
Monday, July 30, 2018

Fulford: Secret History of the Planet - 2000-2018



Mr. Fulford is taking a three week vacation away from the internet meaning this week’s post was pre-written and does not contain any current news or events.  However, it delivers valuable information concerning (as he states it (the secret battle for planet Earth for the past eighteen years.

Election of 2000:  a coup d’etat against the American democracy that started the Nazi Fourth Reich headed by George Bush Sr.

Faction 1 – the Nazi group; wanted to kill 90% of humanity to save the
Faction 2 – the Global Warming faction; claimed global warming could save the environment by imposing a carbon tax along with a world government

The Nazi group:  aka George Bush Sr.

  •  won by using fraud, murders, and death threats to terrorize the U.S. establishment into handing over power which was followed by very real attempts to murder 90% of humanity.
  • began spreading bioweapons:  SARS, weaponized bird flu, Ebola, etc.  Also created famine crises in 33 countries by paying farmers to grow biofuel instead of food.
  • Tried multiple times to start a nuclear war using Iran, Syria, north Korea, and others
  • Certain inside people learned about the Nazi plans by eavesdropping in a Bohemian Grove gathering.  SARS was a bioweapon designed to only target Asians
  • The Asians underworld cut off their drug trade to the Nazi group but the Nazis moved their operation to Afghanistan jduring 2001-2002

  • The Asians threatened to assassinate the top leadership of the Western secret government particularly members of: the Bilderbergers (European cabalists; the Council on Foreign Relations (American cabalists; and the Trilateral Commission (Japanese quislings and their masters(

EDITOR’S NOTE:  These people continue to initiate a nuclear war and various diseases still occur in various parts of the world.

The Asians founded a group of Western allies called the White Dragon Society which includes senior people in the: Pentagon; CIA; Russian FSB; British Royal Family; Freemasonry; Vatican P2 Lodge.

The election of Trump was the first time since the election of President Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s that the U.S. presidency fell out of the hands of the Clinton/Bush/Rockefeller crime family.

The result was that the genocidal faction within the U.S. military-industrial complex was replaced by the “America First” group.  This group is now battling full-out against the Global Warming faction.  That’s why Trump announced that the U.S. was leaving the Paris Accords.

Prior to the Trump election secret negotiations between the U.S. military and Russia were also taking place.  A secret deal was reached where the Russians were to be given vastly increased influence over Western Europe and the Middle East west of the Euphrates River.  The aim was to basically offer Europe to the Russians, in exchange for a military alliance between Russia and the U.S. to counter China.

However, the Russians are fully aware that they hold the casting vote, and they plan to use this to create a more equitable, multi-polar world system, according to Russian FSB sources.

This autumn there will be more negotiations involving Asian secret societies, the Russians, and the U.S. military-industrial complex.  The aim will be to force a final surrender of the Khazarian mafia.  There will also be negotiations for an alternative to the Paris Accords as a way of reorganizing the world financial decision-making authority to reflect present-day reality.

India needs to be included for the reorganization to succeed.  There are now secret negotiations taking place aimed at offering India a world role that more closely reflects its economic and demographic reality.  If these talks go well, the long-awaited announcement of a new world financial system may finally become possible.  We are reluctant to give specific dates, but if autumn negotiations go well, some sort of announcement is possible in 2019 or 2020.

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