
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Future of America & Trump-Putin Report



Robert David Steele

An Introduction to Lyndon LaRouche’s Article

What is really happening here is the end of the Deep State rooted in the City of London and Wall Street, the Vatican, and the Chabad Zionist Zealots as well as the Satanic royal families.

Xi, Putin, and Trump are the “three amigos” with all the politico-military, socio-economic, ideo-cultural, and techno-demographic power needed to absolutely trash the 1%. 

Trump will do to the US 1% what Putin did the Russian 1% created by the Cold War managed by George Tenet, Buzzy Krongard, and John Brennan.  From where we sit Brennan in particular is a “dead man walking.”

There will be an economic reset between now and 7 November in the USA, including a bottom up trillion dollar spending program (new jobs and new construction), the nationalization or neutralization of the Federal Reserve, a gold-backed dollar (probably in October), and not yet decided, but we hope for it: a $3 trillion debt jubilee erasing all student debt, elderly health debt, and small business and family credit card debt. Combined with Trump’s getting $15 trillion or so back — possibly more — the game has changed decisively.

All that is missing is the Trump Long Game that elevates the 99%. The media is shit — including Fox News — there is not a responsible person among the lot who “gets” that the Russian hacking story is a complete fake and Trump is doing what no one since John F. Kennedy has done properly — dealing with his counterparts face to face. 

We believe Trump now understands that both the US intelligence community and the senior staffs of the Departments of State and Defense are largely worthless and have nothing original to contribute. 

We anticipate that he will meet face to face with both Assad and Rouhani.

Lyndon LaRouche:
Trump and Putin: The New Paradigm in Action, Sending Traitors into Hysterical Fits of Rage

The historic summit today between Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin has marked a dramatic phase-shift in history. It is the result of a long, difficult battle over the past fifty years, to create an alignment of interests among the great nations and cultures of history as the necessary and sufficient force required to end the tyranny of the British Empire once and for all. 

Cooperation among "Four Powers" -- Russia, China, India, and the United States (representing the distillation of the best of European culture) -- could replace the broken Western financial system centered in London and Wall Street with a new paradigm, based not on monetary power and colonial wars, but on a credit system to bring peace and prosperity through mutual development for all nations.

They both confronted the "foolishness" and "danger" of allowing the relations between the two leading nuclear powers to continue to deteriorate.
The Cold War is a thing of past. The era of acute ideological confrontation of the two countries is a thing of remote past.

Putin proposed setting up a panel of experts to work on solutions to the fundamental issues: one to get to the truth of the cyber warfare being used by the "Get Trump" task force under Robert Mueller to remove Trump from office and to provoke war with Russia.
The US and British media were their normal, hysterical frauds, but both Trump and Putin countered their lies forcefully.

Asked if Russia had any "compromising material on President Trump or his family", Putin laughed, explained that he didn't even know Trump had been in the country at the time of the Steele dossier lies, and concluded that "it's difficult to imagine an utter nonsense of a bigger scale than this."

When AP demanded that Trump denounce Putin for interfering in the US election, Trump shot back, asking why the FBI never took the supposedly hacked DNC server. "Why was the FBI told to leave the office of the Democratic National Committee? I've been wondering that. I've been asking that for months and months and I've been tweeting it out and calling it out on social media.  Where is the server?"

On Syria, Putin said that "the task of establishing peace and reconciliation in this country could be the first showcase example of this successful joint work."
The British assets in the United States are scared. They know they have been caught running a coup against the elected president of the United States on behalf of a foreign power, America's historic enemy, the British Empire. 

Obama's killer CIA chief John Brennan perhaps best demonstrated the hysteria among these traitors, tweeting: "Donald Trump's press conference performance in Helsinki rises to and exceeds the threshold of high crimes and misdemeanors. It was nothing short of treasonous.

Not only were Trump's comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin."
The traitor doth protest too much.

Hal Turner Radio Show

EDITOR’S NOTE:  So far, this is the only announcement of this story that I have found.  It may or may not be true.  If it is true and if it is acted upon, this could be the ending of Mystery Babylon in the USA and possibly Europe.  Again, if true, Russia, as a member of the New Kings of the East, will have performed a major defeat of the Babylonian hierarchy.

At the meeting in Helsinki, Finland, between Presidents Putin of Russia and Trump of the USA, the Russians gave to Trump at least 160 TERABYTES of Russian Intelligence Intercepts which expose horrifying activities of many, many, people to deliberately foment social, cultural, and political chaos, violent riots, demonstrations, media smears, phony scandals, and fake news. 

Some of those intercepts reveal who has been financing weapons, supplies, travel, hotel, vehicle rentals and secure communications gear for Terrorist groups, inside Syria, Iraq, and terror attacks in Europe and the US.   

Among the intercepted communications are mostly international phone calls, faxes, emails by members of the US Congress, US Senate, federal Judges, state-level elected officials from California, Oregon, Washington, New York (City & State), New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland and Virginia.  Once those communications left the United States, they became fair game for any country to spy on.

Numerous high-ranking officials and well known wealthy people have been caught red-handed scheming together and with foreign governments along with radical leftist billionaires both inside and outside the US, to foment -- and finance -- extraordinary acts of political, social, and cultural chaos including riots, violent attacks, political unrest and more.

A great number of these communications were encrypted, but Russia has found a way to BREAK much of the encryption! 

High level mass-media Producers, Editors, and some Writers in the US, UK, and elsewhere in Europe, have been paid-off with VAST sums of money to launch phony media smears. Push scandals. Create and report FAKE news stories.  All to sew dissent, foment unrest, cause political and social instability.  When this information is revealed. MAJOR (Like REALLY MAJOR) news outlets will be completely ruined.  Their company stock (or that of their parent company) will plummet to zero because their credibility - their believability - will be utterly destroyed.  Ad revenues will plummet because the public simply will not trust these outlets anymore.

A very significant number of US INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY persons are also, sadly, caught.  It is now clear there is a cadre of people inside the US Intelligence Community, who have been misusing their positions to do things they were never cleared to do; the kinds of things that get people Indicted, tried, convicted and . . . . executed under our federal legal system! 

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