in this regard. Without the Protestants, slavery would have gone unchallenged.

Wherever Catholicism reigned supreme, slavery was strong. And wherever the Church of England was strong, slavery was also strong, because the Church of England was essentially just another Catholic system ruled by an alternate pope (the English monarch). The doctrines were largely the same. Whereas Maryland was mostly Catholic, the Church of England influenced the southern states. It was only in New England, which was founded by Puritans and Quakers, where slavery was most repugnant.

This fundamental difference of opinion came to a head in the 1860’s after the election of Abraham Lincoln, the first president of the newly formed Republican Party, which was formed in 1854 in Wisconsin as an anti-slavery party. The Democratic Party which dominated the southern states, believed that their slave-state way of life was threatened by the anti-slavery platform of this new political party. That was the cause of their secession.

When Lincoln was elected, the southern states began to secede from the Union even before he came into office. By the time Lincoln was sworn in as president, the nation was already divided, and the south had already elected its own president. The main emotional issue driving this was that of slavery. Nothing else could have divided the country so thoroughly.

So it is ironic that today some are attempting to rewrite history by claiming that the Republicans are racist, while the Democrats are the party of freedom. The opposite is true, although both parties eventually came under the control of the Babylonian Deep State until the recent Trump revolution. Now we see a new situation.

The issue emerging today is whether we should go back to the Constitution with the original Jeffersonian interpretation of “all men are created equal” or whether we should scrap the country and replace it with a Marxist-Socialist model (i.e., Communism). The Marxist “Critical Race Theory” is now coming to the surface in 2020, advocated mostly by the Democratic Party.

Critical Race Theory
What is this theory?

Critical race theory is rooted in cultural Marxism; its purpose to divide the world into white oppressors and non-white victims. It uses personal narratives of marginalized minority “victim” groups (black, Hispanic, female, and homosexuals) as irrefutable evidence of the dishonesty of their mostly white heterosexual oppressors.

When it comes to race, there is no way out. Critical race theory assumes that racism is permanent and affects every aspect of our society to include political, economic, social and religious institutions.

Being born with white skin is valuable property, and any notion of societal attainment of colorblindness, where race or ethnicity does not hinder opportunities is impossible. Neutrality in law and decision making is a pipe dream that can never be achieved. Therefore, the oppressive system must be dismantled and destroyed.

This flawed theory of the world suggests that race and ethnicity will always taint and pollute every decision, the result being that racial minorities will consistently lose out to whites because of structural racism.

Glenn Beck discusses Critical Race theory further here:

What we are seeing in the Black Lives Movement is the real intent of the billionaire power brokers of Babylon, who are trying to mobilize the people to replace the Republic of 1789 with a new Marxist government based on the China model.

They use disinformation to transform the Democratic Party from its traditional form of slavery into its new form of Communism, where everyone is an equal slave except for those who actually rule the world from behind the scenes. Their only real agenda is to make sure they do not lose power so that they can retain their own position of secret privilege, much like the rulers of Soviet Russia in the last century and the present rulers of China today.

That is the nature of the present conflict, regardless of how the media packages it. At the present time, the conflict is between the American Constitution and the Communist Manifesto. One side sees how Babylonian banks foreclosed on the United States government in 1933 and began to replace our Republican form of government with a Democracy. Those who see it in this light want to restore the Republic with a few corrections. The other side hates any form of Christian government and wants to replace it with atheistic Communism.

The Biblical Solution
From a biblical standpoint, it is the final conflict between Babylonian Totalitarianism and the Kingdom of God that is coming. In the end, we will not simply return to the American Republic but will move forward into the “Stone” Kingdom described in Daniel 2:35. While the American Republic was the best the world has ever seen (since the days of Moses and/or David), it was indeed flawed and compromised.

Our founders did a remarkable job, but after 200 years of history, our weakness was in the fact that the people themselves were flawed. This was also the weakness in the days of ancient Israel. Even though God gave them a perfect law, the administrators of that law were imperfect. Hence, it was sure to fail. Biblical history shows that failure in every captivity recorded in the book of Judges. The prophets too wrote about the national failure.

By understanding Israel’s history, we can see where America too has failed. What the prophets told Israel and Judah is what the prophets today should be telling the American people. We must return to the righteous King and His righteous laws. We must understand His laws, especially the laws of impartiality, where there is one law for all men equally (Numbers 15:16). Judges and all leaders should know how to implement the laws of equal weights and measures (Leviticus 19:34, 35). It is what we are now learning and putting into practice as aspiring overcomers.

Thank God that this day is coming. We do not like the conflict and turmoil that accompanies such transitions, but by knowing the Scriptures, we know the outcome, and this gives us hope.

1 comment:

  1. May I request you read To The Victor Go the Myth and the Monuments the 100 year war against God. Your article will be different in regards to Lincoln, the North and more generous to the people of the South:

    As for a Marxist Revolution we already have the Communist Manifesto. They are just trying to make it official. I agree they will not succeed.
