
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Leftist Libtard News: Part 3


Anti-Trump Violence Heats up

*** A man identified only as “Carmona” in court records allegedly was trying to get at the president.  He illegally parked his BMW near the White House, moved a security barrier set up for an anti-administration immigration rally and assaulted Secret Service officers trying to stop him, according to NBC News.

“While being placed under arrest, Carmona asked ‘Where is the president?’ He also stated to officers ‘Just end it, just kill me,'” court records say.

*** A woman confronted Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt while he was eating lunch Monday, telling him to resign, the Hill reported.
Kristin Mink then boasted about her confrontation on Facebook, stating: “EPA head Scott Pruitt was 3 tables away as I ate lunch with my child. I had to say something.”
She added, “We deserve to have somebody at the EPA who actually does protect our environment, someone who believes in climate change and takes it seriously for the benefit of all us, including our children.”

*** Also recently, protesters separately confronted senior adviser Stephen Miller and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Neilsen in restaurants.

*** CBS reports protesters in Philadelphia calling for the abolishment of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency turned violent.

*** In Nebraska, the Daily Caller said, vandals threw a brick through the window of the Nebraska Republican Party’s headquarters in Lincoln.  A spray-painted message beneath the broken window said “ABOLISH ICE.”

The report said, “Prominent Democrats across the country have been whipping up support for abolishing U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE), in an appeal to the party’s left-wing base.”

*** Documenting that many calls for “resistance” and “confrontation” actually spread violence, the Fort Worth Star Telegram reported a man was arrested after threatening journalists.

*** The paper reported Jason Eric Bewley, of Bryan, Texas, threatened to burn down the headquarters of a Texas television station, calling the general manager a “dead man walking.”

*** A gunman enter the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland, with a grudge against the newspaper and killed five staff members.

*** A Senate intern shouted a FU obscenity at President Trump. The senator who employed her did not fire her.

*** Also, recently, a New York Democratic congressman was accused of promoting violence against President Trump after suggesting during a town hall that citizens may have to take up arms against the president if he doesn’t follow the law.

*** Journalist Laura Loomer, who was questioning Congresswoman Maxine Waters about her call for harassment said, “Yesterday when I confronted her on Capitol Hill, she ASSAULTED me. She hit my hand, then she swatted me in the face twice w/her papers. I’m pressing charges.”

Rand Paul says man arrested for threatening to kill him

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul tweeted his thanks on Monday to the U.S. Capitol Police for arresting a man who allegedly threatened to kill the Republican lawmaker and chop up his family with an ax.

More From InfoWars
Paul Joseph Watson | - July 3, 2018

Luffman, a former Kentucky resident now living in Berkeley, made threats to “gut you like a hog” and leave “your kids bowels splayed out across floor blood spattered on the door as you lay dead” as well as threatening to “hack to pieces” the official and his daughters.

Luffman had previously used the hashtag #ObamaForLife and claimed that an official in Kentucky, likely Rand Paul, had been involved in a plot to assassinate Obama in Kentucky.

As Gateway Pundit reports, Luffman, “frequently livestreamed from UC Berkeley, which he claimed is a sovereign nation “independent & free from any and all over sight by any nation or people’s.”

Luffman is charged with a single count of retaliating against a federal official by way of threats and faces 10 years in prison.

DNC Chair Tom Perez Declares Socialist Ocasio-Cortez "The Future Of Our Party"
Zero Hedge - By Tyler Durden Tue, 07/03/2018

The already-fractured DNC is having an identity crisis. While establishment Democrats Nancy Pelosi (CA) and Chuck Schumer (NY) battle it out with Maxine Waters (CA) over anti-Trump activism, the party is now mounting support for their new rising star - Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, after the 28-year-old political neophyte unseated the 4th most powerful Democrat in Congress last month in an upset primary win.

And while "Democratic insurgents" (as the Washington Post calls them) want to abolish ICE, the rest of the Democratic party is not behind her. Not even Bernie Sanders would commit to the notion. 

And until Ocasio-Cortez clarifies her positions vs. the Democratic Socialists of America, this is the future of the Democratic party.

Walmart Stops Selling "Impeach 45" Apparel After Boycott Threat
Zero Hedge - By Tyler Durden Tue, 07/03/2018

Shortly after enraged Walmart shoppers threatened to boycott the retailer over the sale of "Impeach 45" apparel by third-party website, Old Glory, president Trump’s Campaign Manager, Brad Parscale, told supporters there is no need to boycott Walmart.

"No need to boycott. @Walmart has assured me that the merchandise will be down as soon as possible. It was not deliberate. Thank you @Walmart for doing the right thing!" Parscale tweeted.

And sure enough, around that time, the URL for the impeach website returned an empty page.  Walmart is facing backlash from conservatives after it was discovered Monday that the superstore is carrying "Impeach 45" merchandise on its website.

40 Schools In England Ban Girls From Wearing Skirts To Accommodate Transgender Students
Lothar Steiner / Global Look Press

Some 40 secondary schools in England have banned girls from wearing skirts, one month after a school in Oxfordshire recommended it's male students wear them to deal with soaring temperatures.

According to the Sunday Times, schools are opting for gender-neutral uniforms to encompass transgender students, with others consulting on a ban.

Michael Moore: ‘I’ll Join a Million Other People’ Surrounding Capitol to Delay Vote on SCOTUS Pick
By IanHanchett

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” Michael Moore stated that to stop President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee from being voted on before the 2018 election, he will “join a million other people surrounding the United States Capitol.”

Moore said, “The idea is…we first have to find ways to stop that vote from happening.”
Host Bill Maher then asked what Moore meant. Moore answered, “I’ll join a million other people surrounding the United States Capitol. I will stand there. … Bill, let me tell you something, this judge goes through, for the rest of at least — well, all of our lives, it’s a right-wing court. That’s it. It’s over.”

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